rafael1000 a dit:
But CYP2D6 is necessary to have effets with psychedelic drugs such as LSD, MDMA, BZP, Magic mushrooms, codein, opiates... because there metabolism is mainly through the enzymes CYP2D6 !
Here you misunderstand something. Cytochrome P450 enzymes indeed metabolize these drugs and your medicines, but the mental effects don’t come from that.
LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, SSRIs are broken down by these enzymes, but they act at the serotonin receptor (directly or indirectly).
So inhibiting CYP2D6 might indeed help, but it will poison you. I don’t know if there is a medicin that does this anyway.
Quitting your medicines for one night won’t help. It will take weeks to undo the effects and it will take weeks to get effects again. This is not an option.
I am not a professional, but I’ve had the same kind of problems as you Rafael. You will be able to create your artificial paradise, but you have to work hard. And it will take time. But you are still young, and able to change your life.
In addition to Forkbender and Meduzz, my advice will be:
May be these medicines will help get you trough a rough period, but I would quit with them. They don’t solve your problem. You don’t want to be on these medicines for the rest of your life, do you? Once you have to quit them anyway. I know from people that in long run you will get serious side-effects. Those pharmaceutical companies don’t want to help, they only want to make money.
I have the feeling that the drugs are causing you more trouble then solving them, maybe they are THE cause. So stay of drugs for a while: you can always get back to them in the future, don’t think you have to quit forever. They work only for the time you’re stoned. After that they will kick you back in depression again and again, and you will be slowly spiraling downhill.
I would not touch psychedelics also, you can get a nightmare of an experience in this condition. Here in the Netherlands we have a warning on all magic mushrooms: do not take them when you have psychological problems.
Live sober for a while, after a few months you will feel better. Let all the shit come over you, it is part of the process. With increasing time and age, you will heal yourself. The darkness of the depression has in it the light to its own solution, try to find that (think about the symbol of yin-yang). Every depression looks like it is not going to end, realize there will be a time when light will shine again in the darkness.
You have a serious problem: feel positive about solving it, see it as an adventure. You will learn a lot, and come out stronger than your fellow humans. Confucius said: ‘In order to make stronger, you have to brake down first’.
You look like a smart person to me here and you talk very honest about yourself. Take it from that, develop this further. You can do it.