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Psychonauten meeting Part 4: The XXL Outdoor Edition

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GOD a dit:
Good points and good that we are getting more concrete . Here are my personal thoughts .

I personaly dont want to be confronted at a ritual with drunken people , loud people or people with cocaine egos . I`ve got nothing at all against cocain sessions , but another time . And i think it would be nice to keep it peacefull , warm and relaxed and a bit serious , with a ritual , not a strikt one like Daime or the other Ayahuasca churches , but a private simple one without any dogma or pseudo blah blah . (I`m thinking about the woman with the big tits talking pseudo esoteric cack in the Boom video) , I would rather do Ayahuasca than mushrooms but that depends on what my liver and the interferon says . And i`d rather do Iboga another time as a sort of personal healing ritual with only a few people and at best with someone experienced .

Ritual for me = Sincere . That everyone takes it seriously , with reverence and no frivolity . Being a loving , careing family . Better with no music or headphones , here and now , head on with reality . The trip , the circle , the fire and the night .

A set time to start . 10 minutes silent meditation . Take MAOI . 20 minutes silent meditation . Take DMT part . Or 20 - 30 minutes silent meditation then take the MAOI+ DMT . Silent meditation untill everyone comes up . Then short word/s from everyone in the circle to the circle if they want and a second dose for those who need it .. Then get on with what happens . When it starts to weaken another dose for those that want it . Then come down and quiet conversation + smoking mary jane and maybe eating a little of something light . Then sleep .

Everyone will need a sleeping bag/warm blanket and a towel and a bucket if we take Ayahuasca .
I doubt there will be alot of people really wanting to drink alcohol, at least no one seemed to want beer/whatever @ the previous meeting so I doubt that will be a problem.
I think Cadeuceus mercurius will organise so I would mostly like to hear his ideas on the subject.
Important to me would be a big sense of freedom aka being able to do whatever i want. If I need me-time i want to be able to get some. If i need to take a walk I want to be able to take a walk, if you see what I mean.
This sounds like a very good idea. I have never been to this kind of meetings before, but I'm sure the ambiance is very good. I just don't have any experience with iboga and Ayahuasca, so I prefer shrooms or acid, but I'm willing to try other substances if experienced people are present.

To answer the questions:
- would like to come chat with psychonauts, smoking weed: yes, anytime
- would like to take the following sacrament: Prefer shrooms/acid for I'm not experienced with iboga/ayahuasca
- would like to have the ritual saturday evening
- would like to have the general meeting saturday evening / sunday? Both fine with me, depends on when the ritual is taking place.

And as other people already pointed out, I prefer to have the freedom I want. Go for a walk, listen to headphones, smoke grass etc. when I feel like it.

Great initiative people, looking forward to meet other psychonauts.
I`m not sure if you all understand what i ment so i`ll try to explain it exactly .

"Important to me would be a big sense of freedom aka being able to do whatever i want. If I need me-time i want to be able to get some. If i need to take a walk I want to be able to take a walk, if you see what I mean."

Thats exactly what i mean , i`m not talking about regimentation or a prison . Either we have a ritual or not , but we cant have both . To do something with things like Ayahuasca a minimal ritual is better than everyone starting at diferent times for example = there has to be a minimum of concensus . We all have to meet , decide we are going on a bus ride , go to the bus together , get in together , start to drive.......and then when the bus is moving decide where we each want to go and everyone can decide if they want to get off and on again anywhere . I dont want to be handcuffed to anyone and always like to be able to go for a walk....... and maybe hug some trees or something if i want to . When people meet and take psychedelics and there is absolutly no disiplin ( sorry maybe thats not the right word , maybe self control is better ) then people start talking loud and running round playing mind games , walking in and out when people need to concentrate/meditate while comming up and it gets like taking a trip in a shopping center packed full of plastic people at the summer sales = a pain in the arse and dangerous . Just imagine we all went to see a very important event and someone had head fones on and started humming and singing like someone in the train with a walkman on . Then another one joins in with diferent music at a diferent speed . Then someone starts eating sweets out of a loud plastic bag . The ritual part is a loose thing after people come up , then everyone does what they want , like listening to music with headphones on , if it doesnt hurt other people or themselves .

The first time i went to a ritual was with Ayahuasca and i was a bit woried that i was expected to take part in some sort of orgamised church service where i had no personal freedom . It wasnt like that . it was about the same as what i talked about before , and afterwards i understood why it was done like that amd took it up and always did it like that . I dont want to take part in something like a Daime ceremony again , There if i remember right i had to wear a uniform = a white shirt and blue tie with blue trousers and proper shoes . We washed first , i had to clean my shoes till they shined , comb my hair and have a shave . Then the women sat on one side and the men on the other and we took the Daime . We had to sing songs in spanish from a hymn book . It was in my opinion fashistoid so i left the room put my own clothes on and had a doss on the balkony triping , listening to the silence and looking at the sky .

Maybe it would be good if the people who have never been to a ritual would read a little bit about them to understand the how and why . A ritual is like a road map and if people go to places that they have never been before they need one . People throughout the ages and all over the world have learned that it is better to use a ritual setting at psychedelic gatherings . An anarchic , every man for himself , free for all often expands to be a dangerous chaos .

But i dont realy give a fuck how we decide to do it , i want everybody to be happy , i have legs so i can take a hike if i want to .

I`d like to hear everyones thoughts on everything .
I'm not interested in trying to perform ritual activities during a trip. That's why I wrote:

Ritual means all participants will take the same sacrament at the same time, so that coming up, peaking and coming down occur around the same time. For the rest everyone is free to do what they want to do: be quiet, sing, go for a walk, whatever.

I think mushrooms are the best idea: least chance of nausea and other types of bodily discomfort, easy to ingest (tea), and most psychonauts have been on at least one mushroom voyage before. It's also the sacrament we're fighting to keep from obtaining the bad reputation of being an illegal substance in the Netherlands.

I just received a price indication from the teepee guy. Note: the 8 meter tipi is HUGE.

Datum: 31 mei t/m 1 Juni 2008
Plaats: Lekermeer 12 , Berkhout N-H.

Huur 8 m Tipi 195,00
Grondbedekking 35,00
Vuurschaal + hout 35,00
Btw 19% van 265,00 50,35
Totaal te betalen € 315,35

Kosten camping: 3,50 per persoon per nacht.

Borg 345,00 per Tipi.(indien er een interne verzekering aanwezig is ,vervalt deze.)

Betaling contant .

I'm considering opening a separate bank account for Psychonaut meetings. Everyone who wants to attend wires a small sum of money reservation cost to that bank account (for example 20 euros), which will be used by the organizers to book the place, buy materials, buy food etc. That small sum of money must be seen as a donation, and will be nonrefundable, although it can be used to immediately book a 'ticket' for the next psychonaut meeting (and I repeat: let there be many). I'm just brainstorming here. I think it's a reasonable idea. Anyone have experience with this type of scheme? Pitfalls we should beware of?

"Ritual means all participants will take the same sacrament at the same time, so that coming up, peaking and coming down occur around the same time. For the rest everyone is free to do what they want to do: be quiet, sing, go for a walk, whatever."

Thats what i mean . But as i said i will have to see what the interferon and my liver say , if i cant then i can be the fire man and keep the fire going and baby sit .

The bank acount sounds a good idea to me , when you have opened it please PM me the acount details and i will beam some $$$$$s over .
I think I read your post a bit too quick, a ritual so everyone has quiet meditation during the come up should be good to all start off in the right direction, and as you said everyone can leave the bus at any time or take a layover ;)

The bankaccount sounds nice, I'll definitely beam some money its way. I think that if you're willing to organise then I an' I (to use a nice rastafari first person plural) will trust you in handling the account responsibly.
Caduceus, I'd say; open the account :)

now i just have to make sure i'm the weekend off... shouldn't be a problem, since i rotate on saturdays. Monday off would be wise though :wink:
OK, I'll go to the bank first thing in the morning to open an account for the Dutch Meeting Trust.

Hey mates!

After being away from the forum for some time, I'm back for action hehe. Had to take quite some time to get my life a bit back on the road. Which meant; less drugs, more work and more hanging out with friends. All worked out just fine. So I'm back ^^.

It's really good to see that there's going to be a meeting (once again). I hope (if time lets me), i can join u guys. Would be great :).

Welcome back Kwarkfanaat!

OK, I'll go to the bank first thing in the morning to open an account for the Dutch Meeting Trust.
I did obtain the information required to do this, but the next day my father died (liver failure) and I'm still spending most of my free time sorting out his stuff.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Welcome back Kwarkfanaat!

OK, I'll go to the bank first thing in the morning to open an account for the Dutch Meeting Trust.
I did obtain the information required to do this, but the next day my father died (liver failure) and I'm still spending most of my free time sorting out his stuff.
Much love and strength your way then, this is some heavy and important stuff to sort out first!
:heart: from me to you!
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Welcome back Kwarkfanaat!

I did obtain the information required to do this, but the next day my father died (liver failure) and I'm still spending most of my free time sorting out his stuff.

Wow :( .

Take care mate, and no need to rush things. Just take care!

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
my father died (liver failure) and I'm still spending most of my free time sorting out his stuff.

Lots of Love and Light bro
:heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea::heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea: :heart: :idea:

And bubbles



My condoleance I wish you all the strenght in this time Caduceus, I hope you have something or someone who can make the pain a little less.
Sorry to hear that :(
Best of luck, but remember that wherever your father wanted to go to.. he's there now.
Thanks y'all for the condolences, love and bubbles. :D
hallo mensen,

Ik ben nieuw hier op dit forum, dit is mijn eerste post (wordt snel meer :) )
IK heb hier al de nodige topics gelezen wat me al veel wijsheid heeft gebracht. Ik heb oa het topic van de vorige meeting gelezen en dat leek me geweldig, was daar helaas te laat voor, maar zie zo'n outdoor versie wel zitten, dit lijkt me redelijk geweldig. Het lijkt me zaak om zon evenement niet in het hoogseizoen te plannen, ten eerste wegens hoge kosten en ten tweede omdat veel mensen dan al op vakantie zijn. Het voorstel van 21 juni vond ik een goede ingeving, met de motivatie het begin van de zomer. Deze dag is het tevens het langste licht in het jaar. Als locatie zou ik zeggen zuid-oost nederland ivm mensen uit du/be. Ik kan overigens wel voor muziek zorgen, dmv een behoorlijke installatie in mijn auto(800W) en kan eventueel een beamer regelen (alleen een doek dan nog, ochjah die wigwams zijn ook wit :P ) maarjah, de natuur is natuurlijk al mooi genoeg (dan)

ik hoop dat ik mee kan, lijkt me een leuke ervaring!
Komt die outdoor meeting eraan? Gaat het allemaal door? Waar en waneer is het?
Wie heeft de leiding, en heeft degene ervaring met het leiden van spiegeldelische sessies?
Gaan jullie muziek luisteren of muziek maken?
(zonder muziek kan ik niet leven)

Hoe kan ik in contact komen met de organisatoren: telefoon. E-mail?
Als dit allemaal serieus is zou ik graag telefonisch contact opnemen met een van de organisatoren. Ik hoop dat dit mogelijk is?
.... . -.-- .--. .... .- .-.. .- .-. .. ... .- .-. . -.-- --- ..- -.-. --- -- -- .. -. --. - ---
magickmumu a dit:
Komt die outdoor meeting eraan? Gaat het allemaal door? Waar en waneer is het?
Wie heeft de leiding, en heeft degene ervaring met het leiden van spiegeldelische sessies?
Gaan jullie muziek luisteren of muziek maken?
(zonder muziek kan ik niet leven)

Hoe kan ik in contact komen met de organisatoren: telefoon. E-mail?
Als dit allemaal serieus is zou ik graag telefonisch contact opnemen met een van de organisatoren. Ik hoop dat dit mogelijk is?
Volgens mij is Caduceus Mercurius begonnen met het openen van een bankrekening en had ie ook de nodige info over de wigwams. Het overlijden van z'n vader heeft volgens mij tijdelijk roet in het eten gegooid. Ik neem aan dat hij tzt wel wat zal posten over de dingen waar hij mee bezig is etc.