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Psychonauten meeting Part 4: The XXL Outdoor Edition

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I've had the idea of going to the 'Ardennen' to trip out with a bunch of people for quite a while now. But I'm afraid there might be too many people which can get quite hectic.

But we could all group up a bit from time to time, and then each group starts hiking in a different direction, and an hour later we meet again at a certain spot or something like that.

But I don't know there's loads of shit we could do.

Oh and btw GOD: I tried eating hash a week a go, after reading that topic were you had that bet about eating 10 grams or something.(didn't eat 10 grams though) I had a good experience except for the fact that I indeed had the shits for the 2 days. It seems you're right about the quality of commercial hash :P .
Interesting question, hadn't thought about that yet.
Are mushrooms legal in Belgium?
Selling them is illegal. But we're not gonna sell anything. We're just camping.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Are mushrooms legal in Belgium?
Selling them is illegal. But we're not gonna sell anything. We're just camping.

I hope for you guys that the police will say the same if they find mushrooms or any other stuff that isn't 100% legal.
My own experience is that the police tries everything to lock you up or give you a fine.

The police is corrupt, everywhere!
If they want, they can bust you on almost everything, sometimes they even make things up, and then you can't prove that your innocent, because the policeman will help each other out if they are on the losing side.

In The Netherlands (and probably also in Belgium) a policeman stands for 2 witnesses.
And in The Netherlands policeman always walk with a colleague.
So if you are alone, then it's 1 witness (yourself) against 2x2=4 policeman.
If you are with more people, they can easily get more backup or tell the judge that there were more policeman on the "crime-scene" then there actually were.

If they want to nail you, they can, and hard... most of the time you won't make a chance...
Lots of good ideas come by !

My preferences would be:

-the squater's place Space was mentioning.
(I can rent an army's tent very cheaply from a befriended group of people.)


-a rented (wood) cabin somewhere in the netherlands.
This is more Cheb's expertise.

Don't forget your toothbrush !
If they want to nail you, they can, and hard...
True, and for all Outnetherlands meetings better not take any risks. For example, it's better to not bring weed (dogs can easily detect it). Open stoner meetings can only take place in the Netherlands. The Belgium Ardennes are beautiful, excellent for having a quiet walkabout.
It's not very common that they will search cars with dogs if you drive from Holland to Belgium.
But it is possible that they do, although it's a very small chance.
But don't smuggle anything in the months around new year, then they will do more car searchings (with or without a dog), because of the fireworks.
My preferences would be:

-the squater's place Space was mentioning.
(I can rent an army's tent very cheaply from a befriended group of people.)


-a rented (wood) cabin somewhere in the netherlands.
This is more Cheb's expertise.

Als ik een beetje weet wanneer en en welke omgeving (utrecht/eindhoven/denbosch/boeit niet) dan heb ik iets om mee ze beginnen...
Ik kan zo al een blokhut huren (alleen ff bellen enzo) hier in de omgeving (rustig + veel bos). Klein nadeel is dat het is in omgeving Eindhoven en niet makkelijk te bereiken met de bus (ik wil best pendelen voor degene die wel met de trein komen).

(just realised i typed dutch... i'm tired and will translate another time)
I've asked Prostoner and he will check if the terrain can be used in a weekend in June.
The problem is, he has to have time.
He doesn't have a phonenumber of one of the guys who lives at the site, so he has to visit.
And he will do an internship for a month, so this can interfere planning wise.
If he can get somebody's phonenumber we can call again a month before the meeting (that was the agreement last year)

So it sucks a bit, we don't know what to expect.
(it probably won't be a problem, but still....)

It is a fairly large terrain though surrounded by trees and it's a kind of small valley/ditch in between some hills, so the terrain is awesome :D
It sounds like a cool place to me . But the later we find out if its posible there the less time we have to organise another site , travel and tents/tipis or what we need to keep dry . The problem with tents is that some of us havent got tents , and i for one am not interested in turning up and finding i have nowhere to sleep , or that it has been called off for some reason in the last minute . The only problem with tipis is someone would have to book them and pay for them in advance = we would have to have someone who collects the money from the people who want to come first . And as far as i`m concerned it would have to take place in Holland or we can forget our hobbys and relaxation .

At the moment i personaly have the problem that it looks like a passport will cost me 250 Euros !!! Then on top of that travel + food + hobby + tent/tipi ......... = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
So i need to know 100% that the site and tipi/tents are 100% sure in advance . Wich brings us back to the tipis and site that Caduceus was talking about IF it is posible to have a private party there and not get problems because of our hobys ?

Maybe it would be a good idea to find out now how many people want to come and how much they would be willing to pay for a site and tents/tipis pro person ?????

Thoughts , ideas , solutions ???
The teepee site on page one is down, but here's another one:
tipi verhuur

In an 8 meter tipi 15 to 20 people can sleep, 25 to 35 people can sit, and it costs 175 euro for a weekend, or actually 208,25 including tax.

Mats for the floor and the thing you need to make a fire in the center of the teepee, 83,30.

Delivery per kilometer: 0,36 (the tents are stored near Hoorn)
Construction: 71,40

So it will cost approximately 400 euros. So let's say 15 psychonauts come over, it will cost 27 euro per person. If we can find a free spot to put up the tent that is. It requires a flat surface with a diameter of 8 to 10 meters.
I told the owner of these teepee's about our plan, namely that we wanted a big teepee, and that we needed a silent place for our meditation, where we would have the freedom to make music with drums and other acoustic instruments. I asked him if he knew a good spot for that purpose, and he said his own terrain would be suitable for that. He just needs to know when, in advance. I can go check out the terrain in the weeks to come. It sounded good.

He asked me to write down the details of our plan (size of tent, number of people, date, etc.), and he will calculate the price.
and he said his own terrain would be suitable for that.

Damn, i wish i had such a terrain :D But it will be nice if someone is gonna check if this terrain will be okay for us to use. Is it in the woods, or on a grass landscape(No, not that kind of grass :P)?

But really it's sounds great, and i`m looking forward to it :D
I've picked the weekend of May 31 / June 1. Note: this is not the Outdoor Psychonaut Meeting, just one of them, as I would like to organize it. I'll definitely be present at other meetings as well. If what you read below doesn't appeal to you, don't worry: there will be other meetings this summer.

What I would like to do is divide the weekend into a general psychonaut meeting (which in my limited experience means smoking weed and talking chemistry or politics), and a 'ritual'. Ritual means all participants will take the same sacrament at the same time, so that coming up, peaking and coming down occur around the same time. For the rest everyone is free to do what they want to do: be quiet, sing, go for a walk, whatever. Because we're probably going to make a fire in the middle of the teepee, there will be Mindfolds for everyone. I think it would be nice to have many good quality, comfortable headphones available for those who wish to hear (loud) music.

I guess it would be most practical if those who wish to partake in the ritual come Saturday afternoon, whereas those interested in talking, smoking weed and perhaps trying out some short-acting substances (NO, Salvia etc.) join the group Sunday morning and early afternoon.

GOD, I'm very sorry to hear about your health, but I wouldn't feel comfortable tripping if someone in the group took more than a gram of hash, let alone five. I do not know what to expect from that. Actually, perhaps we could all ingest Iboga Saturday afternoon and trip balls until Sunday afternoon (google "Iboga, hepititis).

Maybe you could all please respond to these questions:

- would like to come chat with psychonauts, smoking weed: yes / no
- would like to take the following sacrament: shrooms / iboga /
- would like to have the ritual saturday evening / sunday
- would like to have the general meeting saturday evening / sunday

My answers would be:

- would like to come chat with psychonauts, smoking weed: yes, but I wouldn't spend money for that purpose alone.
- would like to take the following sacrament: shrooms or iboga, depends on what we do on Sunday.
- would like to have the ritual Saturday evening
- would like to have the general meeting Sunday
Caduceus , Thanks for the net link . I just took a look and beamed myself several pdfs down wich all look very helpfull . The thing about eating hash was 10 gramms not 5 and i thought that if we had 2 days and nights that one would be triping and one smoking and socialising . I intended to eat my dose on the socialising night . The efects are ususly that i lie down , awake with my eyes closed and feel GOOD . Its not anything that anyone else would realy notice or be efected by . And it was an idea , just to show that canabis need not be taken only in homeopathic doses . I dont have to do it , i`d rather just smoke untill i know that my friend is getting adeqate treatment and is being healed . I will read more about the Iboga and hepi advice and then make my mind up about posibly trying it .

The rest of what you say also sounds good to me to . I`d thought the socialising / smoking on the first night and the ritual on the second night folowed with a sleep and then a session of relaxing together , smoking and talking about what we had experienced .
Kudos CaduceusMercurius :D

Me response to your questions:
- would like to come chat with psychonauts, smoking weed: Yes (but i can do this everywhere..)
- would like to take the following sacrament: shrooms or another 4-12 hour substance to trip with like an ayahuasca ritual
- would like to have the ritual saturday evening
- would like to have the general meeting sunday
- would like to come chat with psychonauts, smoking weed: yes, anytime is fine
- would like to take the following sacrament: shrooms sure thing, iboga I don't have alot of knowledge about so I'm not sure about that.
- would like to have the ritual I'm mostly wondering what kind of ritual to expect, with more knowledge about it I can't really say.
- would like to have the general meeting depends on how and what with the ritual :)
I'm open for joining in eventual. Seems that the arrangements and the assurerity of enough company is the hardest part to get across. But despite all that it'd be cool to meet everyone in person.

It may be spiritual to have a collective undergo in a primitive way. Not like 'partying' or noticeable alcohol consumption.

As for sacraments, I will ingest myself enough mescaline juice for a few days. 'Cause that's who Am I. ;) Shrooms or Acid are fine too. I'm an ayahuasca virgin, but won't say no.
Good points and good that we are getting more concrete . Here are my personal thoughts .

I personaly dont want to be confronted at a ritual with drunken people , loud people or people with cocaine egos . I`ve got nothing at all against cocain sessions , but another time . And i think it would be nice to keep it peacefull , warm and relaxed and a bit serious , with a ritual , not a strikt one like Daime or the other Ayahuasca churches , but a private simple one without any dogma or pseudo blah blah . (I`m thinking about the woman with the big tits talking pseudo esoteric cack in the Boom video) , I would rather do Ayahuasca than mushrooms but that depends on what my liver and the interferon says . And i`d rather do Iboga another time as a sort of personal healing ritual with only a few people and at best with someone experienced .

Ritual for me = Sincere . That everyone takes it seriously , with reverence and no frivolity . Being a loving , careing family . Better with no music or headphones , here and now , head on with reality . The trip , the circle , the fire and the night .

A set time to start . 10 minutes silent meditation . Take MAOI . 20 minutes silent meditation . Take DMT part . Or 20 - 30 minutes silent meditation then take the MAOI+ DMT . Silent meditation untill everyone comes up . Then short word/s from everyone in the circle to the circle if they want and a second dose for those who need it .. Then get on with what happens . When it starts to weaken another dose for those that want it . Then come down and quiet conversation + smoking mary jane and maybe eating a little of something light . Then sleep .

Everyone will need a sleeping bag/warm blanket and a towel and a bucket if we take Ayahuasca .