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Pure MDMA first time

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Hehe, my first experience with E was on 120 mg crystals.

I particulary wanted crystals and told myself not to do E with pills, because during that time the intergrity was just poor.

I had a few pills for a few experiences too, but somehow if wasnt coming close to crystals.

The price should vary from 15 EU,-- till 50 EU,--, although 40 is already considered here as a rip off in NL. But in the Us I heard prices of 200 US are normally. :S

Here in the Netherlands, where obtained directly from the manufacturer, 10EU,-- is possible, although this is rare, generally the prices are 20EU,-- to 30EU,--
Okay, I tried it yesterday in a psytrance party, 50 mg, then like 15 minutes after I took 75 mg more...

Damn, this was retarded...

I mean, c'mon, after feeling totally stoned, I began to be so happy, in love with everyone, that I began to talk to everyone, to hug my friends (who were also trippin'), damnit, we were a living cliché... Well the fact is that I was feelin' a bit ashamed to act in such a way, but it just felt sooooo good that I didn't truly cared...

I've hesitated during more than a year about trying or not MDMA (I would never have touched XTC), because, well, even if the feeling is absolutely great, it looks so superficial to me...

But hell, even if it is true, I don't see MDMA with such a low opinion anymore, because during this party, I've been more social than I always been, talking to people I've never met before...

Hell, I even talked to one of the DJ's, asked him what would his advice be for someone who would like to begin making electronic music... Y'know what ? He gave me his number, tellin' me that I could drop-by his studio one of those day so he could give me a free lesson or two to get me started...

Yes, I would surely never have talked to him if I haven't taken MDMA, but I don't think that this is trully negative, because firstly I have pulled something real from this trip (the lessons, and the fact that I joined a Goa organizing association), something material, something more than juste a few hours of pure bliss, and secondly, it showed me (quoting from a TR I read on Erowid a few weeks ago, I repeat this sentence in my mind during the whole evening) "How easy it is to make new relations"...

The fact is, I'm not exactly shy, but as I just LOVE the great ambiance that can be found at a Goa/PsyTrance party that when I go to one, I always tried to not disturb anyone... You could say that I have a real phobia from beeing an annoying person...

The coming down was a bit sad, well, I suppose it couldn't be otherwise after going so high, but the good thing was that this kind of mild melancholy only lasted for like 30 min, after this lap of time I just went back to the dancefloor and had once again a great time, even with no more effects at all...

After the party I felt happy again, cleary enjoying the trip back to my home, I don't know if the MDMA made a last stand a this time or not (don't even know if it is possible, and I don't trully care anyway)...

I'm writing this at 5 PM the day after the party, I don't feel especially happy or sad, but I still do feel that something has changed in me, the fact that I feel much less "afraid" to try to make new friends, to talk to people I never talked to before...

I dunno if this change will last, but I trully hope so...

I'm still a bit afraid of MDMA, because I trully see how you can abuse of this substance, becoming someone who can only enjoy himself with his dose, and that's why I intend to put some limits to my consumption, as with dxm, something like one dose every 2 or 3 months...

I'm cleary looking forward the next psytrance party, as I've just written I won't take MDMA this time, but I'll be really happy to see the people I met this night again, and maybe try to become friends without beeing motivated by a substance, but only because I think they're really great people...
Welcome to the world of MDMA :)

and the fact that u felt a bit ashamed is quite normal... in time this will totally dissolve... it really desolves your Ego..
and as u say... it was much easier to talk to people .. , hugging ur friends which is the best thing there is :D

and u ask yourself.. that u don't know if the feeling will change..
it probably will in time... and that might be a good time to take MDMA once more to remember, and after a few times the changes stay
its a great way to open yourself up...and u can learn very much from using this drug,

but keep it special... dont do it every weekend.. as u allready said every 2 or 3 months, when u feel it might be a good time
ProStoner a dit:
and the fact that u felt a bit ashamed is quite normal... in time this will totally dissolve... it really desolves your Ego..

Good thing to know :D

But anyway, this wasn't really a problem, I mean, I just love to grunt while trippin' (in a positive way, if you know what I mean), for example when we trip on shrooms and go in the forest, I'm always like "Alright guys, here we are, in the middle of the forest, totally twisted on drugs, we're surely going to get lost, if we haven't already done so... Bah, it won't matter if we disturb a sleeping boar, will it ? Jesus, how do I love tripping...", then my friends and I are going to have arguments about our ethnicals origins ( "Stfu now, you greek gay !" , "Hell, what is an old portuguese doin' far from the tv football match anyway ?", "Oh no, the swiss faschist just pissed all over the only way out of the forest, I think I'll try to invoke Stalline and kick the shit out of him !"), but we do this light hearted, we laugh alot, and no one feels really insulted, I mean, we are good ol' friends, so who cares ? :D
I understand it wasn't really a problem :D
I know exactly what u mean :)
Damn, this experience-report makes me nostalgic.

I haven't took any E for more than a year, simply because I want to reduce my intakes to once every half year and I got more focussed on Acid, Shrooms, Keta the last years.

Please, be faithful to your promises with your intakes. Most of my friends abused it and their sensation is not even coming close to their first experience. And this goes faster than you'd think, 4 months off is preferable at least, better once every half year.

Hehe, the feeling of 'changed' yeah. This is because you fully experienced acceptance of others and yourself, and no barriers when you let yourself go with expressing your emotions.

I believe, this is something you can't experience naturally with the state in the world.

The best setting for a MDMA intake, is having people around you who're also on E, and fully understand your openness, without having to worry about any unintended bonding afterwards.
4 month between every trip is sure gonna be a challenge, well, it's gonna be my good resolve for 2007 (I intend to redo a trip at the Timegate in Switzerland for new years eve)...

With all the work I'll have to do (exams), I should be able to stay at one trip every 4 months...
Saturday i did pure mdma for the first time, 0.2 in water. Awesome experience, i personally thought of it being more "rushy", i was a bit "actived", but MUCH more sort of "loved up" and "opened up".
Great experience
don't think of 350 mg as overkill, just look at it like this, you get the real empathetic mdma 'entheogenic' effect at first, followed by the cool visuals of mda at the end.

My personal opinion is that higher doses are under-rated. Contrary to what a lot of people may believe, with high quality mdma there is almost no ceiling, in
respect to how high you can get.

The uninitiated would not BELIEVE the levels you can take it to.
Scouts honor...
spice a dit:
high quality mdma there is almost no ceiling, in
respect to how high you can get.

The uninitiated would not BELIEVE the levels you can take it to.
Scouts honor...

Such mysterious statements about a substance I never had... Would you tell me a little bit more about your experience on MDMA ? I am wondering for long about it, being an "old lady on the road"...

Thanks !
Nirvananana- sure, no problem.

I was introduced to x by a bunch of ravers in the early 90s in the southern usa.
I had just finished a long term relationship and was at a turning point in life.
Things hadn't been going well, and a new direction was sorely needed.

Somehow I stumbled onto another world.

If you were to superimpose a drawing of an x molecule onto one of methamphetamine, you'd find that about 90% of the x molecule IS methamphetamine, however, the other 10% is where the action is at.
Something called the methylenedioxy bridge hangs off this simple meth molecule and converts it into something else altogether different.

Meth is a garbage drug. Its down there with all the other dominator drugs.

The effects profile of x is altogether different than that of meth.

For a really good grounding in the basics of this realm see PIHKAL by A. Shulgin. Dr. Shulgin is the authority on this subject. The first half of the book is something every person owes it to themselves to read. This man is a giant in the field, truly. I consider him my mentor and you will understand much better after reading pihkal.

anyway, x helped me enrich my life on multiple levels, even to understand why I was addicted to coke and meth in my 20's...

It will trigger growth, as a person, if you let it. I find that after a journey, theres a window that stays open for me mentally for a few days, and in this time, I am able to understand my own motivations better. I am also able to see into other peoples situations with more clarity and understanding.
This makes life easier,for me, personally.

Also, I've always been an extermely left-brained, logical person. X helped me with perception and how to open my right brain. A side effect of that is that right brain thinking helps unravel many mysteries that cannot be grasped w/ the left brain.

One of the great barriers to understanding anything is what I call the 'internal monologue'...this is your own voice in your head. It interferes with perception by talking all the time. One great thing about x for me is that I am able to completely shut down the internal monologue, like flipping a light swith.
When this happens, the information begins flowing. True perception cant happen when theres any kind of talikng. ( I later began reading about a lot of zen and this seems to be the central message of zen: shut up so you can percieve properly)

Also, the greatest thing about it was that it guided me to Dr. Shulgin, Dr. Leary, and Dr. Lilly. and THEY helped put me in touch with my inner hippie,

aka the god within

spice a dit:
It will trigger growth, as a person, if you let it. I find that after a journey, theres a window that stays open for me mentally for a few days, and in this time, I am able to understand my own motivations better. I am also able to see into other peoples situations with more clarity and understanding.
This makes life easier,for me, personally.

This is one of the most intruiging descriptions of this drug i've ever read. About any psycho-active drug maybe even. It's exactly what I feel. Great; I'll save this one ;).

And as for Nirvana: If you could ever get your hands on some MDMA, it's not as intense as you might suspect after reading all these posts, but it IS indeed a love drug. It's so easy on you.. calming... relaxing... no worries: perfect!

2nd trip will (hopefully) be in less than 2 week, after reading what Spice wrote, I'll try 200 mg this time, maybe something like 150 mg first then 50 mg 2 hours latter...

Really looking forward doing it again, and I'm quite happy to see that I easily managed not to touch it during the 4 months that followed my first MDMA trip :D

Can't believe I had such a low opinion of this stuff before trying it...
^ Maybe this was due to the appearance of Ecstasy users, jaw tension, and just a weird looking head.

Since you did acid earlier and experienced the profoundness while hardly any affection on your looks. You might have thought that E is superficial and just speeding since it's an amphetamine.

150 mg at once for your 2nd trip is definitely enough. If the entire amount of serotonin in your reserves is released, a higher dose will merely increase the side effects of the amphetamine component. 'Cause you just need to activate the serontin in your own brain with the MDMA chemical, the empathy and euphoria isn't in the white powder, remember that. ;)

Nothing in this world feels so super as an E trip with a low tolerance, it's the trick to keep your tolerance low. :)
Hi everybody.

Tomorrow, I am going to get some X for test. I dont know HOW it looks like, but seems to be sold as pills... So how do you know about the amount you are having ? Is the amount stated with the pill, is there a standard (if yes, WHIWH ONE ?) or what ?

Finally, is there a way to check if the product is MDMA, if yes, at which purity level (I know, I am probably dreaming !!!) ?

Hum... My appointment is at 10 am today, so if you could reply very fast... Would be even more helpful if I could read you before I meet my man.

Tx fellows for your help.
Here in the Netherlands we have got a test service for purity, strength and substance. Though, the intergrity here is quite good.

In foreign countries, you can't check yourself entirely if you really bought MDMA. Unless if you have an EZtestkit. But those ain't reliable just as a lab test. You can check www.pillreports.com or www.ecstasydate.org

It is generally sold as tablets, with logo's of many different brands, animals, symbols etc. Though they are in no way an indication of the content of the pill.

The best ecstasy form are white crystals bought from a supplier who does wholesales. These have a strong purity and no other substances are added. Though, they might be very hard to obtain in some countries or area's. Generally a gram here in Amsterdam cost 20 Euro.

The content of a pill varies generally from 80 mg to 120 mg. Above 120 mg are rare. And it depends on the synthesizers, they keep the strength low on purpose for a certain period of time after a period with good pills. Then increase it after quite a long while and the population then talks about great quality again. Which results in a run on buying.
Many txs Brugsmannia for your informative post. Will help for sure.

Another one, if you have time and patience (as I would probably find the answer somewheree here on the forum !=), HOW do we take it best ? I think I heard of slmoking, or snorting ? What about eating ? And what differences as regards effects and specially high rush if any ?

Tx again, peace on you !
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I almost used up an entire 1 gram of mdma in 4 hours, the most insane thing on mdma that I ever experienced

WTF? LOL, I'd believe insane, but nowhere pleasant or euphoric.
Just swallow your E. It gets absorpted very well in your interior.

The high from a first oral dose and the rush is already immense! And the high last the longest. It's just nice if you've taken it and start dancing and forget about it, and then get the overwhelming sense over you.

Smoking isn't worth it and wastes your E and is usually peformed by people who have a thing with smoking other substances.

Same goes for snorting, this burns and irritates and is usually done by people who have something with the whole 'nose thing'. Also it takes a shitload of time to get all the powder/pill fine.

IVing is something that might create a rush that goes beyond the speed of the light in the Universe. But has some risks. And not sure or it dissolutes well in water.

Just swallow, I swear you'll have the best hours of your life.