Hear this! How many of you "dear" members are working or in other words have money for such trip? :?:
Second question is: If you are truly serious bout this excursion, but now you are out of money, how much time will you need to collect that money?
The most expensive part will be air ticket to the Lima and back. All other expenses are so little, you wouldn't believe it! How to project best picture? Medium to high savory in Peru is 30€!!!! So you can imagine how much would each of you spend!
I am going to Peru for purification at first, my vision of voyage is visiting Brujo/Bruho or shaman on Spain. He will take us up through the mountains, couple of days climbing on small paths and fasting through our pilgrimage. Then
Bruho, We and other villagers-followers-someone will arrive at the sacred lake. Lake of mountain fairy. Cold lake as I heard. Ceremony is divided to the couple of purification levels.
Placing at the Sacred Altar of mountain Spirit something what is bothering you, your problem "idol" or some kind of "part", perfume of died/lost love but never forgotten, writings and everything what you want and need. This will be introduction for restfulness, tranquilness and peaceful future life. Then we will swim in almost frozen lake, after bathing shaman will spit us with magical brew and we will smoke special mixture of herbs, Inhale strong and powerful liquefied essence of Mountain Spirit. At evening everyone will receive his dose of liquid San Pedro. Shaman will spit on us all night, purifying us. In the morning when ceremony ends we will slowly return to the point from where we have started our pilgrimage.
Rest of time we can do what we want! Drink coca tea, chew coca, repeat Pedro voyage, try bunch of local medicine. Get Married!

I do not know!? I am open for ideas!
The best time for trip is from late September to early April. Until then we have enough time to gather enough money for THE BIG TRIP! TRIP OF OUR LIVES!!!! OR TRIP WHICH WILL OPEN OUR LIVES!!! :!: :!: