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Preparation for high doses?

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Why do you call it Soma ?

What real , rational , proof have you got , other than subjective beliefs , that the combination you are talking about has any effect other than placebo or a toxic one ?

Did the spirits tell you ? Or was it a secret message hidden in the exorcist ?

And why bother with a posibly dangerous combination ? Why not just take more mushrooms ?
"And why bother with a posibly dangerous combination ? Why not just take more mushrooms ?"

Or you could increase the placebo effect by not thinking for yourself.
Thats probably why it "worked" in the first place......
I'll see it when it happens.
GOD a dit:
Why do you call it Soma ?

What real , rational , proof have you got , other than subjective beliefs , that the combination you are talking about has any effect other than placebo or a toxic one ?

Did the spirits tell you ? Or was it a secret message hidden in the exorcist ?

And why bother with a posibly dangerous combination ? Why not just take more mushrooms ?
O my GOD, still going on about the MAOI-thing 'ey? Why do you care so much for someone else's belief system regarding this subject? Belief what you want to belief, and it will manifest in your reality. Don't spent too much time being against things (opinions, beliefs), it costs soo much energy and you get so little in return.

There, my 2 cts. Have a great day/night!
GOD a dit:
I am sceptical . I have seen no evidence that MAOIs can change the effects of Psilocybin/Psilocin other than by placebo or because it causes toxic effects . There is a thread about it where we have debated it at length and come to no final conclusion .

MAOI and mushrooms is not just a placebo. MAOI are active of themselves so how can you call it a placebo??????

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

If you ask me MAOI change my mushroomt trip and makes stronger.
Some people like GOD don´t believe the combination has any effect, but This is not what I learned from experience.
Had a wonderfull day and night , thanx .

MAOIs are active but not psychoactive in the way that they make you stoned or high . Why do you say , falsly , that i dont believe that MAOIs have any effect on a Psilocybin/Psilocin trip ? You seem to me to be missinterpreting what i said in the MAOIs thread . Maybe if you read it you would have a better idea of what i`m saying and why . And subjective experiences are not proof . How strông would your trip have been if it wasnt as strong as it was ? I have read loads of reports by people saying MAOIs added to their trips but the effects they described sounded like toxicity to me . Have you tried tripping with blackcurrant juice ? Or green socks on with a plastic bag over your head ?

If your mushroom trips arent strong enough for you why dont you just take more ?
GOD a dit:
Had a wonderfull day and night , thanx .

MAOIs are active but not psychoactive in the way that they make you stoned or high . Why do you say , falsly , that i dont believe that MAOIs have any effect on a Psilocybin/Psilocin trip ? You seem to me to be missinterpreting what i said in the MAOIs thread . Maybe if you read it you would have a better idea of what i`m saying and why . And subjective experiences are not proof . How strông would your trip have been if it wasnt as strong as it was ? I have read loads of reports by people saying MAOIs added to their trips but the effects they described sounded like toxicity to me . Have you tried tripping with blackcurrant juice ? Or green socks on with a plastic bag over your head ?

If your mushroom trips arent strong enough for you why dont you just take more ?

Because MAOI change the mushroom trip.
The combination is different from just plain mushrooms.
A high dose is not the same as the mushroom MAOI combination.

And no god I haven't tried tripping with a plastic bag over my head and greens socks on.
I don´t see why I would need a plastic bag over my head, that´s just stupid.

God have you tried the combination yourself.
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

What works for my does not have to work for somebody else.
You missed the point .

If you like doing what you do have fun .
GOD a dit:
You missed the point .

If you like doing what you do have fun .

This is not a answer to my question. :?
Did you try the mushroom MAOI combination.

It´s easy to say someone misses your point, just because they don´t agree.
So what is your point.
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
"Did you try the mushroom MAOI combination".

Proves you missed the point . Did you try the plastic bag and green socks ?

"It´s easy to say someone misses your point, just because they don´t agree".

I didnt say it because of that . I said it because you missed the point .

"So what is your point"

As i said if you read the MAOIs thread you will see and then you might understand why i say you missed the point . In that thread i clearly say what i mean and what my opinion is . At the moment you seem to me to be missunderstanding me and projecting your missunderstanding of what you think i`m saying on me .
Like I said I did not try plastic bag and green socks.
I answered your questions why don´t you answer mine. :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

I assume you have not tried the combination.
I have and I found it very powerfull and different from just plain mushrooms.

Don´t get me wrong, I read and think about your posts. I will take a look at the MAOI thread if I have the time.
The thing is, You call it a placebo, but that´s not what I learned from my own experience.
If you take a MAOI on it´s own it is psychoactive. The effect range from mild high feeling to hypnotic states of mind

GOD I am not projecting anything. I am just comparing my own experience with what you wrote.

Please don't be a troll :cry:
Sorry but this is getting boring for me so i`m not willing to talk anymore about what you think i said that i didnt say .

I did answer all of your questions when i said read the MAOIs thread .

I have never called it a placebo . If you like it enjoy it .

Love GOD
No hard feelings. I will read the MAOI thread and try to figure out what your point is if i have the time. (But I don´t know if I will agree)

where's the thread???

:) peace
Let me first say that I did this combination many times. And I had many mushroom trips without MAOI. So it's not a one time experience. A friend of mine had similar experience with the combination and so does my brother.

The trip becomes more hypnotic, it becomes easier to go into trance. And the trance state last longer.
The trip becomes harder to control. Strange/confusing almost psychotic thoughts can appear.
Whenever I do the combination there seems to be more synchronicity.
The MAOI are hard on the stomach and you can feel nauseas. If the MAOI dose is high vomiting can occur.

The first time I tried this combination I thought I died. My friends where trying to convince me I wasn't dead, but everything they said confirmed I was.
With the combination I sometimes came in to contact and communicate with entities.
Last time I tried the combination I was alone and I was hallucinating the room was full of people.
I started talking with these people and they told me they where spirits.

Don't get me wrong, mushrooms are psychoactive by themselves so you don't need MAOI.
I would not want to recommend the combination to anyone.
Mushrooms are fine by themselves, but it didn't hurt me to experiment with MAOI and mushrooms.

Peace and safe tripping.
Thanx for the explenation . It sounds like all the other reports i`ve read and in no way positive to me . It sounds like a toxic reaction or a psychosis . What about trying mushrooms and heroin , glue sniffing or large doses of valium .

As i said i think that if you took more mushrooms you would get a "better" experience . It sounds to me that you are trying to make the world around you trip because you dont lie down and close your eyes and let go ?

If i were you i would double your mushroom dose , lie down and close your eyes .