i think it has to do with the attachment to words, which by themselves are rather empty and are defined by personal truth. the resulting language barrier expresses itself in missunderstandings from both parties in a dialogue, because of a lack of the willingness of letting personal attachment to the words go. furthermore it seems to be hard for some to let go of the concepts beyond the words that got imprinted in the mind. of course this leads to conflicts too, which will only end when at least one of the people in dialogue is able to let go of his/her attachment to his/her concepts and words.
regarding that religion is alot about experience and as we know this presents an even bigger problem in communicating it, just because of the personal truths and the resulting language barrier.
i also think that there is a lot of delusion about the idea behind it... that you got to have the "right" view about it or follow the "right" idea, but well obviously this would be the reason why people try to twist words or make your perspective suit theirs and trying to convince you for whatever it takes of their view or attitude. and because this is quite common you could probably find lots of people who have this attitude or are at least partly representing it. it's indoctrination and that's why people follow the spreading of their concepts by further indoctrination. i am referring to the whole idea of religion as i perceive it.