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Forkbender a dit:
We need to lead by example.

Pushing through adoption of a template that is. Examples should unbolt, the only platform that ever existed are the bones of our physique. Many of mankind refuse to feel their blood, being afraid of an unintentional start of examination. Guess were that came from.

Forkbender a dit:
There is no us and them, that type of thinking/illusion has gotten us here in the first place.

They are 5 billion types of us. But we're very properly living the lie that there's only one us, for the sake of accomodation without too much chaos.

Soul manifestation has been the greatest demonstration of limitations. It has demolished clarity of the own voice one carries himself, resulted in a now seen world with a perpetual search to ensure tenability.

There are a 5 billion aliens, and living in a fallacy that they have one residence is killing the last antidote for a world devoid of imagination. It's thorough life without suppression and without past or future thoughts.
I don't think I understand what you mean.
I think I may understand what you are pointing at Brugmansia.

We are different people. We are connected, but not identical like clones.
There is not one world, there are many worlds. And all these worlds are connected.

Giving up your own power to a one world ideal or utopia is giving up part of the self.
Giving part of your own world up to join someone else his world.

Just like the never ending story.
Hehehe, *bang* Hammer on the nail. It is essentially important to sense the format of the web regulary. Always keep an eye on your inner monitor within during any chosen course in the external world, no matter how proper or good it seems or is.
Of course.
Capitalism is based upon the assumption that man is not motivated, will hang around and be lazy if he can not work for his own self-interest, and on the assumption that one person wll always think he deserves more then the other.

I honestly think it's a little outdated. I'm not meaning to say were ready yet for something else, I only know a few peolpe that I would consider grown up like that.
But I think current society is pretty much the proof of the opposite, namely that people will be demotivated, hang around and be lazy and have an all play no work mentality when competition is employed like this.
I think this is the major reason society is so disfunctional.

Reason people think it's all ok, is because when they temselves are doing allright, they don't see the misery of others.
They will reason it away, attribute it to some tragic collision of circumstances that nobody can do something about.
At least something to not have to deal with it.
But only when something actually gets through the everything's good-filter.

Biggest reason people think things are ok I think, is because even though the current situation of our species is competition, we still have that blissful feeling of connectedness.
Think about that. We have that feeling EVEN THOUGH we are in competition. I find it fascinating. I think that truly says something about us humans, who alway think we deserve more (?) then someone else.
Right on Bastiaan
This thread has me thinking in many different directions, which is kind of annoying, because sometimes they contradict each other. :x This is my attempt at jumping in while keeping my thoughts organized and somewhat coherent.

I start small, in my head, because that is how I was taught to think (big problem there, I think - I will address this later.). I start with myself. How can I further enlighten myself? And then: How can I help those around me also enlighten themselves? I really believe it all comes down to just living. Adhere to something, even if it's adhering to nothing. A moral code, religion, an addiction, anything. Live your life to the best of your ability. I believe that each person will reach their own conclusions - about everything - in death. I believe that life itself is merely an observation to be later evaluated. Because, how can you properly examine a thing if you are too deep into it?

(Starting to scatter in my head - quick! Regroup!)

Then I start broadening my scale. Instead of merely my life or those around me, I think again of the next largest "identity", the community, the country. I read in Time at some point, that due to the recession, people are beginning to return to things that I think of as "the good ol' days." I think one quote went something like this:
"People are caring less now about how large their television is, and more about the people sitting around it with them. They are paying less for things that they could easily get for free - bottled water sales, for instance, have begun declining."
Family life is returning. I, at least, feel more and more frustrated with broken homes, over-worked parents, and kids that are either obsessed with their sadly lacking educations or out generally ruining society. (Middle grounds exist, they're just boring. ;]) Blended families were, no doubt, on the rise, but now they are not automatically broken families.
It also said something about how people are also looking at their health differently. I can't say it exactly like Time did, but basically people are realizing that the body isn't the only thing that needs to be healthy. I think they were talking more about the mind than the soul (I believe true enlightenment concerns for of the latter than the former), but awareness is a start, and with a mind, one can begin the treacherous voyage across it to find the truth of the soul.
I find all of these things reassuring.
Also - generational study influences my thinking a lot.

You eventually broaden to all civilization, and I was going to say something about the whole humanity vs. individual thing, but I can't wrap my own thoughts around it yet. Once I figure out what I'm thinking, I might post it. (Does anyone else have this problem? Not understanding what you're thinking?)

Okay, now to the "taught to think" thing. I believe we take the ENTIRELY wrong direction in teaching children. Why do I have to think from the inside out? Why must I start small and work my way to large? "In medias res" - "in the midst of affairs." I'm sure some people work much better that way. Being taught how to think is really sad. It's like being taught how to single-handedly kill your own chances of... I dunno, something.

I'm in the middle of a supposedly life-changing decision right now, so I've been thinking about this a lot. However, I'm ignoring my own advice on waiting to examine until the entire "event" is observed... It's necessary, I think, to make decisions. Conclusions will be made until the end, but maybe it's the end conclusion that you work for.

Sigh. I feel like my feelings have gotten in the way of me being objective. I could be entirely off topic... Maybe I'm just venting. :?

Sorry if I was completely disjointed, I constantly second-guess myself on this stuff. Mostly because I don't think I'm supposed to comprehend it. :)

One last thought - action is definitely key. But only honest, truthful action, as seen through the eyes of the individual.
wouldjalookitthat a dit:
Because, how can you properly examine a thing if you are too deep into it?

I'd say:

While fishing the other day, I was deep in thought. First time I had gotten high in quite along time.

I was watching people cross over a bridge I was near, I knew basically where they were coming from and where they were going, but me and my friend were in the middle of no-where. I kept thinking how this highway and bridge will probably be surrounded by buildings within 50 years, that that river will porbably be polluted. Then I thought, no... we're probably going to make changes. We really cant support that type of population growth.

Then it became deep:

We are the only species that will stop itself to preserve beauty.

We really have no reason to keep life living, to sustain an eco-system that doesn't contain ourselves, except for the sheer brilliance of life itself.

People in the amazon and plowing trees down, why? Because they don't live in the forest, and they will live fine without it. Activists are taking action against this; why? Because they want to preserve that wilderness. That ancient history of life, that shmorgesboard of animals and plants. But why? Because they find it beautiful.