hey keep asking the right questions and you will discover the truth. "seek and you shall find", to bring in a bible quote.
hmm it appears to me, surely a big part of the conflict of faith or not faith etc etc is because of the various divergences and convergences there are or seem to be in between and through the concepts of subjectivity and objectivity plus their relativistic emergence and taking effect in the individual and collective people.
in my opinion religion without faith is like a shoe without soles and faith without religion maybe at least a bit like soles without a shoe, but probably more like a solar system without planets or something like that.
i think hypnosis whether self hypnosis or not , "dehypnosis" or not, plays a rather big, but unrecognized or unnoticed role, in the ways and directions that religion, faith or the lack of thereof lead the people to go or not go to where they are going or not going. basically i view hypnosis as a process of programmation of mostly the subconscious and unconscious mind. so that's why i think regaining a feeling of truth, reality etc etc and generally like self-responsability is important. i mean like for example if you thought you were free, but were not, would you then not be more of a slave or unfree? how to know that you don't know?? or how to be sure to not know, that you know?? pretty confusing huh..
hmm also i actually think, that while rationalism + materialism seem to be very dominating paradigms in big parts of the modern world, they led and/or will lead to the inner forgetting of a deeper truth and tend to bury that more and more because of a overload and too much focus in "the big picture" (individual or collective) scheme of things with certain limited rational thought patterns, understanding and a lot of bias, in my opinion. i don't mean that one must reject rational, scientific discoveries, etc etc, but they can be included in one's paradigm, without the limitations that a lot of overly rational paradigms seem to have to them.
as if nature, reality, the world, etc are losing many people's original approach plus towards themselves. for example like DaZeD is saying in the last post that seemingly certain advancements put a undoubtable shadow on the "truths" of the past, but maybe forgetting a possibly vast amount of knowledge that might be required to be really certain, especially regarding the topic of faith, since it could be way more ancient than a lot of other human achievements throughout the course of (the mystery) of history and thus a lot more incomprehensible than assumed.
so now speaking of God. God is eternal, infinite and therefore never having been created nor ever ceasing to exist. God is beyond human definition and understanding, most exalted, mosty mercyful, allknowing, allmighty and infinitely intelligent. not anyone nor anything can ever really present a threat to God. well,what else would you expect from the most high being of ALL existence??
now the last bits of information are as i see it, easily to be read or written, however it is probably conversely difficult to truly "get it", depending on the person of course. i can say of myself that i still live in ignorance in terms of at least even approximately be able to grasp or imagine the true meaning of the statement and its possible implications.
in addition to that i believe it is rather crucial to realize that God is one and hence there can only be one God. in spite of the infinite manifestations and creations, of which we most likely know very very very little, apart from like the knowledge and truth being scattered among the people and groups of them, all are/is united in the oneness and unity of God. so if people have many gods or so, i suppose they still would only (be able to) pray and serve the one God, while they may not know, but as i said maybe the truth is for many quite often not so obvious and relatively unknown for whatever reasons??
God to me appears to be the all-transcendent person from whom all things came in the beginning and to whom all things shall return in the end. obviously ,the attributes of the person of God differ greatly from the persons of humans, altho the latter being akin to the former. so anyway, for various reasons many people need to wake up from the limitations + illusions they allowed on themselves and "their world" so the natural, original potential can be remembered and restored.
i think it can help to remember you once were a child and maybe try to see it all like that or similarly again and besides for the infinite being that is God, all living beings no matter how old are "like" children. in simple matrix terms you may say as a valuable advice, "unplug and stay unplugged". 8)
ok, i
hope this is somewhat understandable and easy to read.
peace!! :weedman: