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Suicide will work that day for me, sorry nice friends

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Goran.Hrsak
  • Date de début Date de début
I have no solutions.
Just remember that when there seems to be nothing to lose you have the option to do anything.
Suicide is one option but not really always the best one. It is always one choice and not one for someone else to deny. It is, hwever, the individual's choice and call.

As long as you are alive you can put your skills and knowledge to good use.
Write a book about your experiences and knowledge about the psychedelics.
Get the heck out of Croatia if it's not a friendly place for you.
Do anything, do the thing that nobody in his right mind would do. Join the damn circus if that's what it takes.

Just do something that's not terminal.
has anyone heard from goran today ?
it's friday, you know...and almost saturday.
TADA, TADA, TADA! I have died and raised again as UNDEAD!
I am OK! My mom listened me just in time just as psychiatrist. :)
Doc has gave me opiate "vain-shotted" cocktail to endure hard days (three shoots, three days) but main thing were Lamictal (lamotrigin) and bipolar disturbances has stabilized to normal, even slightly and lightly elevated to hypomania. Opiate shoots are stopped now, yesterday in fact because their function was to melt my cold catch in heart. That was the best mixture ever felted by my brain and being, but doc doesn't want to tell me what were in it. Big syringe! 5ccm!!

Very nice to hear goran! :D
I wish you the best
i'm glad that you are feeling allright, goran. we all need you to fight another day and to help us with your knowledge.
boring practical stuff aside, we really like you and that's all that matters.

nice warm hug and lots of love.
oh god
i arrive late as always
first things first
i just finished reading the post
and i was afraid really
i'm sorry you are going through this ordeal man
and sorry you are taking Lamotrigin too (i was taking that against my epilepsy at 50mg and i was feeling like shit...now i drink MJ in milk and feel much better, not a single seizure in two months, the funny thing is that i never get stoned or high)
i'm glad everything is fine
i'll still be sending good vibes to you anyway
and if you ever get fed up with Portugal (if that is where daytripper lives, hough i don't think you'll get fed up easily...you can still come to norway), i've got space and we desperately need people to come and work here, i work in a restaurant and i get payed 13 euros per hour and i've got a free meal
builders are payed more and they have a free ensurance.
it can get cold
but the girls are definetly worth the stay
i know it's late...but hey! better late than never
Happy birthday!
I'm glad to see everything turned out decently enough...
Sreken Rodenden
Sretan Rodzendan(ne znam dali bese tocno vaka na hrvatski)
Vo sekoj slucaj,pozdrav od Makedonija....
Goran will understand this....
MESAJA thanx. I am truly sorry for veto on your Country Macedonia from the Greek government! All that because you have name Macedonia like small northern part of Greece. Name is responsiveness for NATO delay invitation! Totally unbelievably! :roll: (Dal si to ti Dr. Davore? :partyman: :unibrow:

My construction day were on 02.04.1984. Thanx for best wishes. :)
Dantediv86, is it true that you need people so desperately? :?:
Also 13€ for one hour??? This is so lovely GREAT!
What do I need, or do you know maybe how and which papers are essential for green light? (Visa, passport, papers by the Norway Embassy, etc.)

Lamictal isn't something strong, bad, no side-effects. Only normal mood, no depresion, maybe slightly little bit of hypomania.
But I am all right.
Good news again!
I experienced a wave of negative experiences from all around me (and further) and now it's slowly turning around :D

Good to still have you on this plane of existence Goran!
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Good news again!
I experienced a wave of negative experiences from all around me (and further) and now it's slowly turning around :D
Same here. I was contemplating suicide myself the last couple of days.
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I experienced a wave of negative experiences from all around me (and further)
same here. I think I've never been that angry/irritated than in the last days, including today.
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
MESAJA thanx. I am truly sorry for veto on your Country Macedonia from the Greek government! All that because you have name Macedonia like small northern part of Greece. Name is responsiveness for NATO delay invitation! Totally unbelievably! :roll: (Dal si to ti Dr. Davore? :partyman: :unibrow:

My construction day were on 02.04.1984. Thanx for best wishes. :)
Dantediv86, is it true that you need people so desperately? :?:
Also 13€ for one hour??? This is so lovely GREAT!
What do I need, or do you know maybe how and which papers are essential for green light? (Visa, passport, papers by the Norway Embassy, etc.)

Lamictal isn't something strong, bad, no side-effects. Only normal mood, no depresion, maybe slightly little bit of hypomania.
But I am all right.
oh good for you about lamictal, it really gave me problems i guess i fall in that 15 % patients with problems :(
however life here in Norway is very expensive too, just let you know, but there are many ways.
the typical one is to go on a norwegian dating site and marry a norwegian :P
or you can contact people who need workers and get a contract from them for an indefinite time and then the embassy will contact you and they'll do everything.
i will inform myself more on these policies
i'll let you know...
but it gets VERY cold!
i'll PM you in a couple of days or so about these things,
hang in there
You sad that your country needs mans desperately!
So please help me with information what I need to fulfill.
Please, do me a favor :cry: :wink: I wouldn't move for good over there at begging, now, it's big decision!
Let's say this, I want to work three months? Also if you can hook me up with some place to stay, some guy or girl :P to share room. Three months with job which can be something from yours advice-link.
I hope that you will help me. I would like to move near you, your city. That would be great!
And after that when we make some money, we can gather psychonaut people, people from this forum and all together visit PERU!! What you think? That would be great! All the best psychonauts from Europe and States, what the hell, WORLD in one bus for Peru!?!?! I could imagine that! FUCKING GREAT! IDEAS NEW BORN, WORLD WOULD SHAKE,
:!: :idea: :D
i'll get on with research right now!
i'll let you know as soon as possible! :D
BUT the catch is that because we have an immigration stop you can't come in the country like anywhere else
and we tend to be racist too :(
BUT i will try my best to help you!!
They tend to be racist in Norway?
Fuck,i didn`t know that....
Btw,can i come in Peru?:):):)
Ohw what the Heaven, let's all go to Peru :D
It'd be like a homecomming reunion :mrgreen:
greetings, i'm new to these forums but i can identify with and feel for you. i hope telling you a little about me will help you by letting you know your not alone with that kind of struggle. i have gotten so depressed seeing nothing but poison people with their lies and total uncareing i have had similar thoughts, living for nothing but to work and come home just isn't worth it. but the last few years i've met a couple people who have shown me their are still good people in the world. and now i find the brotherhood of these forums and if there's people like this we can't give up. this is worth fighting for. i was born at the tail end of the time period when the american government was taking kids away from their parents and giving them to poison people to raise. i was taken from my parents when i was 6 years old. every single day after that till i turned 17 and went to vietnam was living hell. it was so bad i preferred being in nam. and no war is not glorious but that was the better of the two hells. what has really helped me is my study of ba gua and redescovering my native heritage only i can't really do that either because all records were destroyed so i can't trace anything. the reds don't want me cause i can't prove who i am and the whites don't want me cause i'm not one of them. i don't belong anywhere, i have no purpose. i turn 52 this year and that is what i have been dealing with all my life. but through my ba gua and discovering eastern philosophy and learning how to walk the red road even though i have no tribe i walk the shamanic path. even though i walk a lonely road i have learned i am not alone. walk in beauty my brother.
gayedohi Welcome to the best forum on Internet-media :D bout psydelics, fun&party&enjoy substances, True shamanic (I can describe so many of different sections&types&names of shamans but this doesn't matter at this point, in this post, later OK)
If you are depressed! :!: I could help you with words and higher meaning why you shouldn't even think bout death, Black thoughts, anhedonia and mountain of symptoms.
NAM you survived? You weren't supposed to die! And now this problem which is tormenting you is loneliness! Isn't is? Here you are accepted by everyone! This Post-"Suicide...." brought light on big amounts of souls&beautiful human beings! I for instance, I never believed that all this would come out! Three pages Man, Three! Also so many different members confess theirs problems with depression! It's hard to bring it on the desk, confront to everyone! Also I am common&well know guy here on psychonaut forum, lot's of them know me really good! But I trust them and believe them, so it was "anticipateed" from me to share my Pain, cry for help! And help comes! Hiding, considering depression as stigmatic issue or something like shame would only at the end bring death to you! Suicidal death! Asking for help and understanding is first and most important step in recovery.

I have mentioned Nam! Cause I have also survived war! Long 6 years in war! Cannon shelling, Cluster rockets type Orkan exploding over Zagreb! Target was Civilian targets, capital of Croatia, one million of people! And some fuckup bombarded us with cluster missiles! Not to mention Air-MiG 21-29 raids and great fear from 4 bases with shit load of Serbian(Yugoslavian National Army) loaded with 1000tanks, mortars, cannons, all sort of small arms and machine guns, etc. I have lived trough the hell from 1990-1996. But leave my Defending-country-home war and your Vietnam war experience.

I SALUTE YOU! Welcome to our forum, our community. This forum is the best one which involve psydelics in religion and way of life. No other forum on Net is like this one! Others are crap! Main thing is how to stone yourself better and higher! Here people have started to embrace moral and ritual values! OK, this doesn't counts on all but most of them are on the good path! ASK ANYTHING, PM me if you have some discrete things, psydelics is my, lets say "Obsession", just as big knowledge bout them, cacti especially.


Nice pict! Is that you? :D 8)