In my opinion, the self discovery of the psychoactive tendencies of all matter surrounding us is the most pleasurable and ultimately satisfying aspect of using any substance, not only cannabis.
If your kids are dumb enough to believe any government/media spouted 'facts' about drug use then you have already gone wrong somewhere
Safe, informed and thus responsible use should be advocated to them in a learning environment; no doubt the child will end up asking you about it before you get a chance to throw a lecture their way, which will be ineffective at the least and will probably push the ever-present human tendency for ignorance rather than sway them to any particular pathway of thought.
As an individual who has experienced this same closed attitude from the child’s perspective with my own psychoactive growth throughout adolescence; I can proclaim quite easily that no matter what you say to your children about a tedious issue such as cannabis, or any drug use; they will most likely make their own decision ultimately. All the parent can do is both support the child, protect them from the fear and dissolution that coverts our darkening society and provide them with every possible facet of information available to them on that specific topic. That way their mind will develop in a way that is not only open but is stronger overall. Choice is the quintessential goal, but it seems more and more of this is being silently taken from us by our supposed governmental representatives. It needs to be preserved and nurtured in the next generation, thus improving their universal knowledge rather than breeding a successively more shut off race, that refuses to look beneath the surface...
On addiction:
The tendency for addiction is based on how cannabis fits into your life, both in routine and ritual; this means the individuals own attitude to weed and all psychoactives dominates the manner of, and ultimate ‘dependence’ on Ganja and the individuals outward demeanour as a user or abuser. Not only this but, family, friends and even international politics can influence not only the person but also the way in which they smoke their buds. I’m at the point currently where it fills a large void in my life that was previously occupied with school. Once I dropped out of uni, it has become a more predominant aspect of my life, but more so as a healing, meditative and constructive fashion rather than just constantly smoking to get that high back; which is what and all the abusive element of cannabis culture is seeking to achieve. When either I or my smoking partner are devoid of bud, we don’t go to almost psychotic lengths to acquire some, and will not buy any unless its at least half an ounce, otherwise the money you pay for a few grams is like slitting your wrists and watching them bleed for fun.