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Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Please do not make love until chemical exhaustion, it might permanently damage your endocrine epigenetic markers, turning the flow of enzymes towards an unsustainable state. No homeostasis, no peaceful and self-puryfying waters... Please do not ejaculate more than once or twice if you're young in one love session, sperm remaining in the seminal vesicles is important for endocrine regeneration. The man multiple orgasms are long and not in peaks, then two minutes later another orgasm may happen, this can happen a maximum of 4-7 times in a young person before the little death, which is really not good. One love session should never last more than 2 hours, but it should be packed with life, so to speak. Then the energy will be raised and orgasms will be experienced for the man during 2-3 days without needing sex, music will do it, the breeze will do it... you know, sex is not meant to be a drug or an outlet for emotion... as you said.

I don't think we're quite as limited as you may assume. Oxytocin depletion is unlikely to cause a significant change in genetic expression patterns unless it becomes a persistent condition that results in receptor site increase or decrease like serotonin or dopamine baseline adjustments do, so I don't think epigenetics is a concern since the circumstances are rare and of short duration. Enzyme levels are unlikely to be a significant factor despite the role that monoamineoxidase plays here, receptor count is really the only issue and that's only going to be changed very slowly barring severe trauma such as an overdose or serotonin syndrome, which is well beyond anything I'm talking about experiencing. Recovery time was less than 6 hours to normal function, and that's without any kind of supplementation which could speed it considerably.

The multiples I experience are not the kind you describe, where there's just a shorter than normal refactory period. They're continual with peaks, pretty much identical to the female multiple in timing and reaction. Ejaculation is continuous but generally not forceful. It's not something that was a sudden development, it took a bit of work developing the right focus state to complement the stimulus and develop the potential of the reaction.

I've noticed that some males are extremely limited in their repeatability. This seems to be an inherent trait, as I've known even young ones like 16-17 who report only being capable of once, or rarely twice. Others have little trouble at all with 3-5 repetitions even past middle age. Both my husband and I have virtually no limit except for physical constraints such as exhaustion, though we rarely push ourselves to test that except on special occasions or with friends where things can easily run closer to 2 days than 2 hours. If there's been any significant harm from this, I have yet to see evidence of it. Like any capacity, physical or mental, use improves function and prevents atrophy. Exercise in general is good for you.

BTW if you've got sperm in your seminal vesicles you should see a urologist, they don't belong there and generally don't survive those conditions long. The seminal vesicles store an alkaline fluid rich in fructose that neutralizes the acidity of the zinc-rich prostate fluid and attempts to provide a less hostile environment. But sperm are ducted into the prostate, downstream from the seminal vesicles, so the only way they'd wind up there would be if there was a malfunction of the prostate, which could be a sign of prostate cancer or another serious condition. But in even the most abnormal conditions, this should not affect hormonal functions. Both the prostate and seminal glands are exocrine glands (they're ducted), and thus not involved in endocrine signaling. If there was an issue with sperm needing to be present to ensure endocrine functions from them, vasectomies wouldn't be a viable procedure since they would render that impossible.
Ok ok... not sperm, just some of the white stuff left :P

I tried to simplify it because most people have no idea how it really works, just a guess.

The wisdom I derive my experience from is old chinese books, the main one called the plain girl, which describes the emperors experiences with many concubines (sometimes as much as 10 per night)...

They died young, sexual endocrine exhaustion is very real and does not include only oxitocin, there is glutamate, GABA, histamine, cortisol...

You know it's very complex. If I masturbate for 1 hour, the next day if I see my girlfriend and have sex, it's not going to be VIBRANT and recursive. Oh yes I can stay hard and go at it like a machine for hours, but heck it's not satisfacting, as you said it... and if I am stubborn enough to keep on like this until I'm 40, I'm going to have major problems to deal with.

I have seen so many cases that its hard to deny for me, it's not something I beleive in, but I have yet to see a case that disproves my experience. Some people have high resistance to it, but sooner or later it hits them. And to my professional eye, they already been hit, they just don't realise they orgasm is less powerful than when they were young.

Just seeing that they learned to pull on the PC muscle is a big clue. It's 2000 years old knowledge that this PC muscle is for woman to exercise only, the men must push on the prostate slightly as if urinating so it can expand and then the powerful erection in the groins block the front prostate nerve because of pressure, not skill. When that happens the orgasmic response switches to the spine, there is no way to describe the power of such an orgasm really, it vibrates the whole spine, it's electric.
In the land of All Serene, no posterior release of sedative agents attempting to put me into segregation from what I call a blissful energetic dance after.


In the frenzied adopted land, with the utmost exertion attempting repeatedly to hang a bit higher on the rock, the alpinist looks back, has no overview and spontaneously gets his benzo from the right center of his brain.


May mankind bless the man who appears with size in the New York Times and it's hymn.
flakey a dit:
Awesome post, Sumgai! I relate to a lot of it (though till now more in theory then in experience)!

I am currently married in a monogamous relationship, though I am becoming increasingly unhappy. I still love my wife and even though she has flaws, I still find her an incredible person with many qualities, a beautiful soul. I have always been faithful for years, even living months away from her.

Problem is, she is very jealous, competetive with other females, terrified of me cheating on her, which exherts an unnecessary pressure on me, specially because I am faithful as probably no other man, and I feel like I have to constantly justify myself or be careful that she doesnt see me talking to girls or whatever. If im watching a movie that has a sex scene and she comes in the room, she is already all worried "Is this porn?!".

I told her many times that I wouldnt have a problem if she had something with another person, as long as the person had positive intentions. Nowadays guys are too crude.. But that this is all her decision, if and with who she wants to have sex/have a relationship, that she should do what her conscience tells her.

I believe in that cliche ¨if you love someone, set them free", and I live by it. I dont think I possess her or she posseses me. I think that more people can love each other without being a problem

But she cannot understand it, she says she could never say the same for me, she couldnt stand thinking of me being with another girl and so on.. She said she wouldnt want to be with someone else either.

The point is, I think she isnt necessarily monogamous in her essence either, but she was brought up to believe in, through her family and through tv (she always watched typical brainwashing romantic comedies where the myth of the perfect couple is always played). Together with social conditioning, I think the other main factor is a self esteem problem. If she was sure of herself, she wouldnt feel threatened by other women. Its all a pity because this all makes it a problematic relationship, even though exactly without this it would be amazing, because I see how beautiful she is inside and I wish she would see it herself also and be free. She is affraid of taking psychedelics, never did and doesnt want. She accepts that I do, but doesnt consider herself. She would just become so much better if she would just 'let go' of all this fear

She once, in a rare moment of personal liberation, said she wanted to be with someone else.. Not someone specific, but she would just like to experience someone else. I reiterated what I felt and if she wanted she was free, but her social conditioning of daily life turned her back into saying "I couldnt imagine being with someone else"..

So I think eventually im gonna have to separate from her, at least for some time, but I still will be open to having something throughout my whole life with her if she ever becomes less possessive. I would love to share my life with her, help each other grow, but not being attached and obligated to be only with her, plus all the unnecessary emotional trouble that comes from the unrealistic demands.

Im no don juan who gets all the girls, not the macho tough protective guy that girls normally want... So to find someone else, and on top of it, someone who is open like this, is gonna be tough. Plus, I've never even done this so I dont know in practice how it would work. I love women and am mostly interested in them, do not feel specially attracted thinking of men, but who knows im open to try it sometime if its someone with conscience.. Would love mostly to be with a few enlightened girls that are happy with each other also, but then again, who wouldnt? haha (but of course if they wanted to be with someone else, no prob by me)

Ah, life. It just refuses to be simple.

Give her acid and magic mushrooms. Open her mind up. A good relationship is one which revolves around freedom, trust, truth and honesty :)