Psilocybin Neurogenesis

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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... Propably not... :oops:
It is of course anger, frustration, powerlessness and despair that make someone do sth like that and definately not good sense
Srry GOD and all others for me getting carried away
I should have obviously stated that I was not seriously of opinion that sb who would do sth like that would b my hero and stuff and that I was just joking around
My sincere apologies..
I thought that you were all being sarcastic and wanted to clear it up incase someone took it seriously .
Well not realy i was just being diplomatic......
Hehe. :lol:
I thought that you were all being sarcastic and wanted to clear it up incase someone took it seriously

I was, but people can get that wrong too ofc. I should have just been clear and serious I suppose
All right i made a mistake.. it won't happen again :o
You made a mistake.. son people don't make mistakes in reallife, in reallife a mistake means you're dead out all is lost and you're forever doomed.. :roll: :lol:
Making mistakes is a big help if we learn from them and they are small and dont hurt others . So what you call a mistake was realy something positive because we all learned something from it . Thank you for helping me learn .
Hes dead and i`m a gratefull Gerry......
I certainly wouldn't slip lsd into someone without notice... just thinking about the state of mind of the victim... it would be very overwhelming and unbearable to feel that much energy flowing not knowing how or why it's affecting you in such a profound way. But I definitely would want Nixon tripping massive balls of multicolored fractal chaos. No pity from me for someone like him. What would he say when the demons manifested asking for the past?
Argh, I hate to play devil's advocate..

But I'm not entirely convinced that LSD would fix up nixon.

I really think psychedelics only "work their magic" when people take them for the purpose of soul-seeking.

LSD has certainly been abused by criminals, and it didn't make them better people. It won't give you a conscience, if you don't already have one.

Now if you could slip some LSD into his coffee and somehow conveniently have a trip-sitter present to guide the journey, you might get somewhere :P
yes... though I wasn't thinking on the outcome rather the ride :twisted:
Nixon is dead . And doseing anyone without their permission is an iresponsible act . Maybe it could be thought of by courts , that they offer or recomend certain criminals to have LSD therapy , but not against someones will .