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Possibly noob LSD questions

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Annihilation
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Wow you guys are amazing

This has really made all my worries go away
I cant wait for the opportunity to try it :D
"Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building... What a tragedy !"
As long as you start with a fairly low dose (100-150ug), you'll be fine.
At low doses I find that acid makes me think about everything in a really positive way and I generally love life.
If at any point you start to worry about anything just remind yourself that there's nothing to worry about, the only difference between now and any other time is that tonight you put a piece of paper on your tongue.

If it's possible, I'd make sure you can spend at least part of your trip outside.
There really is nothing quite like sitting under the night sky with a head full of acid. :)
me and my friend decided to try mushrooms first, so were gonna try some next week during easter break :D anything i can do to prepare? or any other info would be great!
adrianhaffner a dit:
clear sky at night on mushrooms, for me= beautiful color changing twinkling coronas on all of the stars, and a humbling yet loving feeling of the epic scale of things

At the end of my last mushroom trip I looked up at the moon through the clouds and it had a big rainbow aura surrounding it. :)

Annihilation a dit:
me and my friend decided to try mushrooms first, so were gonna try some next week during easter break :D anything i can do to prepare? or any other info would be great!

Do you know what strain you're getting, that'll give you a better idea for dosage.

As long as you start low I don't see how anything can go wrong. Just relax and go with it.
If you like smoking weed, the two go together really well.
Don't over-do it though, weed can make the trip more intense.
weed can make the trip overwhelming. but if you feel like it would be a good idea at the time go for it. you should skim the forum for topics on this, there is no shortage of beginning questions and answers. i will tell you though that setting, and the people you trip with plays a huge factor in your overall evperience. trip with good friends, maybe another one of them tripping with you. DONT do it at a party, the environment will most likely overload your senses past their comfortable level. nature is your friend. music is your friend. art is your friend.
oh that stories with people thinking they are orange juice or some fucking household object make no sense and make me angry. i had two close friends telling me a variation of it and it's ridiculous, how could they buy such bullshit.

i think these stories pollute our communication and should be promptly debunked on sight by any of us. i can't believe things like this and blinded by the sun "poor young men" and other similar, fantastic dissinformative crap can even make it to newspapers.

http://snopes.com/ a dit:
Citric Acid Trip

Legend: Excessive LSD use left a young man in a psychiatric hospital, believing himself to be a glass of orange juice.


This guy goes down to the States from Canada. He comes across this amazing deal on acid, so he buys a hundredlot. He figures that it's not likely they'll strip search him, so he tapes the whole sheet to his stomach when he goes back. At the border he's ordered to get out of his car and wait in a room while they search the car. He gets so freaked out, thinking that they're going to strip search him after all, that he starts sweating. The sweat soaks the sheet taped to his body and he absorbs a hundred hits of acid through his skin. Pretty soon he thinks he's an orange and decides he'll have to peel himself, so he starts peeling off his clothes. To this day he's confined to a psychiatric ward, still convinced that he's an orange.

The story I heard is that a guy was running from the cops and had a sheet [of LSD] in his pocket. He knew he was gonna get busted and didn't know what to do with the stuff, so he did the whole sheet. Now he thinks he's a glass of orange juice and his biggest fear is that someone will drink him.


* Earlier Orange juice versions of this legend attribute the patient's bizarre behavior to the damage caused by repeated LSD use, but later versions describe the cause as a single accidental, massive dose of acid.

* In some versions the victim believes himself to be an orange (rather than a glass of orange juice), although he may also harbor fears that he will turn into orange juice if anyone touches him.

* The patient is sometimes said to be afraid to lie down (lest he spill) go to sleep (because someone might drink him), or allow anyone to approach him (for fear he might be peeled).

Origins: The "orange juice man" was one of the 1960s' most ubiquitous pieces of LSD scarelore. As improbable and wacky as it may seem today, this tale was taken quite seriously by the anti-drug forces in the mid-1960s, when the long-term effects of LSD use were unknown. As Jay Stevens wrote a couple of decades later:

"Halting the spread of LSD had become part of the national agenda; thus it was necessary for the press to sensationalize the subject ... the LSD psychotic ... seized the public imagination and didn't let go for the rest of the decade. Scarcely a week went by that this curious creature wasn't in the news columns, either raping or murdering or committing suicide in stories that were usually anonymous, uncheckable, and bizarre."

The orange juice shocker was apparently well-known enough by 1966 to have achieved anecdotal status, as seen in this newspaper excerpt:

""There are also gnawing fears in the scientific community that repeated use of LSD could permanently damage the brain. But they have no firm evidence yet.

"There's no scientific evidence," [Dr. Timothy] Leary says. "I would be more concerned than anybody. I've taken LSD 311 times."

Some, who consider Leary's remarks a shaky testimonial, point to specific examples of what could be the result of brain damage.

One involves a heavy user who is convinced he is an orange. He won't allow anyone to touch him for fear he will turn into orange juice.""

The story was soon being repeatedly proffered as if it were a case study (minus any corroborative details, of course) by health care professionals. Consider this excerpt from a 1968 book about drug abuse, taken from a chapter about LSD written by one Duke D. Fisher, M.D., a neuropsychiatrist who is described as having "had extensive experience with LSD users":

"Some people would take LSD and and their trip would continue beyond the usual twelve to eighteen hours for LSD effects. Many individuals continued to hallucinate, continued to be paranoid — extremely suspicious with delusions of being watched, criticized, or persecuted. They were convinced that people were going to hurt them or that animals were chasing them, or they continued to be out of contact with reality. An example of this kind of reaction was a teenage boy who locked himself in his room because he thought he was an orange and that if someone touched him, he would turn into orange juice. He was able to live because his friends would bring in food for him; however, he remained locked in his room for several months."

Even more so than the usual horror tales of physical mutilation and death (e.g., drug users gouging out their eyes, staring at the sun until blind, stuffing babies in ovens, or jumping out windows thinking that they could fly), this legend served a chilling (albeit apocryphal) account of the damage LSD could wreak on a human being. Physical trauma may be terrible, but at least it's comprehensible. A bizarre and permanent insanity, however, is one of the most horrible fates we can contemplate.

Last updated: 29 January 2007
Those stories make me laugh. :lol:

A couple that I heard when I was younger were...
A guy that thought he was an egg and was confined to a psychiatric hospital.
Then when he was there he refused to take baths because he thought that they were trying to boil him.

...And a guy that thought he had springs instead of legs, was jumping around everywhere and eventually did so much damage to his legs that he ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

I also heard a few stories about people being chased by giant Mars bars.

I agree about the importance of set and setting with mushrooms.
Sometimes if I do them in a public place my mind starts racing and I feel like everything's very overwhelming.
I've found that it's best to do them either on your own or with a few close friends (prefferably all on the same drug as you).
Its funny cause at my school, me and my couple of friends were the only ones that had ever taken LSD or shown intrest in it. At first the rest of the stoners at the school tried telling us how bad it was and spinal fluid this and crack your back that. The funny thing though was that the few of us that had done LSD were the ones that graduated and were goin to college. The rest were what we called the hood slavs, cause they were poor, dirty losers. Funny how people hear things from the media and then assume its true. After awhile though we started to convince people that maybe psychedelics weren't that bad. Considering we were some of the smartest kids in the school other than the nerds (and even most of them too). We ofcourse were extremely flagrant about it. EVERYONE knew we smoked pot and damn near everyone knew we tripped balls cause thats all we talked about it constantly and loudly (we'd yell down the halls about LSD and ecstacy just to see peoples reactions). Even our teachers and principle knew we took drugs cause we talked about it so much and so loudly. Im pretty sure they hated us for that, we made drugs look so fun to everybody. We were litterally the comedians of the school. And we owed it all to LSD and mushrooms.

Another good one was since i got a 27 on my ACT people use to ask how i was so smart, my answer was always "drugs" or "LSD". They never wanted to believe it though.
yeah that's true it can happen
but if you don't have any family relatives which we're schizos it's very unlikely
if you did have any some sources say that the chances are 1 out of 500