alphasnail a dit:God made it Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I firmly believe homosexuality is wrong. But just because thats what i say, doesnt mean I go around telling Gay persons that they are wrong, and what they should do. Its their life and I dont care what they do with it. Theres a point to marriage, to have children and further ensure the survival of the Human race, If we were all gay we would die out. Thats exactly why we dont see full grown male lions but f*cking eachother.
And I know some people argue "This is the way god made me." Did they ever stop to think that was a way for God to test them? On the day of Judgment God will tell them they failed this test. In my religion its not wrong to love a man there is nothing wrong with that, but it is wrong to act on that love and have "relations". Also God is all forgiving even if your sins reach the sky.
This is my belief, respect it. =]
'God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'.
You're mighty fuckin' ignorant.....again, I say....QUIT SPOUTING DOGMA.
You say this like you were there, eating Turkey legs with God, when he did it.
Grow the fuck up, and let go of that fairy tale. :idea:
Here's another of your gems of wisdom and compassion:
'On the day of Judgment, God will tell them they failed this test'
Here's one for you, religioso-
'Judge not, lest ye be judged'.
Are you familiar with that, bible-thumper?