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Talk to your kids about Pot

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DMT and psilocybine are not operating on the pineal gland.

I guess what I meant was not only on the pineal gland, but "on the pineal gland and surrounding areas".

The following is from: DMT, Spirit Molecule, by Rick Strassman, chapter 4 The Psychedelic Pineal, page 77:

Finally, psychedelic drugs may affect the pineal gland, and thereby use it and DMT formation as an intermediary in their action.
There are LSD receptors on the pineal gland, and mescaline raises serotonin levels in the pineal. Beta-carbolines accelerate melatonin formation, in addition to their previously described property of magnifying and prolonging DMT effects. And DMT is the most potent of several psychedelics that stimulate pineal melatonin production.
DMT promoting the formation of its own possible building blocks is similar to the kindling process, in which a tiny match can start a huge bonfire. ... Finally, there is a "flash point" for a full psychedelic burst of pineal DMT. The psychedelic "fire" burns itself out after it has run its course and exhausted the supply of raw materials.

[regarding the question as to why the pineal is located in the middle of the brain:] If the pineal gland were producing DMT...that would certainly warrant its strategic location. A DMT release directly onto the visual, auditory, and emotional centers the pineal nearly touches would profoundly affect our inner experience. We would see, hear, feel, and think things in a way unimaginable to consider for melatonin.
Pinealjerker a dit:
[regarding the question as to why the pineal is located in the middle of the brain:] If the pineal gland were producing DMT...that would certainly warrant its strategic location. A DMT release directly onto the visual, auditory, and emotional centers the pineal nearly touches would profoundly affect our inner experience. We would see, hear, feel, and think things in a way unimaginable to consider for melatonin.
Isn't it like this when we dream?
Pinealjerker a dit:
With cannabis culture I mean those who smoke to be high or stoned, but never to dive deep into the world of mind-bending hallucinations. [quote:18ysjnvd]

Ah, ok. :wink: Then agree with you on that on. Different motive.

[quote:18ysjnvd]Still, I don't think high dose cannabis hallucinations should be compared to the effects of LSD and DMT, unless cannabis really does operate in the pineal gland (I heard it operates in the frontal lobes of the brain, stimulating higher thought). I've seen many pretty/cosmic things when I was very high on cannabis, and magic does happen (synchronicity), but it doesn't really compare with the psilocybine or ayahuasca experience. But I may change my views on that.

True, I was merely refering to experiencing deep/changed thoughts and the increased sensitivity of our conscious. Even though it isn't coming close to shrooms in strongness and produces no hallucinations, but mystical and brief 'Wow' experiences are definitely obtainable with pot.
I, personally, cannot wait to talk to my future children about drug use and being responsible with it.
This interests me because I only really started experimenting with mj in this fashion recently (guess we are getting away from the subject of the thread here, oh well). In comparison to my limited experience with papers and zoomers, I definitely find sort of similar threshold effects from high doses of cannabis (ingested or smoked, ingested isnt as stylin' as smokin' but i think i prefer it!). Sort of like occasional distortions of time, exaggerated senses, mild synesthesia and... suggested visuals more than hallucinations (peripheral vision goes crazy). But not everyone I know gets that same effect (or perhaps knows how to look for it, or is looking for different things in such an exploration). Taking cannabis in such a way definitely has changed my outlook and usage of it. I'm not sure if it is a true "psychedelic" in the classic sense either but there are definite surface similarities and mind/sense-revealing qualities to it..
Some of the strongest hallucinations i have ever had came from eating a few gramms of hash oil .
What was the effect on the body like? I know people who have eaten a gram of fresh weed (and we get some pretty amazing weed here!) and they actually basically said they couldn't move for like an hour or two during the peak..
st.bot.32 a dit:
eaten a gram of fresh weed

Hmmm and that worked? I did that when I was a kid (ahem, well, I was 16, and if you're 16, you're a kid) and noticed nothing. And it wasn't one time, I did it a lot, sice I didn't know about the whole butter making thing. I just thought they'd throw in some weed with the flour and bake it.
Why would one bake otherwise with weed and make butter out of it? it doesn't do much unless it sticks to an oil like substance, which works as a medium. At least, that's what I know about it.
skrudge a dit:
Hmmm and that worked? I did that when I was a kid (ahem, well, I was 16, and if you're 16, you're a kid) and noticed nothing. And it wasn't one time, I did it a lot, sice I didn't know about the whole butter making thing. I just thought they'd throw in some weed with the flour and bake it.

Yeah if you do it wrong you won't feel a thing. As I understand it the theory goes the THC has to bond with fat molecules to be absorbed by your system. I'm assuming my friends fried it in oil.

Fry that gram in just a bit of olive oil for a few minutes, consume both and you will be on your ass 3 hours later. Actually if you ever decide to try it I would recommend start with WAY less than a gram. You are getting a waaaay higher percentage of the THC in the weed than you would be getting by smoking it.

I have never tried a gram, even 1/3 of a gram I found quite intense (it was fresh canadian sativa, quite potent so maybe that is why too).

But yeah, don't expect the same effects you'd get from smoking, it is different, kind of mushroomy (to a point) and yeah pretty intense. Not for everyone, especially if you like smoking weed just to reach a certain plateau of being pleasently stoned, and you certainly can't do it as often.

Actually it is my favorite way to experience mj at the present. I love the come up, and my lungs love me for not inhaling smoke (as much as I DO like the flavor of smoking). I also like sopping up all the olive oil and weed with a piece of bread, putting cheese on top and putting it in the oven, comes out like a grilled cheese, tasty! :D
The effects on my body were very sedating and i had strong hallucinations . For me it was just like watching a black screen where bubbles kept floating from the bottom to the top of my view . Each bubble contained a scene of what i was / had been doing over the whole day that i was high , but not in the order that they were realy happening . I went out with a friend to the pub and sat by a river drinking beer and smoking hash / hash oil .. I could hear everything that was going on around me clearly , even what people were saying and doing on the other side of the river . The only thing that i have had that was comparable was Ayahuasca where one time it was like going down a coridor with the white light at the end . All along the way were doors on the left and right and in each one was a seperate trip . I knew that if i looked into one doorway to long that i would have the trip that was in the room , but i tried not to concentrate on them and to reach the light at the end of the way .

" THC has to bond with fat molecules to be absorbed by your system."

No , it is just easyer to digest with a little fat and sugar . The less bulk of the things you mix it with the better . Eating grass wont make you high as it contains the THC in an acid form . It needs to be heated to decarboxylate it to make it oraly active .

"You are getting a waaaay higher percentage of the THC in the weed than you would be getting by smoking it. "

Yes but not so directly = eating it means that it is absorbed slower , lasts longer and is usualy more physical = you spend most of your time sitting or lying down . With your eyes closed it can be a real adventure but make sure you dont go to sleep and miss the fun .. By eating it you get all of the THC , by smoking it you loose a lot of it .
Thanks for the response, GOD.

The sort of visual distortions I experienced were much like smoking a few bong hits but much more exaggerated: a choppiness of time, and the sense of motion and dancing especially in my peripheral vision. Colors and hues seemed to change almost in waves. I was playing a piano, my sense of touch and sound was so enhanced that I could almost feel some of the notes bursting across my tongue. This was all fairly mild compared to what you are describing, though. I'm curious to explore those levels someday.
McBean a dit:
I am 19 now. I was addicted to weed for 2 years and i still am after 4 months of not smoking. I smoked up to 2 grams per day, and if i didnt i was depressed and felt like dieing. I dont know why people say its not addicting. I sold the stuff and 90% of the people i sold it to and 99% of the stuff i did sell went to people who were chronicly addicted, even tho not all say they are. but when they call me up at 3 in the morning wanting something and not letting up, no matter what i say, i say they are addicted too.

I would not want my children smoking. Maybe its the genetics, who knows, but they shouldnt have to go through the hell i did.
I wouldn't say it's addicting (I agree that there is some psychological dependence) but I've been smoking for 2 years, and I've yet to have a day without weed that resulted in depression or a desire to die. I do go without weed, and I, too, smoke up to 2g a day (in some cases, much more) and my only "problems" going without are irritability, and some insomnia. It might just be that people have different reactions to the drug. I can't say for sure.