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Talk to your kids about Pot

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Elfe Mécanique

Tips for talking to your children about marijuana.

Many adult cannabis consumers are put in an awkward position with regard to their children. When they were younger, many hid their use from their parents. Now they are hiding it from their kids. Some people feel that it's easier just to keep their use separate from their children, in order to avoid dealing with the subject until the children are older. Others are quite open and honest about it, hoping to "normalize" their use, and teach responsible use by example -- like people who would have a drink of alcohol in front of their children. Regardless of which path you take in this matter, it's important to be involved in your kids' lives and to keep the lines of communication open with them.

Parents and other adults are role models to their children. If you are open about your use, be conscious of the values, ethics and behavior you are teaching your children. Show them what responsible use means. Don't use cannabis as an excuse for not upholding your personal responsibilities or for acting carelessly. One thing that must be taught to your children is that this activity is currently illegal and the social and legal consequences can be quite severe for the entire family. They need to know that cannabis choice is a private, family matter that should not be discussed outside the home, as some people don't like it and want to punish people who use it, just like some people hate others for being of a different race. It's not right, but there are people who are intolerant and mean. Tell them that you think the laws against cannabis are wrong, and it should be legally controlled, like alcohol. If they see you actively working to reform the laws, they will learn that cannabis laws need to be fixed, and its consumers should be held to the same social and legal standards as alcohol or tobacco users.

If you don't consume cannabis -- at least not in front of the children -- it is still important to talk to them about marijuana. You may want to wait for the subject to arise, but be prepared when it does. If you think they are using marijuana, you should bring it up right away, not as an attack but as a topic of mutual concern. Otherwise, bring the subject up whenever you find it appropriate; but since many kids go through DARE or a similar propaganda class at age 10 or 11, you should not wait too much longer than that age, and you should definitely bring up the subject by age 16. Be factual and direct. Don't get into things that are above the heads of your child and their age group. If they are being subjected to the DARE program, take the opportunity to review their class materials with them, correct the lies, and have an honest discussion with them.

Be up front, but keep it simple. Be cautious in discussing your own history, because it can backfire on you (example: "How would you know if you've never tried it" or "Well, you did it, so why shouldn't I?"). Don't try to squeeze this talk into a tight time slot; allow enough time to thoroughly discuss the issues that come up in the discussion.
As a starting point, listen to your child.

Begin by asking your child what s/he has heard about marijuana. This will initiate discussion as well as opportunities to establish common ground between you and your child. Listen to what your child has to say; children have useful things to tell us.

Explain that many adult activities are inappropriate for children.

Explain to your child that there are many adult activities that are unsuitable for children. Cite examples (e.g., driving a car, entering contracts, getting married, sex, drinking, etc.) Explain that using marijuana is one of these "adults-only" activities, and should be avoided until they are old enough to make responsible, adult decisions.

Emphasize that marijuana is not a toy.

Explain that marijuana is a drug, like alcohol or cigarettes, with powerful effects. As such, it is for adults only and should be treated with respect. Point out that the smoke irritates the bronchial tubes. Explain that the effects of all drugs can interfere with the physical and hormonal changes young people experience as they enter adolescence. If they are already having some problems, marijuana is not going to help them and may make their problems worse. It is wrong to use marijuana before or while at school, because it can interfere with their ability to concentrate. And if they enjoy it too much, pot can become an expensive and time-consuming habit. Emphasize that smoking marijuana can lead to problems at school, at home, or with the police -- problems they need to avoid for their own sake.
Make a distinction between responsible use and being a "pothead."

People smoke cannabis in different use patterns, sometimes on an occasional basis, perhaps monthly or on weekends. People can even smoke cannabis on a daily basis and still be responsible users. The difference is that responsible users integrate their cannabis use with their other activities as a way to relax or enhance their lives. A pothead's life revolves around their use of marijuana use and they don't get much else done. Those are the people who, a few years down the road, think about all the time they've wasted and try to blame it on a plant that they smoked. Mature people live full lives with few regrets, and accept responsibility for their own decisions and actions without having to pass off blame to inanimate objects. Warn them about the "pothead" syndrome and make it clear that you are not going to accept laziness or excuses -- you expect them to live full and productive lives, whether they want to use cannabis or not. If they cannot do that, they should leave cannabis alone.

Emphasize that cannabis is not like other illegal drugs.

Cannabis is non-toxic and addiction is very, very rare if it occurs at all. It has little or no negative health effects except for the irritation from its smoke. That is not true of other drugs, so emphasize that pills and powders are inherently different than plants. That is the simplest line to draw. If you think your child is at risk or already involved with hard drugs, that is a different discussion altogether. But, they need to know that all "drugs" are not the same -- they have different effects and risks.

Be honest and don't overplay your hand.

Be factual when explaining to your child why they should avoid marijuana. Your first priority should be to maintain their trust. Demonizing marijuana is not likely to convince your child to abstain from using it, but it may damage your credibility in their eyes. Exaggerating its effects only glamorizes pot in the eyes of a rebellious youth. Explain to your children how much you care about their health and safety, and that using marijuana jeopardizes both. Tell them that smoking marijuana is very much against the law, and that using it could lead to serious legal problems. Tell them you think the law is wrong, that there should be an age limit for personal use of cannabis and that, as a business, it should be taxed and regulated like beer or wine.

Young people will ultimately make their own decisions about whether or not to use marijuana; this choice is a normal part of becoming an adult. They are subjected to prejudice and misinformation along the way, but they also talk to each other and see what's going on around them with marijuana and other drugs. Try to delay their initial use of cannabis as a matter of caution, and to encourage moderation should they adopt cannabis as part of their adult lifestyle. You want them to make reasonable choices when the time comes. Therefore, it is critical that parents arm themselves and their children with accurate information, guidance, and open communication about not only drugs, but all of life's difficult choices, to better insure their children's health and safety.

Get to the bottom line.

You don't want them using cannabis, keeping it around, or getting into any trouble with it. Remember: more powerful than any lecture is your active participation, interest, and supervision in your child's life.

When will they be old enough?

The safest thing to tell them is to wait until the legal age of adulthood, which may be 18 or 21 depending on the State you live in. At that age they are responsible for their own choices and behavior. Of course, you will still be there for them, but at least you will not be held legally liable for their behavior. They should know the legal consequences before they act. They have to be able to show appropriate maturity and responsibility before they can reasonably use it, so if they ever find themselves using cannabis as an excuse to act irresponsibly, that means they're not ready for it yet.

What about underage use?

Point out to them that while cannabis is a physically safer alternative to tobacco or alcohol, the legal penalties against it are quite severe. They could lose the privilege of joining in extracurricular activities, lose their driver's license or educational benefits, have more difficulties getting into the college of their choice, and get a criminal record. Discretion is essential, and if they ever have a problem, they should come to you with it and not be afraid that you will reject them or do them harm. Encourage them to stay out of trouble, but if trouble occurs, you are there to help them through when they really need you.

But don't do it, and you're not kidding.

Growing and selling cannabis are not the same as consuming it.

The most severe legal penalties are for these activities or for conspiracy to do so. It's God's creation and a beautiful plant. For some people, it's quite easy to grow, and there is a lot of temptation to sell marijuana in order to pay for their own supply. Avoid doing either of these, especially since undercover police will often try to persuade otherwise innocent people to break the law in order to entrap them. There is a big difference in the law between personal possession and sales, cultivation, or distribution.

* Additional information.

These web sites offer additional advice on how to speak to your child about marijuana:



source: http://cannabisconsumers.org/reports/kidtalk.php
Oddly enough, neither of my sons (14 and 17) have ever shown any interest in using cannabis. They've both known that I smoke and use other substances from a young age, and while the older has come home drunk on multiple occasions (and recieved, albeit unwillingly, the consequent lectures :wink:), I have yet to spot the typically suspect red eyes or large amounts of Clear Eyes and Doritos bags in the trash can. :lol:
First of all:
Good subject, Deviant. Knowledge is essential in order to develop any opinion!

When I was 16 I was dead against illegal drugs!
All of 'em!
I had actually never even thought about the subject myself,
so I just followed traditional public opinion:
alcohol is legal, so that's no problem, but do 'drugs' and you're lost.

I even remember a friend of mine telling me about his neighbour: "Do you know Jurgen does drugs?"
Without even asking what kind of drugs (it was cannabis... of course),
I (honestly) got chills down my spine and I already saw Jurgen as a future junky,
disgusting, filthy and in a straight line to the grave...

Luckily, in 5th grade I had to write an essay on drugs and so I started to read on the subject.
I read about legal and illegal drugs; what they were, what they did,...
It didn't take too long for me to see that the public attidtude towards drugs was hypocritical and ignorant
and based more on fear than on facts.

Anyway to cut a long story short(-er)...
I there and then decided both cannabis and some hallucinogens were interesting enough to further examine
and later on experiment with.

I still waited 'til I was 20 before smoking my first joint
and I had my first mushrooms when I was 31.
I'm still waiting for the opportunity to try some acid...
Plenty of time to have my own bicycle day...
very very nice but one thing i don't agree with:

deviant a dit:
Cannabis is non-toxic and addiction is very, very rare if it occurs at all. It has little or no negative health effects except for the irritation from its smoke.

addiction occurs all the time, weed DOES create psychological dependence.
agree: psychological dependence isn't as hard as physical adiction, but it can be hard, it uses your brain to make excuses to restart smoking after you decided to quit for a few months... ...it's as intelligent as you are.

of course many people are well armed against psychological addiction, but i have a friend who got himself a psychosis smoking to much weed, that's why i also don't agree with you on the health effects. that friend got into an institution, now hes out again, everything ok till he restarted smoking grass...

maybe you can tell your children this, and they MAY find you weak, but it's the truth and it will help them with their personal decission wether to smoke pot or not.

just some words i wanted to add from personal experience, big ups for the rest of the text though :thumbsup:
Meduzz a dit:
very very nice but one thing i don't agree with:

deviant a dit:
Cannabis is non-toxic and addiction is very, very rare if it occurs at all. It has little or no negative health effects except for the irritation from its smoke.

addiction occurs all the time, weed DOES create psychological dependence.
agree: psychological dependence isn't as hard as physical adiction, but it can be hard, it uses your brain to make excuses to restart smoking after you decided to quit for a few months... ...it's as intelligent as you are.

of course many people are well armed against psychological addiction, but i have a friend who got himself a psychosis smoking to much weed, that's why i also don't agree with you on the health effects. that friend got into an institution, now hes out again, everything ok till he restarted smoking grass...

maybe you can tell your children this, and they MAY find you weak, but it's the truth and it will help them with their personal decission wether to smoke pot or not.

just some words i wanted to add from personal experience, big ups for the rest of the text though :thumbsup:
I guess this comes down to __RESPONSIBLE__ use and knowing when to stop. I know it's easy for me to say but I'm very convinced that responsible use will only REALLY rarely lead to mental dependancy.
What's considered responsible use ? If you only smoke 1 joint a day ? I do that for 13 years now and I am not afraid to admit I'm pretty hooked on it. I can go without, but I get the shivers at night and have really bad dreams waking me up sweaty for 3 days after quiting.

I'ts a fhysical & mental addiction and I will explain that to my child when she reaches the age to understand you can smoke recreationally but you have to smoke responsible.
marc a dit:
What's considered responsible use ? If you only smoke 1 joint a day ? I do that for 13 years now and I am not afraid to admit I'm pretty hooked on it. I can go without, but I get the shivers at night and have really bad dreams waking me up sweaty for 3 days after quiting.

I'ts a fhysical & mental addiction and I will explain that to my child when she reaches the age to understand you can smoke recreationally but you have to smoke responsible.
what I consider responsible use is the following. Being able to choose wether or not to use a drug. Being able to enjoy your drug as being special. Knowing when to stop.
Basically not getting addicted to it :p.
All just my opinion so feel free to say/do/think differently :)
I totally agree, but there are certain dangers and I will explain my kid.

Some people claim smoking weed won't do you harm, but that's a lttle underestimated.
marc a dit:
I totally agree, but there are certain dangers and I will explain my kid.

Some people claim smoking weed won't do you harm, but that's a lttle underestimated.
So true, responsible use also comes down to knowing what's nice about the drug, but also knowing very well the down sides to the drug you're taking.
I'd recommend my kids, if they'd start smoking, advise them to smoke it pure when they feel they need to.

Makes them thoughtful about life and the society, critical thoughts do an individual good.
I believe they should choose their own path and I would probably backem up no matter what, but i don't have kids yet and I know that we as humans change our ideas on any subject ina second so I'll just wait till the day comes and post my result, in about 10 to 20 years :wink:
good article, i don't agree on a couple of points but in case i'll have kids on my own i'll keep in mind this message. yup because for my parents to talk about drugs with me has allways been tour de force :)
I am 19 now. I was addicted to weed for 2 years and i still am after 4 months of not smoking. I smoked up to 2 grams per day, and if i didnt i was depressed and felt like dieing. I dont know why people say its not addicting. I sold the stuff and 90% of the people i sold it to and 99% of the stuff i did sell went to people who were chronicly addicted, even tho not all say they are. but when they call me up at 3 in the morning wanting something and not letting up, no matter what i say, i say they are addicted too.

I would not want my children smoking. Maybe its the genetics, who knows, but they shouldnt have to go through the hell i did.
McBean a dit:
I am 19 now. I was addicted to weed for 2 years and i still am after 4 months of not smoking. I smoked up to 2 grams per day, and if i didnt i was depressed and felt like dieing. I dont know why people say its not addicting. I sold the stuff and 90% of the people i sold it to and 99% of the stuff i did sell went to people who were chronicly addicted, even tho not all say they are. but when they call me up at 3 in the morning wanting something and not letting up, no matter what i say, i say they are addicted too.

I would not want my children smoking. Maybe its the genetics, who knows, but they shouldnt have to go through the hell i did.
I don't think anyone has said weed is not addicting. Which is not true because it CAN BE mentally addicting in ways you described. There is however one big but (no pun intended) and that is that it is not physically addicting, basicaly meaning you can still fuck up your life with it getting addicted but it's between your ears in the way that for some people gaming is an addiction.
For years I've been smoking 3 to 6 grams per month, never more (although I do smoke economically: through a bong, and trying to keep the smoke in for as long as possible every single time), and with several interruptions of one or two weeks. It's not the substance which is addicting, it's one's lack of discipline, or lack of hobbies and a sense of purpose perhaps. I think it's essential that stoners do mushrooms regularly to avoid them becoming lazy and complacent. I have always noted a BIG difference between stoners who did psychedelics (DMT, LSD, psilocybine, ibogaine and the harmines) and those who did not.
i think thats because stoners who take other, heavier hallucinogens realise that cannabis is a underestimated psychedelic, and they respect cannabis a lot more and the are a lot more carefull with it.
I think to a large extent "cannabis culture" is fun but kind of childish. Many stoners just wanna listen to music, play games and see naked girls smoke weed (420 girls etc.). But the psychedelics are always serious business. You must be serious about psychological and spiritual issues, otherwise they simply will not appeal to you. And the high dose psychedelic experience brings a person to enlightenment, by directly stimulatiing the pineal gland, our "third eye". For me cannabis and mushrooms work very well together. A side effect of cannabis may be laziness, and the mushrooms always help me realize I have to be disciplined to accomplish my goals and be a meaningful tool for mother Earth.
Pinealjerker a dit:
I think to a large extent "cannabis culture" is fun but kind of childish. Many stoners just wanna listen to music, play games and see naked girls smoke weed (420 girls etc.). But the psychedelics are always serious business. You must be serious about psychological and spiritual issues, otherwise they simply will not appeal to you. And the high dose psychedelic experience brings a person to enlightenment, by directly stimulatiing the pineal gland, our "third eye". For me cannabis and mushrooms work very well together. A side effect of cannabis may be laziness, and the mushrooms always help me realize I have to be disciplined to accomplish my goals and be a meaningful tool for mother Earth.

I agree on that a 100% :)