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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
recent post has had this topic on my mind for some time.
Do you steal?
If so, from who/what?
How do you jusitfy it (if at all)?
last time I stole something was a newspaper from those things that hang on street lights. I dislike that newspaper ("die krone"/the crown) so much that I had no bad conscience if I just ripped the whole thing off the street light. it promotes xenophobia, with a good dose of lustful sensationalism, and a whole range of things that make my belly hurt. that newspaper is the one with the highest distribution quote (it reaches 43% of all austrians)

also I took some ether and sodiumcarbonate with me from work, there are worse things, those guys have tons of that stuff.

but that's about it.
dont steal anymore, but used to.

chocolate bars. :)

back in the day,,

the thing was, my family didnt have a lot of money when we first arrived to canada. in fact, we had hardly any at all! i was only 4, but somehow it made hardly any difference to me, i was always content (remembering why brought me to self- realization). the one thing my mother always did (to surprise me, make my day...) was she would come home with a few chocolates for my sister, and myself; on occasion.

i remember eating chocolates as a child, brought me to this merciful moment of pure bliss where nothing else in the world really mattered. nothing could take my attention off eating chocolate coated waffer, or caramel, or some tasty shit like that.

anyways, time came and the relationship i had with my mother fell apart... she realized i was growing up and had other things on my mind, still tried very hard to keep things best for me. though i strayed away, there was only one thing that could bring me back to the unconditional love that used to be ever so present (and still is!!). a chocolate bar.

ive realized how independant bliss actually is, nothing can get me to that state better than simply being :) no drugs, or even chocolate... maybe some meditation ;)

it wasnt until now that ive made that connection. thanks for the psychonaut-food. gave me a wonderful realization.

i should see my mother...
I steal music, movies, programs, anything digital and downloadable. I do not believe in copyrights and shit on big corporations like Microsoft, so no sleep lost.

I never steal personal property of others, I do not steal original material creation.
I went through a period of homelessness in my life a few years ago living in the slums of STL MO. I stole much more frequently then than I ever had. In a way I even became alright with the idea. I never stole anything out of cars or homes. I was more apt to steal from places like walgreens, target... I have stolen hundreds of dollars worth of pizza from the papa johns I worked at. Now that I am back on my feet, that behavior has left me totally. I don't like the idea that I was like that, but it was just SO COMMONPLACE in the street life and the people I was around. It's really aweful and I can't justify any of it aside from my instinctual need for food and shelter.
Nanacapilli a dit:
I steal music, movies, programs, anything digital and downloadable. I do not believe in copyrights and shit on big corporations like Microsoft, so no sleep lost.

ahaha, yeah true.. and music.

but nothing has ever really been taboo about it :S

look at youtube for fuck sake. 8) :|
I steal things too from time to time. Not long ago I needed one of those blocks that hold the fencing together round building sites. The easiest way for me to get one was to steal it, I wouldn't even know where to buy one. Not exactly sure about my moral stand point on it - my dad was brought up in poverty and had to steal to survive, and I think a bit of that has rubbed off on me along with most of his 'moral code'. A bit like Dexter without the murdering :-). He's not poor now, but if it's not locked down and he wants it he'll take it.

I wouldn't steal from an individual or a small company, and when I'm at work I feel really strongly about people not stealing each others tools - the things they need to make money/survive. The more I think about it, I think I feel better about stealing when it's more impersonal. It's hard to draw the line I suppose!

Copyright theft isn't anything new either. People were pirating VHS's and cassetes long before the internet. We even copied Spectrum games over the telephone :-) My morals on that one are a bit skewed as well, as some of my friends are struggling music types, but I often think they should move with the times and find new ways of marketing their music or do something else entirely.

My post is a bit pointless, not sure I added anything, or have an opinion :lol:
TwoCeeBee, you exactly wrote on topic! This is about how YOU deal with it, not how you think others should.

A man in Japan was doing graffiti (which is very closely related to stealing, from a moral stanpoint) and had been bothered by the question of whether what he was doing was right or wrong, whether he was a "bad" or "good" person.

The graffiti writer went to a monk he knew and asked him. The monk said, "Just imagine two eyes watching you at all times. If you do not feel like you need to hide from the eyes, or are not ashamed that the eyes have seen you do something, then you are doing something you respect."

That may get conflicting for some warped viewpoints such as people the intellectual murderers, the war-mongerers etc, who I cannot agree with (or can I). As with most human ideas, there is no clear-cut boundary in good or bad. At the very least, the most stable boundaries are never permanent.

I steal from walmart when my adrenaline permits me to. I steal from other smaller businesses as well - as long as they will not suffer from it to a certain extent. I am riding a stolen bike that I took while intoxicated from a random house. Most of my old clothes were stolen.

I feel like stealing from walmart, and saying "Good! They are a bad company" is just an excuse. I feel like copyright issues and stealing from them, and saying "Art should be free" is just an excuse to steal. If society creates a bypass for moral codes, people stream through them like a river. But, bring up stealing from a house, or a car; you are sick.

If you steal from walmart you are stealing from the single owner of that store - Directly. He owns all of that merchandise, legally, but with some exception in how he can handle it. Whether you defend that by saying he is a bad person for supporting walmart is up to you.

I just steal. I write graffiti. My ideals at times can be anarchistic, if not nihilistic. It is my ego's signature on this world. Whether you find it good or bad, that is up to your ego. In all honesty, at times I want to go graffiti big fancy cars rollin on 26's, or that 2008 Hummer down the street. I want to break the windows on people's houses that pop up in the middle of the forests and wilderness. I want to steal when I think I can use an item more often or better than someone else, subjectively.

I don't steal from someone I respect, find interesting, smart, intelligent, or in some way in need of something more so than me. That is my only moral in this situation.
Graffiti is another good one. Some is amazing art, and some is just crap. Where to draw the line I think is maybe the point, and in an infinite amount of space that's hard, assuming it is infinite :D

I hate getting into these discussions 'cause my vocabulary is severley lacking and I end up saying things that get taken the wrong way. I should have got more educated :lol:
steal from the rich to give to the poor. the governments way of regulating monopolies does not work. im here to help with that. it becomes a moral issue when we talk about stealing from individual people. people who dont put their shit on a shelf to be sold. invaluable things, or invaluable aspects to seemingly value-able things. i dont steal from people (nor a "mom & pop" business), i would gladly fuck over a loop hole exploiting corporation though, because i believe in a competitive market, and freedom to choose.
I have no problem with people screwing over the credit card companies. I have a friend who uses interest rates on his credit cards to make a decent profit.
Only when I'm drunk. Usually just lighters and candy from the gas station. If I had a foolproof way of stealing expensive electronics from a major corporation I'd definitely go for it. As far as stealing from people though, I would never steal from friends or people that I don't know. Just people who I already don't like lol. It takes a lot for me to not like someone though.
Oi.. took a solar panel from the DNR. I feel like shit about it. I'm going to donate 200$ to the DNR :? to compensate. I feel ignorant.
I don't see graffiti as a form of stealing -Banksy is the shit!- advertising walls are much worse and nobody complains...
Like with everything else, use some common sense and don't do stupid shit that affects normal people.
Heh...once a friend wanted to steal a candy bar when we were baked. I told him not to but when we got to the counter the old Chinese lady who co-owns and works the register (7-11) thought he still had it in his pocket (prick probably did :p). I was ready to choke him by the time we finally left because I had a piece and a baggie in my pocket the whole time and I was getting paranoid.

As for myself, I've actually never physically stolen anything. Electronically is a slightly different story...
recent post has had this topic on my mind for some time.recent post has had this topic on my mind for some time.I don't steal from someon
I never steal personal property of others, I do not steal original material creation.
but that's about it.
but it was just SO COMMONPLACE in the street life and the people I was around. It's really aweful and I can't justify any of it aside from my instinctual n
ahaha, yeah true.. and music.
back in the day,, t seems like pirating has be
I wouldn't steal from an individual or a small company, and when I'm at work I feel really strongly about people not stealing each others tools - the things they need to make money/survive. The more I think about it, I think I feel better about stealing when it's more impersonal. It's hard to draw the line I suppose!and I
have a friend who uses interest rates on his credit cards to make a decent profit.
nvaluable things, or invaluable aspects to seemingly value-able things. i dont steal from people (nor a "mom & pop" business), i would gladly fuck over a loop hole exploiting corporation though, because i believe in a competitive market, and freedom to choose.Oi.. took a solar panel from the DNR. I feel like shit about it. I'm going to donate 200$ to the . Electronically is a slightly different

I never steal therefore never have to lie
Echoes - I got to go right now, but graffiti is stealing the veneer of a property for your own art.
I think that's a good way of putting it, however it's not always as clear cut as that. It is art, and when executed properly in the proper location, it can actually add to the appearance of a locale or structure. During my recent trip to Spain I saw a lot of graffiti, and some of it basically amounted to a small mural, some good art that I would say almost deserves to be there.
now you're seeing my point. What if the stealing is beneficial to the whole of a group/neighborhood/society?