Psilocybin Neurogenesis

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New Psilocybin Neurogenesis Study Begins at the University of South Florida

Researchers Juan Sanchez-Ramos PhD, MD and Briony Catlow MS at the University of South Florida in Tampa have just started a new study to see if psilocybin can help promote the birth and development of new brain cells (neurogenesis) in an area of the adult brain called the hippocampus, which is associated with learning and memory. The psilocybin that is being used in this study is coming from an unused portion of a gram of psilocybin that MAPS purchased several years ago for $12,250 and then donated to the University of Arizona for Dr. Francisco MorenoÕs psilocybin/OCD study.

The official title of the new study is Effects of Psilocybin and other Selective Serotonin Agonists on Hippocampal-Dependent Learning and Neurogenesis. It is based on the findings of several researchers who have shown that hippocampal-mediated learning and memory is related to the generation of new neurons in the adult brain. In experiments with laboratory animals, inhibition of neurogenesis with a toxic drug resulted in deficits in specific forms of memory. This provides evidence for the notion that promoting neurogenesis might improve some aspects of memory and cognition. The proposition that psilocybin impacts cognition, and stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis, is based on the evidence that psilocybin mimics the neurotransmitter serotonin, which--when acting on specific serotonin receptor subtypes (most likely the Serotonin 2A receptor)--is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
Love it!
There must of course be some suspicion that the theory might be correct, I can't really say anything about it, I'm not a scientist ofc :P
But I can definately say I love these kinds of research, research on the effects of psychedelics on biochemical and/or psychological health that is, especially longterm effects.
If it's true it'll be big big stuff if you ask me.
If it ain't.. then we'll know it ain't and we still got the answer to the question I suppose, won't have to research that again :)
Lovely 8)
"Interesting for me to think about how the result of that research would/could fit in the stoned ape theory."

Me 3 . Maybe we should go to the zoo regularly and give the monkeys/apes Psilocybe mushrooms and see if they develop into intelligent loving beings that dont kill their planet .

Maybe if we take enough mushrooms in 2012 we will mutate to become Homo Superior .
Me 3 . Maybe we should go to the zoo regularly and give the monkeys/apes Psilocybe mushrooms and see if they develop into intelligent loving beings that dont kill their planet .

I would prefer to start with the pigs in politics to see if we can provoke any reason into them ;)
"I would prefer to start with the pigs in politics to see if we can provoke any reason into them"

Yep . I`m not realy into giving animals drugs . But i think it would be good if politicians were given a heroic dose . Wake the fuckers up .
GOD a dit:
Yep . I`m not realy into giving animals drugs . But i think it would be good if politicians were given a heroic dose . Wake the fuckers up .

Me neither... although a cat we picked up from an asylum years ago and was really panicked and neurotic, managed to drink some of my girfriends shroom tea which actually changed her (the cat...) for the good.
I would prefer to start with the pigs in politics to see if we can provoke any reason into them

Frontpage of newspapers:
'Lately several policticians have been assaulted with darts fired from rifles.
All of them reported severe distortion of reality and hallucinations and claim their mental health will certainly be permanently damaged.
Analysation brought forth the substance psilocybin being present in the darts fired, a substance found in the psychoactive drug we know as ''magic mushrooms".
Several men responsible have been caught and appear to have acted independantly from one another.
Motives are not yet clear, yet suspects claim to have done it out of duty of love and peace.
The police have yet to decide what punishment and/or therapy would be appropriate for the kind of complete nutcases the suspects appear to be.
As assaults continue all over the world, this mysterious new hype leaves everyone in great chaos and confusion.'

Where did you get that from ? I`m sceptical because of the dose needed to cause a Psilocybin trip is probably to big to get on a dart .
Where did you get that from ? I`m sceptical because of the dose needed to cause a Psilocybin trip is probably to big to get on a dart .

Just made it up :P ahh too bad
Aren't there any darts that injects on impact the content of its container (wich is behind the sharp hollow tip of it) or something? :)
Omg it would be so cool if someone would actually really get Bush or something with this :lol:
The Bulgarians used to hit people with umbrella tips while walking past . The tips had a little ball in them covered with poison wich killed the victim . It was once done to a man in London .
Bastiaan a dit:
Where did you get that from ? I`m sceptical because of the dose needed to cause a Psilocybin trip is probably to big to get on a dart .

Just made it up :P ahh too bad
Aren't there any darts that injects on impact the content of its container (wich is behind the sharp hollow tip of it) or something? :)
Omg it would be so cool if someone would actually really get Bush or something with this :lol:

Hilarious, reminded me of this movie I saw when I was a kid:

Hallucionogen-tipped darts that drove people insane..

We can only fantasize of what would have happened if Abbie Hofman and Grace had been able to complete their plan.
slip lsd into Nixon's coffee :shock: :twisted:

she said she had 600 mics...
Great idea.. no, fantastic.. but not very clever is it?
I think the presidents coffee is going to be quite well guarded and I'm pretty sure they stumbled upon the same problem :P
If you'd really want to accomplish 'intoxicating' someone like the president with a psychedelic, darts may be your best bet as of now :wink:
Ofc you will get caught but hey you've done sth. tremendous haven't you?
You'll go down in history as a hero I suppose.
You'll definately go down in history as my hero :o :lol:
Arent sick ideas like that , about doseing people without telling them , part of the reason why drugs are illegal . Could any one do anything more irresponsible and negative . Could anyone do anything more damaging to our fight to get drugs legalised for responsible adults ?