The women take only the rich? Wrong! This is simply not so. If you only made experience with women who loved your money- then I am sorry for you.
It's not about love, it's about re-production. It's what genes do, they force us to re-product, it's not a choice of the Self. The Self wants love. Everyone can overcome this through transcending and become truly the Self instead of being his genes with a covered indentity. Not letting the genes dominate the Self that is.
Spread love and softness for humanity, working on our connection with no boundries first, before giving new life. An individual who hasn't trandscended yet, instinctively believes that the only possible way to achieve enlightment, is to working for his own genes by putting them through, which is wrong. We stay within our own tight identity as long as we are not aware of this. Genes hold us into bondage.
That's the problem humanity faces, we rather focus on putting our genes through rather than firstly working on a balanced environment for all. Realising that there's only one connected life with no boundries, and then let arrive new life through re-production in a world of love is the highest possible destination.
If only the strongest would survive evolution, mankind would have evolved completely differently. It would evolved, as Adolf Hitler dreamed it to be: strong, powerful and everyone the same.
Hitler had his period, just like the strong men in the woods once had, and nowadays multinationals. They are all the same in fact. Our Self's should be connected, not trying to eliminate every other chain so that only one kind of identity remains to exist, or build a rank system in where it's all about climbing.
As long as any rank system continues to exist, we humans will never wake up, and remain living in a narrow area. Trying to change every Self so that's matching with the one at the top of the pyramid, is being asleep. We should connect instead. Every new re-producted individual, arrives within such a narrow cocoon as long as we ain't waking up together.
That's why war and the change of controllers never fades away. It's a constant situation of system ranking rather than to connecting all Self's
If survival of the fittest exists, how do you explain the circle of life? Why are there still herbivores if their only reason to exist is to supply carnivores wit energy? Why are there producers that are eaten? Why isn't every plant poisonous? Why is there still diversity in nature?
We're still in the middle of becoming enlighted. Knowing the theory of genes, and witnessing the horror of it yourself, are two different things. Only by seeing it yourself you'll realise that mankind can only wake up if it decides to make investments in life as it's first priority, instead of just giving new life and let it arrive.
Nature does not follow simple rules as survival of the fittest. Survival of the fittest is a human rule, not a natural one.
This is a rule that was invented by capitalists that say that people are naturally greedy and we therefore need all to be greedy and do the best to gain most money.