Hail Hail the Mighty Phalaris, host of hosts!
...and what a grand gathering it was, eh boyz?!
Forgive your wandering "American" brother, but it took a few days for glow (and smoke) to clear enough to focus in on all the thank-you's clawing there way from heart to forum.
First let ANYone dare disagree: there's hardly a deeper and more generous gift one person can give than to just totally open their whole home to their friends. Yeah, its a common enough saying, "mi casa, su casa" but, its like some kind of really high spiritual art to fill your visitors with the complete sense of being utterly at home. I'm not going to name names here but those who were there know who i mean: what a fucking sweet, smart and utterly cool host and great space we were gifted with. Dude, that Cheshire-cat smile of yours alone will forever be your front door key to any place i ever call "home", in this life or any/all the next.
There's no WAY to go through, one-by-one, each smiling member of the crazy-amazing tribe that showed up, but what's cool is that if i did, I'd have something fun to share about each guy i met.
The gathering was a perfect size and had such a nice timeless tempo (late afternoon till late night) that we all have the chance to let the trippy, spirited flow of story-telling, crazy fun joking, trip reporting, vision sharing.....pull us into buzzing, ever-morphing circles of connection and exchange.
Like one of the great wonders of entheogenic flight itself, there was the sense of so much newness, esp for me visiting/meeting most of this group of guys for the first time, in the midst of so much ancient camaraderie.
How to explain the instantly easy and natural open flow of playful, fascinating conversation, but to praise the obviously bright transformational influence of Earth's sacred entheogens on the lives of those who approach them with respect, integrity and awe.
Thanks guys for a magical day; a day graffitied forever on the purple walls of this foolish heart; a hot glowing neon "YES!" shining in headless sky of this mindless mind.
Until our every next great whatever,