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Religon & twisting words

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kron420 a dit:
through psychedelics none of you have had any amazing spiritual experiences?

i was raised a christian, but after psychedelics (namely mushrooms) my beliefs have been that there is something else out there.

there has to be.

Something Else. That could be anything :?:
Lol my parents brought me to church every sunday too when I was a kid... I always found it soooo boring, but still believed in much of christianity until I was like 12 years old, when I realized it might be bullshit... decided a few years later that it indeed was bullshit.
i think it has to do with the attachment to words, which by themselves are rather empty and are defined by personal truth. the resulting language barrier expresses itself in missunderstandings from both parties in a dialogue, because of a lack of the willingness of letting personal attachment to the words go. furthermore it seems to be hard for some to let go of the concepts beyond the words that got imprinted in the mind. of course this leads to conflicts too, which will only end when at least one of the people in dialogue is able to let go of his/her attachment to his/her concepts and words.
regarding that religion is alot about experience and as we know this presents an even bigger problem in communicating it, just because of the personal truths and the resulting language barrier.
i also think that there is a lot of delusion about the idea behind it... that you got to have the "right" view about it or follow the "right" idea, but well obviously this would be the reason why people try to twist words or make your perspective suit theirs and trying to convince you for whatever it takes of their view or attitude. and because this is quite common you could probably find lots of people who have this attitude or are at least partly representing it. it's indoctrination and that's why people follow the spreading of their concepts by further indoctrination. i am referring to the whole idea of religion as i perceive it.

This is religion, the hidden myth and the sacred mushroom.
Cuz let's face it, before there were buildings telling us what religion was, nature was telling us what "religion" was.
This video enlights it so well, be aware: it lasts almost 2 hours. The video says 50+ minuts but you'll see it goes on afterwards

http://www.pharmacratic-inquisition.com ... tion=24:24
Dutch subtitles, english spoken
On religion and drugs,

Im doing revision for GCSEs on Bitesize and on the Religious Eduction section theres a bit about religion and drugs, and theres a bit which says "drugs prevent people from hearing and understanding God"

They should go out into the wilderness and have some Pedro.
There's nothing wrong with personal religion.

As long as it's kept personal.

The MOMENT someone begins trying to 'convert the heathen', or show 'a sinner the error of his ways', he should be ran to the hills.

Evangelicalism is the evil that religion does, in a nutshell.
I agree with Spice:

Evangelicalism is the evil that religion does, in a nutshell.
It just seems to me you're preaching to the choir. But I hate people who still complain about religion... It's been argued to death, people who do it basically know they are narrow minded (if they are intelligent on any level)...

"I just don't question it" is the 'intelligent' answer...
"The bible makes perfect sense" is the... stupid answer...

Its funny how many people I talk to now days just "don't question it"
... they know it's illogical.
"people who do it basically know they are narrow minded (if they are intelligent on any level).."

that's a contradiction.

They don't, in my experience, ever consider that they are narrow minded...
all they consider is;

" You're goin' to HELL' :twisted:
it's just a result of how most people don't really question whatever they are born and raised with. religion in this part of the world. a room full of 50 guys whom the vast majority of people don't question in another part of the world (china)

it's all the same thing. the warmth of being part of a group, participating in it and and playing a part in defending the group. the rewarding chemicals released by the brain in believing you are right, and interpreting reality in such a way that you reinforce that belief and the "high" that goes with it
perfect example. gaz cobain from future sound of london gets into an altercation with a very religious woman.. and then reflects on the argument after.

interesting how her whole line of thinking has been crafted to deceive herself into thinking that her belief is in fact a manifestation of divine truth, and not just a manifestation of her ego. how many fundamentalist religious people i've met who are that way

st.bot.32 a dit:
it's all the same thing. the warmth of being part of a group, participating in it and and playing a part in defending the group. the rewarding chemicals released by the brain in believing you are right, and interpreting reality in such a way that you reinforce that belief and the "high" that goes with it

indeedy. Culture, within the dominator as it has been, operates building those schizophrenic boundaries.
Push them buttons with a little rational discourse and they turn aggressive, very. The notion of the natural law of divinity has a HUGE value form attached to a very irrational and often destructive fragmentary cosmo-vision.

For example, The monoteist cult has brought about an exaltation of the individual that, on social terms, gets rid of very effectively of any social group emergence whos ideology is against it because this obssesion with the individual makes them forget we are socially, as well, produced. The meme is "save yourself! earn heaven while there are still empty slots left."
In my opinion, Christianity should be banned from public places and discouraged from our culture.

When you start summarizing what it's about, it all becomes much more clear:
LOL!! :lol:
TAH DAH! Those were so awesome haha.

But seriously, spice:
people I know simply don't question religion, even if they believe in it. They know it's illogical so they just use faith.
I ask what good is faith in something illogical, and again they respond with "I just don't question it."
LoL! I'm snagging those pictures

Has anybody seen Bill Maher's movie Religulous yet?
isn't just as narrow minded to think that you know all there is to know about reality by worshiphing scientists and denying all religion? I mean i've seen many "free thinking" atheists that act just as retarded as their religious counterparts, they're just like funny-mirror images of each other they both look alike but other is just upside down...
To my experience our methods of and tools of probing the world around us is just too limited to rule anything out completely. I think that both spirituality and science have their own place in the world and one cannot replace the other: spiruality is to feed your soul, chemical fertilizers are to feed the masses!
and here's some free thinking of propably the worlds most famous modern scientist:
I want to know God's thoughts... all the rest are details.
--Albert Einstein
It’s when people don’t stop to question logic that it becomes religious.
How reliable is logic when all it represents is faith invested in that which is deemed logical?

It is often forgotten that conferred fundamental conditions have impetus on thought thenceforth suggested.
Thus something is only logical if it conforms to the founding paradigm.
Now doesn’t that sound illogical, lol?!

The religion of no religion? How amusing.
Mechanistic theory becomes a bit of a Deus Ex Machina in the light of that.
