Nirvananana- sure, no problem.
I was introduced to x by a bunch of ravers in the early 90s in the southern usa.
I had just finished a long term relationship and was at a turning point in life.
Things hadn't been going well, and a new direction was sorely needed.
Somehow I stumbled onto another world.
If you were to superimpose a drawing of an x molecule onto one of methamphetamine, you'd find that about 90% of the x molecule IS methamphetamine, however, the other 10% is where the action is at.
Something called the methylenedioxy bridge hangs off this simple meth molecule and converts it into something else altogether different.
Meth is a garbage drug. Its down there with all the other dominator drugs.
The effects profile of x is altogether different than that of meth.
For a really good grounding in the basics of this realm see PIHKAL by A. Shulgin. Dr. Shulgin is the authority on this subject. The first half of the book is something every person owes it to themselves to read. This man is a giant in the field, truly. I consider him my mentor and you will understand much better after reading pihkal.
anyway, x helped me enrich my life on multiple levels, even to understand why I was addicted to coke and meth in my 20's...
It will trigger growth, as a person, if you let it. I find that after a journey, theres a window that stays open for me mentally for a few days, and in this time, I am able to understand my own motivations better. I am also able to see into other peoples situations with more clarity and understanding.
This makes life easier,for me, personally.
Also, I've always been an extermely left-brained, logical person. X helped me with perception and how to open my right brain. A side effect of that is that right brain thinking helps unravel many mysteries that cannot be grasped w/ the left brain.
One of the great barriers to understanding anything is what I call the 'internal monologue'...this is your own voice in your head. It interferes with perception by talking all the time. One great thing about x for me is that I am able to completely shut down the internal monologue, like flipping a light swith.
When this happens, the information begins flowing. True perception cant happen when theres any kind of talikng. ( I later began reading about a lot of zen and this seems to be the central message of zen: shut up so you can percieve properly)
Also, the greatest thing about it was that it guided me to Dr. Shulgin, Dr. Leary, and Dr. Lilly. and THEY helped put me in touch with my inner hippie,
aka the god within