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San pedro

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Lytheon
  • Date de début Date de début
It's a cactus, fuck mayn. You can dose at like 20 bucks a pop, just order it. Then at least you'll be sure and save yourself a fuckload of finger pricks.
Hope it's not true cause mine has 4!
My message is totally my own theory so easily ignored. The native people who use these cacti as ethogenic tools asigned great spiritual meaning to the variouse differences in the plants which are lost on most western cultures. The 4 ribbed expression is said to represent the 4 winds and therefore has more medicinal power due to the more intricate ties with their belief system. Also when brewed its usually not just the single cacti that is included. Other cacti and herbs are added to alter the meaning and function of the brew some contain monoamine oxidase inhibitors causing other not normally potent alkaloids to become active and already potent to last longer. These are not recreational drugs they are spiritual tools used to dignose and treat disease of the body and soul. I think in western cultures where its use is primarily recreational/explorational the subtle differences would not be so important. I think you should be more concered with the method and quality of the brew to ensure as much as possible of the alkaliods are rescued for consumption.
Christiaan26 a dit:
Each San Pedro cactus can vary in number of ribs, according to “The Hummingbirds’ Journey to God”, by Ross Heaven, this can determine the experience and therefore application of the plant.
Seven and nine ribs generates “gentle and beautiful brews. Those with six or eight are not so strong, while elevens-13 can be very intense but also sometimes dark, however, those with four ribs we only ever use for exorcisms. You don’t ever want to try a San Pedro like this; the visions are horrible and take you to Hell” *1

I have heard this before. I am a bit doubtfull about this. Is there any scientific research or any evidence to back this up?
Cacti produce mescaline. Maybe some cacti produce more mescaline and maybe the ribs may say something about the amount of mescaline produced. However mescaline is mescaline, when a cacti produces more mescaline it,s a matter of dose.

To be honest i do not know?
Lytheon a dit:
high all,
Me and a friends bought a 14cm San pedro cactus (costs: 50 euros), at the smartshop they told us that one cactus of this size is enough for 2 trips but at the azarius website i've read that one need 5 a 8 medium sized (10 a 12cm) cacti to have 1 trip, at the erowid site i've read that one needs 400 a 500 grams of fresh material.
Does anyone knows the exact dose for a strong experience?
We want to ingest the cactus the traditional way , by eating it.

Drug_Z is ArT -..-

Rule of thumb that we go by is 1 foot per dose. ( I like a big foot. :P )
MeneerCactus a dit:
You need 350 mg mescaline to trip.

About 1 % of the dried wait of the cacti contains mescaline.

Take your calculator and give it a try.

If your answer is right I sent you a print if you like !!!!!

I have a 15-18 cm cactus, when is the earliest i can harvest it with it dying?
Salve ,mi sono iscritta da poco su questo sito e volevo descrivere dei momenti vissuti con il maestro S. Pedro ..
Ricordo una fase di sublime e nirvana pace interiore, ma a un certo punto mi succese una cosa un po particolare.
é come se mi trovassi nel centro di una spirale,ma nn è che la vedevo è come se la percepivo..
Dopodiche mi sono sentita destrutturata, è come se il mio ego e tutte le mie ''armature'' si fossero fermate in questa spirale,finchè
nel centro mi ci trovai io Pura come una bimba senza ego.. Mi sentivo cosi piccola. (questa spiarale mi faceva pensare a quella aurea di fibonacci)
Secondo voi cosa significa..?
Centrerà davvero qulcosa lìaurea di fibonacci, o magari era solo pura imaginazione)?
In oltre feci molti pensieri del tipo, ma allora le altre persone or mi sebrano cosi finte.. con cosi tante sovrastrutture inutili e rinchiusi nella loro mente..
Fin'ora ho anchio vissuto cosi..nella mente nell'illusione..
Anziche nel qui ed ora, nella realtà come davvero in quel momento mi stava succedendo.
Comunque il mattino dopo, passatomi oramai l'effetto quando vedevo le persone intorno a me , si sembrava di ''entrarvi meglio'' come quasi andassero a rallentatore.
Molti stressati o psichicmente ammalati,con il muso e il viso grottesco..
E pensai spesso anchio ho dei pensieri, e non presto mai davvero attenzione a chi ho intorno alle persone,quel giorno avevo la mente sgombra e piu lucida non mi sfuggiva quasi nulla di cio che avevo intorno !
Un altra domanda, per sgomberare la mente e prestare meglio attenzione al qui ed ora e cio che abbiamo intorno, anche la meditazione puo essere utile, giusto?
Ciao Sara!! Questa qui è la sezione inglese, converrebbe che parlassi con questo idioma!! Se vuoi continuare a scrivere in italiano sei liberissima, solo che poi parleremo solo io e te -non che la cosa mi dispiaccia, però, così, per onesta e cortesia...... (comunque, per comunicare in italiano, ti rimando a questo forum, va bene? https://psiconauti.net/forum/ )

Riguardo la Spirale Aurea, penso assolutamente di sì, è proprio come dici; ho anche seguito svariate conferenze sulla Geometria Sacra ed è pur certo che la Natura, il Cosmo, abbia scelto questa forma armonica per svilupparsi!

"Un altra domanda, per sgomberare la mente e prestare meglio attenzione al qui ed ora e cio che abbiamo intorno, anche la meditazione puo essere utile, giusto?"

Ci hai preso in pieno!! Puoi meditare, sia da statica -la "classica" da seduta (vedi se nella tua città c'è Sahaja Yoga ad esempio), che in movimento -Tai Chi Taoista, Yoga, Pilates, ......., e anche fare degli esercizi di respirazione (puoi iniziare cercando su internet video o testi che spieghino come respirare di diaframma!); poi per fare centro puoi leggere i testi illuminati, induisti, indiani, cristiani

Un caloroso saluto!!!

P.S.: e se poi vorresti continuare a restare in questa sezione quando e se e come vuoi puoi presentarti anche qui:
I have drank San Pedro a few hundred times.... Really great stuff. It has helped me a lot and I have seen it help a lot of people.

For the number of ribs slightly changes the personality of the plant.... Mescaline isnt just mescaline if you are trying to work with the spirit of the plant (besides - SP has more actives then just mescaline). The different ribs are all similar - each will still be "San Pedro", but even number ribs I found to be a little slower and round-about, while odd number ribs I felt were more direct and forceful.... In traditional practices they often say the number of ribs can be different specialties in effect....

Dosage wise can vary a lot depending on how sensitive you are, how deep you want to go, and how well you prepare the medicine and the meditation.... Sensitive people may be able to go deep on just a sip or two, while other people may need 10 times that much to get their desired effect.... I've gotten way more sensitive to it after years of drinking it. Many people might find that a piece the size of their forearm would work well - half that if you are sensitive or even twice that if you want it really strong. There isnt just "one dose fits all"....

Night and daytime both work well.... Either can be very deep and healing. You can certainly do deep healing work during the day - it doesnt have to be night. The main key I think is listening well and not distracting yourself too much.

There is a great video here of my friend/teacher Lesley talking about San Pedro I think people may enjoy: