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Talk to your kids about Pot

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hmm hate to steal the thread..

why is it that i had absolutely no hunger for 2 weeks, was agitatable and had zero motivation in my life when i quit? Some of these were physical withdrawl aswell, like a crappy body feeling sorta like when quitting smoking. I just think the addiction is underestimated and finetalked by people who love.. i mean really love... to smoke themselves.

Then again, some people just dont get addicted, and some do really badly...
Sry off topic but...

Their is no real physical addiction to cannabis its all mental. The more depressed i was the more id feel like crap and the only thing that would make me feel legit was getting high, and if i wasnt id get neaseous at the sight of food, id snap at my parents if they'd re-ask me a question and i didnt wanna do anything unless id get some pleasure or satisfaction out of it, i didnt even give a shit about high school. You should just spend some time exploring ur self to figure out why u need to get high so bad. I finally realized i had a huge lack of self confidence and i was just having a lot of internal conflict, and when id smoke cannabis I would get my confidence back and i wouldnt think about wat was always bothering me and id just put things off.
Since cannabis contains so many different kinds of chemicals (I mean chemicals in a positive sense here), there may be some that the body kind of starts depending on. Even if research has not targeted those chemicals yet, it's not a bad idea to assume that some of the cannaboids etc. may have mild physically addictive properties when used in excess for a long period of time.
Dude! stop stealing my responses :P
but i have question for McBean...did you smoke it pure?
I do take in the fact that their are dozens of different cannabinoids in marijuana but if mcBean had gone 4 months without smoking, his body would have been completely detoxified after a month and the only way he could still be "addicted" was if it was psychological.
Or the person/body really needs some of those cannaboids, like certain people with ADHD or other nervous disorders (epilepsy etc.). Much research must still be done in this regard. Maybe many of those who currently think they are addicted to weed and feel guilty and bad about that, are really just taking their medicine. Rather than chronic druggies they should consider themselves faithful followers of a very beneficial therapy. A very ancient form of therapy indeed.


I think the litmus test is not so much the amount or frequency one smokes, but to what extent one can still live a functional, inspired and inspiring life.

If one can avoid the use of Zoloft, Ritalin, Xanax by generous amounts of medical cannabis, I'd say go for it!
DUDE SERIOUSLY!! what have you been takin'? my thoughts are going from my mind to your keyboard!!! what's with this thing!!!
DUDE SERIOUSLY!! what have you been takin'? my thoughts are going from my mind to your keyboard!!! what's with this thing!!!

'Now dear, take you herb medicine please, I have other people to attend to'

sorry, couldn't resist :)
my thoughts are going from my mind to your keyboard!!! what's with this thing!!!
They are not your thoughts, or mine, they are signals broadcast from Alpha Centaurii. They upgraded my receiver a few weeks ago (no scars!). Maybe that's why I'm consistently receiving (and writing) these messages before you get them.
Pinealjerker a dit:
They are not your thoughts, or mine, they are signals broadcast from Alpha Centaurii. They upgraded my receiver a few weeks ago (no scars!). Maybe that's why I'm consistently receiving (and writing) these messages before you get them.

:shock: NO SCARS??? that's incredible! they finally figured it out. listen what is the receiver's serial number cause i believe it's interfering with mine...btw :wink: i knew that they were the signals from Alfa Centauri but i wanted to be sure i wasn't nuts...y'know what i mean?
but i wanted to be sure i wasn't nuts...y'know what i mean?
I know what you mean. There's a fine line between receiving messages from the Galactic Federation and being nuts.
In my opinion, the self discovery of the psychoactive tendencies of all matter surrounding us is the most pleasurable and ultimately satisfying aspect of using any substance, not only cannabis.
If your kids are dumb enough to believe any government/media spouted 'facts' about drug use then you have already gone wrong somewhere :lol:
Safe, informed and thus responsible use should be advocated to them in a learning environment; no doubt the child will end up asking you about it before you get a chance to throw a lecture their way, which will be ineffective at the least and will probably push the ever-present human tendency for ignorance rather than sway them to any particular pathway of thought.

As an individual who has experienced this same closed attitude from the child’s perspective with my own psychoactive growth throughout adolescence; I can proclaim quite easily that no matter what you say to your children about a tedious issue such as cannabis, or any drug use; they will most likely make their own decision ultimately. All the parent can do is both support the child, protect them from the fear and dissolution that coverts our darkening society and provide them with every possible facet of information available to them on that specific topic. That way their mind will develop in a way that is not only open but is stronger overall. Choice is the quintessential goal, but it seems more and more of this is being silently taken from us by our supposed governmental representatives. It needs to be preserved and nurtured in the next generation, thus improving their universal knowledge rather than breeding a successively more shut off race, that refuses to look beneath the surface...

On addiction:
The tendency for addiction is based on how cannabis fits into your life, both in routine and ritual; this means the individuals own attitude to weed and all psychoactives dominates the manner of, and ultimate ‘dependence’ on Ganja and the individuals outward demeanour as a user or abuser. Not only this but, family, friends and even international politics can influence not only the person but also the way in which they smoke their buds. I’m at the point currently where it fills a large void in my life that was previously occupied with school. Once I dropped out of uni, it has become a more predominant aspect of my life, but more so as a healing, meditative and constructive fashion rather than just constantly smoking to get that high back; which is what and all the abusive element of cannabis culture is seeking to achieve. When either I or my smoking partner are devoid of bud, we don’t go to almost psychotic lengths to acquire some, and will not buy any unless its at least half an ounce, otherwise the money you pay for a few grams is like slitting your wrists and watching them bleed for fun.
listen what is the receiver's serial number cause i believe it's interfering with mine...

I'm using the C12H17N2O4P, with a C21H30O2 plug-in. I still want to get the C12H16N2, because that one receives messages from the Galactic Centre itself (between Scorpius and Sagittarius).
Pinealjerker a dit:
I think to a large extent "cannabis culture" is fun but kind of childish. Many stoners just wanna listen to music, play games and see naked girls smoke weed (420 girls etc.). .

Don't agree at all. You obviously haven't had the right amount of pot then, or the right strength. Seriously, smoke pure strong weed in excessive amounts in a waterpipe with inhaling a lot each time. And keep smoking, I guarantee you that if you're doing it right, you'll defintely have a psychedelic effect with CEV's. Pure Weed is just as LSD, except much milder, but many effects are similar. As for the culture, tripping on acid, mesca or psilo, makes me wanna listen to music as well, or have sex. And I think, I'm with the majority on this one that it are one of the finest things to do. Looking at the world while high, then you actually see how childish 'normal' people are and how they deceive themselve and each other. The streets are full of actors.

But the psychedelics are always serious business. You must be serious about psychological and spiritual issues, otherwise they simply will not appeal to you. And the high dose psychedelic experience brings a person to enlightenment, by directly stimulatiing the pineal gland, our "third eye". For me cannabis and mushrooms work very well together. A side effect of cannabis may be laziness, and the mushrooms always help me realize I have to be disciplined to accomplish my goals and be a meaningful tool for mother Earth.

Weed is a stimulant, addiding cigaretts to it is a pure waste! That makes one more behaving like someone who's on an opiate. The bloodvessels expand with cannabis, but the tobacco just narrows them again. So the body needs to erase both substances that are counterproductive. That makes you physically lazy, since the body has a lot of work on it's hands.

Getting a grip on your forthcoming goals is one of the benefital effects of smoking pure maruijana. So I don't get the seperation between weed and psychedlics, since weed in a psychedelic when used properly.

When you're coming down off the acid, smoke pure pot and see it yourself. ;)
i don't like weed that much as a psychedelic because it has a way bigger body load than psychedelics, but probably it's because i'm a cigarette smoker :roll:

edit: with psychedelics i mean the more visual psychedelics like shrooms, LSD,...
Don't agree at all. You obviously haven't had the right amount of pot then, or the right strength.

I wasn't talking about my own experiences with pot, or the potential of cannabis as a psychedelic. What you are talking about are modern equivalents of the hasjish eaters. Those who go for large amounts of cannabis are indeed psychedelic explorers, and their conversations tend to go beyond discusions of smoking paraphernalia and games.

Those who take the amounts of cannabis you're talking about will also be interested in high dose mushroom trips for example. With cannabis culture I mean those who smoke to be high or stoned, but never to dive deep into the world of mind-bending hallucinations.

Still, I don't think high dose cannabis hallucinations should be compared to the effects of LSD and DMT, unless cannabis really does operate in the pineal gland (I heard it operates in the frontal lobes of the brain, stimulating higher thought). I've seen many pretty/cosmic things when I was very high on cannabis, and magic does happen (synchronicity), but it doesn't really compare with the psilocybine or ayahuasca experience. But I may change my views on that.
try explaining THAT to a kid.....
DMT and psilocybine are not operating on the pineal gland. If I understand correctly, there is a theory that indegeneous DMT is made in the pineal gland but I don't think that's been proved also. (Strassman DMT the spirit molecule)

There was a cool post a week or so back here about psilocybin and the synapses. That one explains the current theory about how entheogens like DMT and psilocybin work pretty well.