Holofractale de l'hypervérité
- Inscrit
- 3/11/07
- Messages
- 4 166
GOD a dit:Thanx for the explenation . It sounds like all the other reports i`ve read and in no way positive to me . It sounds like a toxic reaction or a psychosis . What about trying mushrooms and heroin , glue sniffing or large doses of valium .
As i said i think that if you took more mushrooms you would get a "better" experience . It sounds to me that you are trying to make the world around you trip because you dont lie down and close your eyes and let go ?
If i were you i would double your mushroom dose , lie down and close your eyes .
You assume a lot of things about me.
Based on what??????
Honestly God what do you know about my tripping???
I respect you, but the way you talk down to me (and other people on this forum)
just makes me feel sad.

I have checked out the thread like you said, but could not bother to read the whole thing, to find out if you have experience with this combination.
GOD I suggest you take care of your own trips and I will take care of mine.
You're acting very arrogant.
What could be negative to you could be positive to me.
God you assume I don't close my eyes and don't know how to trip.How did you come to this?????