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Preparation for high doses?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psychoid
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GOD a dit:
Thanx for the explenation . It sounds like all the other reports i`ve read and in no way positive to me . It sounds like a toxic reaction or a psychosis . What about trying mushrooms and heroin , glue sniffing or large doses of valium .

As i said i think that if you took more mushrooms you would get a "better" experience . It sounds to me that you are trying to make the world around you trip because you dont lie down and close your eyes and let go ?

If i were you i would double your mushroom dose , lie down and close your eyes .

You assume a lot of things about me.
Based on what??????

Honestly God what do you know about my tripping???

I respect you, but the way you talk down to me (and other people on this forum)
just makes me feel sad. :cry:

I have checked out the thread like you said, but could not bother to read the whole thing, to find out if you have experience with this combination.
GOD I suggest you take care of your own trips and I will take care of mine.

You're acting very arrogant.

What could be negative to you could be positive to me.

God you assume I don't close my eyes and don't know how to trip.How did you come to this?????
"Based on what?????? "

The things that you have said .

"Honestly God what do you know about my tripping??? "

The things that you have said . That you seem to be , from what you say , not satisfyed with your mushroom trips and want more . I know that if a person takes a good dose of mushrooms and lies down and closes his eyes it knocks his socks off and gives him enough to ocupy him .

".How did you come to this?????"

From what you have said . I also said "If you like doing what you do have fun" .

You asume i asume an awfull lot that i didnt asume , things that i read from what you said in your posts .

I have no more to say . Have fun .

Love GOD
This whole negative vibe turns me down.
I can´t stand all the competitiveness on this forum.
That's why I am going to quite being on this forum for a while.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sorry guys. maybe i will be back in the future but for now i am taking a break.

GOD I never said I took the combination because mushrooms where not strong enough.
I said just mushrooms are fine and good and nice.
This is just tiring I am going to quite
Magickmumu, please ignore the arrogant people on this forum. They seem not to understand that people who are new to psychedelics, just need to learn how the things work. And if they sound to stupid, then these arrogant people are BLAHBLAH BLAH. I know that's frustrating, but please keep posting on this forum. At least I like your posts! And i`m sure a lot other people do!

It's sad to see that so many people leave this forum because of this arrogance. There where so much great people with lots of knowledge and wisdom, and now i see them leaving one by one. We definitely need to look at our selfs, and stop being to arrogant!

I like your posts to and i dont want you to go . Cant you acept that other people have different opinions ? Must everyone agree with you ? Cant you acept to differ and stop moaning at me . I said several times that i think if you like it do it .

Mystic , i think arogance is you promising me something and then not delivering . Someone who doesnt answer PMs when i ask whats going on and why they break their word . Instead of trying to widen gaps between people why dont you try to bridge them . To heal wounds and not to drive people apart . Do you make a profit out of it .

If you dont like what i say ignore it .
Hey God

Thanks for your appreciation of my posts.
I don´t carry any hard feelings toward you, and I accept your views.
I don´t think your wrong about MAOI. It´s just my experience with the combination that makes me question what´s going on. I honestly don´t know what´s going on, but MAOI mushroom combination feels different from a big dose of mushrooms and it´s positive for me
I don´t encourage anyone to try this combination.
I don´t use the combination to potentate my mushrooms, but because of the specific effects of the combination.

I think I will stop posting for a while, but I will keep reading and thinking.
Try to be nice to the people on the forum please.

magickmumu please dont get the wrong idea. people are only trying to share what they have learned. sometimes it comes across as patronising but it isnt meant to be. conflicts are unavoidable sometimes. its not personal
Mystic , i think arogance is you promising me something and then not delivering . Someone who doesnt answer PMs when i ask whats going on and why they break their word . Instead of trying to widen gaps between people why dont you try to bridge them . To heal wounds and not to drive people apart . Do you make a profit out of it .

Alright, i never promised you anything! I only told you i would try to fix my ftp, and would contact you when i got it fixed! But my provider does not let me having a good upload and i`m still looking for another cheap provider who can deliver me the right upload. But your don't having patience, and if things are not appear the way you want it to be, it seems that you get frustrated. Don't talk about arrogance, when you don't know what the word really means.. So look for the meaning of that word, and ask your self why great people leaving the forum, one by one. Read your posts, take of your blindfold.

I am sorry that i have to say it this way, but your blinded by arrogance! I can not say anything else..... But i guess it's natural when people got to know to much knowledge, that they start to act arrogant.