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Stoner Cows

"maybe they should sell the milk of "human cows""

Yuk !!! Have you tasted any lately , babys might like it but i think it tastes .......BLEEEH !!!!

"cows enjoy being miked."

Yep , it turns them on , maybe not sexualy but they like it , take a look in their eyes when you do it , they get big and staring . Goats to .

"they become unrested and reactionary (like a mob) fi we DON'T milk them."

But thats only because people milked them after they calved and then they dont stop producing milk . If they hadnt been continualy milked they wouldnt produce any after the calf got big enough to do without it .

"they just think is the most natural thing in the world to be milked three/four times a day. they don't know life any more different than this. "

Sounds like theres nothing wrong with slavery !!!! They dont know anything else , lets carry on ..............................I drink about a liter of milk every day .

" i wish i could do something to them, to make them happier"


" i also think that our dead bodies could be food for other animals, and perhaps other people."

Yup , tie me to a tree in serengeti when i`m dead and feed the animals , or do public lions eating human bodys in the zoo shows !!!! I`m sure that someone could make loads of money and maybe a film .........

Soylent green ????

For those who dont understand:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green

Meat is a major killer like sugar , alcohol and tabaco . It also fucks your taste buds and makes adicted .
i did not meant sex, but i belive that after seeing my first girlfriend, i now regard sex with a nice and friendly cow a more positive, and perhaps more exciting experience.

edit: and their titties, so hard and warm! i always feel like cudling in the middle of hundreds of their nipples. bathe myself in chocolate syrup and just run to the end of the last tit.
Have you ever been licked by a cow , their tounges are like wet sand paper . Maybe it would be fun...........not for me .................to take a mushroom trip or some ecstacy and cover your naked body in chocky syrup and let a herd of stoned cows with the munchies lick it off .
Well that’s one thing to look out for, carnivorous bovines!
Hopefully they will become super intelligent and take over the world; no doubt a cannabis eating cow managed society would operate better than our currant one.
Then they can milk, farm and breed us for sustenance. :lol:

After reading this I have a mental image of daytripper in a room with a LOT of cows, and he is naked and massaging and hugging them.... :shock:
Holy cow batman , think about that EXTRA cow shit methane high !!!!!
Jenkem for everyone!
cow's tongues are similar to donkey's tongues. i enjoy touching their face, specially the moustache, it has so many hard hairs, and such a soft skin. the same with the tongue. i find cat's tongues more abrasive, and not as amusing as a cow tongue. my favourite tongue is a dog tongue. they are soft and wet all over, i really like when they lick my hands. once i had this great conversation with a donkey while i was smoking some joints, in the countryside, in the 1st of january of some year i don't recall. he seemed to understand all i said, and we became great buddies. i started feeding him, and he listened and looked at me. i find animals much more pleasant and interesting than the majority of people. i am strongly attached to them. i really enjoy the noses, too. wet and sponge-like noses are my favourites.
god, that is a nice idea. better yet: on MDMA, get yourself 6 whores to lick all the chocolate syrup from your body. then, after doing some bricolage, cook some squids for them, and feast around the tentacles, enjoying them at the most. then, start singing with them, and tell sadist jokes until the effects wear off. having sex with them just ruins things up.
This is starting to sound S-T-R-A-N-G-E to me , what have you been doing with animals ?????????

But seriously you sound like me !!! I like animals more than people , donkeys and goats are realy cool they dont talk shit and listen without interupting . Its a killer when you are milking one goat and the next one starts putting its wet tounge in your ear and eating your hair . Animals are my friends , allthough it HURTS when you are milking a cow and it stands on your foot !!!! And its a pain when you are milking with a maschine and one of the sucking bits touches the floor and sucks pisss and shit in , wich at least one always does when you are trying to get the others on to the teets , thats the real reason why they pasturise milk !!!!!!
Dayytipper, cheese is made of dead baby cows. In the first place, male baby cows are killed because they don't give milk. Secondly, a substance from their stomach is used to produce milk. As I understand, it is possible to use some type of yeast as an analogue but that more expensive and since there are leftover cows anyway...

When I took on a vegan diet a few months ago, I searched for animal friendly dairy products. Fact is, it is non existent except if you have your own Betsy on your porch providing milk and a calf once in a while.

Giving milk is not a happy thing for cows but sure they are happy, imagine if your blatter is swollen like a ballon but you can't piss untill someone get's to you in an hour or so. You will be perceived as very happy once the pressure gets off you.

As for health of dairy products, there is a lot to be found on the internet. Some facts include that combining milk + meat will draw calcium from your bones (check that fact against certain diseases in daily loving countries regarding weak bones in elderly people which is almost epidemic in our culture).

Milk and fruit, conveniently packaged is just preposterouse since your body has such a hard time digesting the dairy, the vitamins from the fruit will leave your body unprocessed.

*shuts the fuck up*
GOD a dit:
Have you ever been licked by a cow , their tounges are like wet sand paper . Maybe it would be fun...........not for me .................to take a mushroom trip or some ecstacy and cover your naked body in chocky syrup and let a herd of stoned cows with the munchies lick it off .

well, i certainly did not knew that. here where I live, i always seen people make cheese from milk mixed with a chemical (industrial purposes) or a plant (tradicional way). could you expand on that dead baby cows used to make cheese idea ? i got curious.
god, but when the pasturization was invented, there were no milk-sucking machines. it was done manually, with the cows pushing each other to be milked and shitting happilly on the grassfield. perhaps even eating pot, and being completely happy without machinery and economical pressure. it constantly amazes me the power that one abstract thing as money has over us, and what it makes us do to other beings. a thing that we invented. if i was to get to work wearing no clothes, with my dog pissing on other's desks, and shitting in their chairs, they would all think that i lost it and would be sent to unemployment. but if i arrive with a nice sport car, a nice cloth and make empty conversations with people that i don't want to know, i am regarded as a competent and as a man of integrity. money is a game, and if you are willing to reach to the top, you have to cut some things loose. or you play the game just to be sure you continue playing with other players, without losing your inner self. or you just don't play the game.
yesterday, i watched a iboga documentary, about a tribe that used the substance for the rites of iniciation. they are called the Babongo, formely known as the pigmees. they don't use money and they only work when they are hungry. the rest is provided by them by....whom, you ask ? of course, nature! and they don't even wear ties and suits. they have such a marvellous running tribe that there never has been any shortcuts on any hut. the pipes never have been clogged. everyone is happy with the decisions of the chief.
i never hurted any animal, except when i was a kid and i stepped in a little bird that i watched being born. it was an accident, and i cried for i don't know how long. even today, i get sad just thinking about it. i watch it being born, and i killed it. it was a hell of a shock. and i use to give all animals (when can be done), footmassages. dogs and cats thrive with it. cows like neck-massages. i even scratch their skins in places they cannot reach with their paws, so you can see how much of a sucker i am for animals. on the other hand, i hate to touch and be touched by other people with the exception of my wife and mother, all the other people, brother, in law's, nephews, i just get sick of getting to touch them. and i've had plenty of problems in waiting lines, when people keep getting close, and they almost breathing on your hair.
could you expand on that dead baby cows used to make cheese idea ? i got curious.

It's called stremsel in Dutch but I can't find the English translation. It is in the stomach of young cows. If you google a bit about the production process of cheese you should be able to find it.

Yes of course it was different in the old days before bio industry. Reality now is that it is very hard (impossible almost), to find dairy that is animal friendly. Au contrary, to my mind eating meat and/or dairy is a criminal act. In the first place to the animals but even more so, to our fellow human beings. Because some other facts are that as much as five fields of grain have to be invested in one field of meat which puts the food problem in a completely differerent perspective. Eating meat is directly contributing to the world food problem. Add to that the massive amounts of green house gasses coming from bull and other shit and there is reason enougn to switch diet.

The positive implications for personal health that arise out of such a diet, are pure bliss but don't take my word for it ;)

By the way, I ate meat and dairy products for the first 37 years of my life so feel free to call me an asshole :D

Love and peace
HeartCore, is it true that if you don't eat meat you have to take vitamins or something because you've altered your diet and your body needs stuff that's only in meat?
I agree with what HeartCote says in his posts . We live on a planet that is a massive animal concentration camp . Dachau / belsen bergen for animals . I think that IF we get yisited by aliens they would either avoid us canibals and murderers because they would be afraid that we would eat them or.................they would eat us .

The stuff that they use to make cheese is called "lab" in germany , it comes from dead / murdered calf stomachs and it contains an enzym that makes the milk curdel ( prety much the same as when you drink lots of milk and puke , it comes out as clear liquid with lumps of "cheese" in it ) . You can also get vegetarian cheese but most cheese selleres dont have it and look at you like you are dumb when you ask for it and explain what it is and why you want it . It hurts cows with swollen uders waiting to be milked and they show it with lots of strange , strangled moo-ing . And its true that very many people have difficulty digesting cow milk .( auf deutsch "ein milch unvertraglichkeit haben" ) .

The bit about "thats why they pasturise milk" was part of the reason , i just wanted to give a vivid description of what often hapens when you use a maschine to milk cows and arent VERY carefull .. When you are milking cows they often shit and it plops out and splashes everywhere . the cows roll around in it get it all over them and on their teets , and you get it on your hands .

"cows like neck-massages. i even scratch their skins in places they cannot reach with their paws"

Me to , thats a good way to make friends with animals . With dogs i just get on my hands and knees and rub my head and shoulders on theirs and bite their necks and ears ightly and chew on them a bit . I always find it cool when i meet some arseholes "dangerous pit bull" and do it and they go nuts and mearly lick you to death . Its amazing when they take your ear lobe or the skin on your neck in their teeth and chew on it without breaking the skin or hurting you and you know if they get anoyed they could bite your arm and break it . The pimps / gangsters also stare with their mouths hanging open in disbelief . My mate AJ has a pitbull brasilero cross called "Deno" and everyone walks over the street or freezes and stand with their backs to the wall when they see him , i just run up and start chewing on his neck . The first time he groweled at me and looked a bit confused like he thought "whats going on here ? Why isnt he scared of me ?" and a bit embaresed like he thought "hopefully he doesnt want sex !!!!" . I LOVE DOGS .

" i hate to touch and be touched by other people with the exception of my wife and mother, all the other people, brother, in law's, nephews, i just get sick of getting to touch them. and i've had plenty of problems in waiting lines, when people keep getting close, and they almost breathing on your hair."

Me 3 . I hate being touched . In Germany everyone thinks British people always shake hands and offer theirs to shake ....... its horrible , who knows what they have been doing with them ??????? I once saw a survey in a "newspaper" that said Thai people touch each other more than any other people and British people do it the least .

I first refused meat when i was 2 and the last time i tried it was 33 years ago , i took one bite out of a hotdog and puked . The last time i ate fish was about 40 years ago . The last time i deliberately ate eggs , = bird menstruation , was about 45 years ago . Its very hard to avoid eating those things , you have to be very carefull . For example some people "paint" eggs onto bread to make the crust brown . About 20 years ago i bought myself a "vegetarian " crouqe and it had egg on it , i puked that up to and flipped out on the guy who sold it me .

I have two pairs of leather shoes because i cant afford other types and i drink loads of milk and joghurt and i have a guilty conscience about it .

"so feel free to call me an asshole "

Wow !!!! , Thanks !!!!!