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question about peyote

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mycophile
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I decided to repot the seedlings as the weather is still great 30 degree C average lately, more in my green house so its a good time to repot. I have put them in a plastic see-through tub in a white plastic bag to reduce the light and they have stared to go green again. Ah all is good even the week one is in the big pot now in the centre with a yellow circle indicator.

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Very nice!I would like to know your soil mix on seedlings!
I am going to buy some seeds soon.
; ./
Yesterday i did my first graft!
I will post pics when i remove the bag i have on pot for humidity, in 5 days.
I hope it will be ok, though i pretty much fail on giving the button steadiness with some kind of tape!
elastic bands are good apparently
I would say to start them on sand then once they are big enough move on to the mix listed above. I started on sand and compost 50:50 mix but I was not happy with the soil and only 6 out of 50 seeds germinated. Put some sand in a plastic tub and put in a white plastic bag in a green house they seem to like that.
One day after i went to cheek how he was.I saw that it wasn't stick completle, so i take it of and did it again!
The next day i saw signs of rot :( the base of the button start to turn black!I end up taking of the bag for humidity (so the fungus cant grow).
Right now is stable bat i spotted some big cracks on the base of the button!We will see i guess, bat as far as i know its pretty much done!:(
By the way i did one more graft and is going pretty well right now.
I will update soon with pics (i hope i will do it this time and not being lazy :P)
Leave them for a day or so..you might notice some changes in the texture..
Arh. I got back from my honeymoon to find my babies had been knocked over. I lost 2 found 4 but one had burst so three left. Also one looks very squished and bruised so not much hope for that one. On the possitive side to make my self feel better I bought a few more cacti including a a new L.Williamsii which had a seedling growing in the pot next to it and about 12 seeds stuck in its fluff. I have planted the seeds so hopfully they will replace the ones i lost. Pictures to follow.
see my collection thread for my new cacti
I have recently been on a soil collecting mission so will document my new mix anyone interested please keep an eye out for my new thread.
Well I think starting seeds is becoming a curse. Soon after taking the latest pics slugs got in and eat one completely and took chunks out of two of the other so only one left but on the plus some of the seed are sprouting. Looks like they gonna be on the windowsill through winter, I was hoping to keep them outside to get winter hardy in the green house. Will buy better quality seeds next time mabey big bend or something cold tolerant. Pics to follow of the devistation.
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red is slug dammaged as you can see one is almost gone the other has a hugh chuck missing
yellow is the only surviver of the first batch
green are the new seeds from the tufts on my new mature see my collection tread
orange is the new seeds that have sprouted so far.
Please take a better photo!
You posted this on cactiguide forum? Any way it just looks sun stressed nothing wrong just give it a bit of shade. In the wild they grown under bushes, in crevices between rocks or mostly buried so only get a little direct light. Also the soil looks to organic. You might want to change it to a more gravely mineral based soil. Backed clay cat litter and some limestone chippings and maybe a bit of sandstone lumps no actual dirt.
Doesn´t look like sun stress to me - too localised. The flesh does seem to be collapsing a bit - this looks like a form of rot - but seeing as it is a couple of months since the first pic, how has it got on since then?? I agree with adetheproducer that you soil looks poor. My standard mix for peyote, which thrive in alkaline limestone areas, is

2 measures loam
1 measure wormcasts
5 measures coarse sand/grit
2 measures crushed marble
Raising cacti from seed often results in a number of losses. I have been raising peyote from seed for about 15 years now - have raised hundreds, but have had a lot of casualties as well.
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A few here that I have raised from seed - quite a few peyote, Lophophora williamsii, and Astrophytum myriostigma, Encephalocarpus strobiliformis, Ariocarpus bravoanus, Epithelantha micromeris.

One occasion when I had just sown a tray of peyote seeds, a few minutes later I found a cockroach digging them up !!!

All I can say is keep at it !!! There is nothing as rewarding as having a cactus you have grown from seed produce its own seed - life has gone full circle.