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Poll: Nightmare experiences

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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kcar181 a dit:
Does anyone else get like this?
Yes, it sounds familiar to me. The best thing would be a sober sitter with you, who will assure you that everything is alright: "relax, let go, just breathe deeply, close your eyes and pay attention". That sitter should be sober (stoned is ok) but experienced. When someone is there who encourages you to surrender to the trip, you will. They will be your intellect and sense of focus as yours are obliterated in the mushroom clouds of ecstatic vision.
^very true and very wise words.
Ok I have been thinking for a few days, but I can't come up with any nightmare experiences other then one or few amphetamine/sleep deprivation paranoia's.....
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
amphetamine/sleep deprivation paranoia's.....

this was my nightmare experience. it wasn't very scary, but i felt i got close to insanity. it was my first time speed, and i had been drinking. when i went to bed i was talking to people that weren't there. i didn't have any experience with psychedelics in that time, it was fucking weird...
I once had a "nightmare"-experience because of wormwood (awful taste, really really really awful), nitrous and large quantities of cannabis (all at once.)
the next day, I smoked a little joint, and from that point I felt really disconnected from myself, or lets say from my body. I could do everything I normally do, but I got really depressive and I was crying and so on... I thought that I am going insane or something.
I had this feeling, depersonalisation, for a long time after that, and it is the reason I'm not smoking cannabis anymore.

definitely one of the things I really regret. but who knows, maybe I would have gotten that without nitrous and wormwood too, but later or something.
marijuana...no kidding

i feel a really unpleasant high with sometimes paranoia.
guess i've had it with that stuff.
but hasj is still ok.


I had this feeling, depersonalisation, for a long time after that, and it is the reason I'm not smoking cannabis anymore.

i have the same feeling when i smoke it and even days after.
something i don't experience with other psychoactive substances.
cody a dit:
marijuana...no kidding

i feel a really unpleasant high with sometimes paranoia.
guess i've had it with that stuff.
but hasj is still ok.

I had this feeling, depersonalisation, for a long time after that, and it is the reason I'm not smoking cannabis anymore.
i have the same feeling when i smoke it and even days after.
something i don't experience with other psychoactive substances.
with others not? that kinda makes me optimistic, as I feared that I might not even be able to trip again without feeling insane afterwards.

and you don't have that when you smoke hash? o.O
yes, with lsd,felt that hairy black cockroach-like creature-demon with one sharp tooth.. over my room that was a protection dome.. Not my taste for psychedelics..at least after that experience :lol:
and cannabis(i loved it when i was younger) but i stopped smoking(and my best friend) cause it showed us its bad side, o_O(paranoia=>violent feelings=>hyperanalysis of BS=>anxiety)
i smoked a joint after 3 yrs clean with a movie@home and was nice but i could very mildly feel the effects that made me cut it..
But i love entheogenics and natural psychedelics with the demanded respect and homework
lsd and thc are on my ''rejected list''
misery a dit:
I once had a "nightmare"-experience because of wormwood (awful taste, really really really awful), nitrous and large quantities of cannabis (all at once.)
the next day, I smoked a little joint, and from that point I felt really disconnected from myself, or lets say from my body. I could do everything I normally do, but I got really depressive and I was crying and so on... I thought that I am going insane or something.
I had this feeling, depersonalisation, for a long time after that, and it is the reason I'm not smoking cannabis anymore.

definitely one of the things I really regret. but who knows, maybe I would have gotten that without nitrous and wormwood too, but later or something.

I had that after 3 salvia trips in a row. I fell asleep and woke up the next day not myself. It was insanely scary. Felt like I was floating above my body and I was looking at my head. (Mentally not actually a vision/picture) I didn't seem to have any emotions either.
Forkbender a dit:
Come to think of it, I cannot even recall having a nightmare. :roll:

Depends on your meaning of the word nightmare. Even when I say I had a nightmare, it's not like I wouldn't live it again if you gave me the choice :P

Oooooh well, I can recall once screaming before awaking. I don't remember what I was dreaming about tho. I was very surprised because it was the first time this happened and I didn't think it was really possible.

It also happened a few times that I awoke and the first thing I thought was "phew, I was just dreaming". Those are the only ones that I wouldn't want to live again, because usually I'm getting in big shit and it's a lot of stress and in most cases I wake up wet of sweat.
silv a dit:
However alcohol isn't on that list

I would have voted for alocohol :roll:

I was just 14 years old and never thought alcohol was a real drug... until that one night :partyman: :vom: :crybaby: :thumbsdown: :retard:
At first I though "No", but now an unpleasant experience comes to mind, after I had a trip on lsd.
I was at a party, and was somewhat unexperienced on acid, and had a larger dose than I ever had before. The trip went well, and was about over when I got home, so I made myself a joint to get some sleep.

I shouldn't have done that, because I smoked my trip back. I got very frightened, felt like I was not alone in my room, there was another unpleasant energy around me, watching me.
It remembered my of my childhood, when I was a child I used to see things out of my imagination. At the age of about 7 to 12, these things were ghosts. At then I didn't think it was my imagination, so it got me a lot of scary nights as a child. Now I'm not sure if it actually was my imagination playing tricks on me, however I like to believe it was.

When I got scared in this trip I smoked back, I felt myself getting smaller and smaller, because of the fright. I tried helping myself by thinking, and when it worked I felt myself growing larger, however sometimes I got scared again, wich shrunk me down a little.
In the end I managed to grow myself again, get rid of the fright, and later on, finally get some sleep.
kcar181 a dit:
I had that after 3 salvia trips in a row. I fell asleep and woke up the next day not myself. It was insanely scary. Felt like I was floating above my body and I was looking at my head. (Mentally not actually a vision/picture) I didn't seem to have any emotions either.

how long did that feeling last?

I found some cannabis yesterday. maybe I'll smoke a little bit, put on some music and meditate in bed. let's see.
misery a dit:
cody a dit:
marijuana...no kidding

i feel a really unpleasant high with sometimes paranoia.
guess i've had it with that stuff.
but hasj is still ok.

I had this feeling, depersonalisation, for a long time after that, and it is the reason I'm not smoking cannabis anymore.
i have the same feeling when i smoke it and even days after.
something i don't experience with other psychoactive substances.
with others not? that kinda makes me optimistic, as I feared that I might not even be able to trip again without feeling insane afterwards.

and you don't have that when you smoke hash? o.O

no hasj gives me a smoother and more relaxed 'high'
i suffer depersonalisation mostly after heavy tiredness,and smoking marijuana,...which can last up to several days.
i think the mainreason for that is that i'm really sensitive to marijuana for the last 2 years.
with other psychoactives i don't suffer those depersonalisation feelings because i feel more relaxed with it,the feeling like 'it's ok,i can handle it,i feel just fine now'

this i what i want to practise with experiences too,just to let it all flow.
i'm too much of a control freak,like my ego is forcing itself not to let go.
i had trouble with letting myself go on my first dmt trip,but still i tried.
I had that after 3 salvia trips in a row. I fell asleep and woke up the next day not myself. It was insanely scary. Felt like I was floating above my body and I was looking at my head. (Mentally not actually a vision/picture) I didn't seem to have any emotions either.

This is just a out of body experience, this happens a lot of people when they wake up, but it seems that salvia trigger's these kind of experiences.

Well, i guess i`m lucky. I had about 5 trips on shrooms, and everytime i used it. I will find myself in a nightmare, and at the end of the trip i always have solved my bad experience and have a nice period :) I have experienced weard scarry realms, a had a lot of panic attacks, but i always get intrested in using shrooms again.

Criminals like the adrenaline rush, the excitement of knowing you can get big problems, well i`l have the seem feelings with shrooms. I know i can get a lot of problems and panic attacks also, but everytime when i feel the adrenaline i`m just enjoying having a bad experience :)
I thought I lost the "bad trip report" I wrote a while ago, but thanks to Dr.Leospace I found it again! So here it is...

Subject: Bad trip
Current mood: stoned, ready for the day

I had a very bad trip in 1993, when I was 18 years old. One Friday evening a friend and I had made Datura tea, Jimson Weed, and that whole night I had spent looking at my aura and the two Pink Floyd posters dance on my walls. The next morning we would go to Tilburg (in The Netherlands) by train. There is a big fair there every summer for ten days, with rollercoasters, merry-go-rounds, etc.

So our plan was to go there and have fun. We were both still seeing things that weren't there (Datura is not a psychedelic, but it does generate powerful hallucinations, distortions of perceiving reality I'd say). When we arrived, we realized we didn't have sufficient money to go on any of the rides. So to enjoy the day anyway, we decided to divide the 6 acid trips we still had among eachother, so we each took three. That day, due to the Datura, I perceived my friend as a great old teacher, and these three hits were going to give me instant self-realization!

So, we went home. I couldn't possibly read anymore, but my friend somehow figured out which train we had to get in. They were playing the Grateful Dead on the train's intercom system LOL. And then the Doors. I was totally wacko at that point. An hour later we arrived in our home town. The amount of bikes in the Netherlands is huge.

You try finding your bike back when you're soaring on Datura and three hits of acid LOL. Well, as far as self-realization's concerned, the themes of reincarnation, the wheel of samsara and the inevibility of death were starting to dawn hard and heavy on me.

We couldn't find our bikes, so we sat down to think about what to do next. Bad idea. Because now I had to look at my friend's face (conversation) and he was a bit ugly. And his face had Dr.Spock ears and the grin of The Joker. His eyes were rapidly changing from that of Yoda, Kermit, Freddy Krueger, a troll, a wizard... So, my friend concluded: "You're having a bad trip." And that was just the start! Alarm in the Superunknown!!!

We decided to walk to Sarasani (the oldest Cannabis selling coffeeshop in the Netherlands, since 1968), to get some coffee and tea, and wait for the chemicals to leave the system.

But I was convinced I would die that evening. My friend was going to kill me, indeed, he was Jack the Ripper himself walking along with me, and we would go to his abode. The cars! A car would drive straight at me and kill me! I became so overwhelmed by the thought (as we crossed a street) that I just fell down on the ground and closed my eyes. Friend pulling my jacket: "Stand up! Stand up!!!" I stand up, walk along with him. I had been lying on the ground in the middle of a road, cars approaching on all sides...

We continued walking. I was eternal, all my friends and family members are eternal. We have always existed and always will. Bad trip, but illuminating moment at the same time.

A tribe of Native American Indians was dancing on the street. I saw them! We walked on, finally arriving at Sarasani. There was an Ethiopian man sitting there, his legs and hand eaten away by leprosy. Grateful Dead was playing in Sarasani too, although I couldn't remember which song it was. My acid dealer seemed to have lost one eye. But he was concerned about me and tried to calm me. But there were far too many snakes around there to get me calm and peaceful again.

And so that was my story, in a nutshell.

Around midnight I came down, the Datura still creating illusions left and right, but at least the brainstorm of Mighty Acid was over. Some small snakes in the grass, nothing too frightening. Went home, said something to my brother, to which he responded that what I said had no coherent meaning whatsoever. So I went to my room, looked at the The Wall poster on my wall. Hit the bong, closed my eyes, and went to sleep.

I remained somewhat frightened for at least three days. Had some short flashbacks every now and then as I watched people in the eyes and was reminded of that 'changing faces' hallucination.

"It's all right to have a good time. That's one of the most important messages of enlightenment. We should try to comprehend the highest pleasure level, the pleasure of God, so to speak, in all that we perceive."
~ Thaddeus Golas
misery about a day or so. It felt like a lifetime though luckily it never came back
I never had a real bad trip but have more experiences with smoking dmt, mescaline and mushrooms. I had overwhelming trips with all but actually mushrooms are the only ones I sometimes have the feeling I can't handle it anymore. It never went bad but I have the idea that mushrooms are the most diificult to handle cause they are the only ones that even with good preparation I have some moments that have negative vibes. Do you people don't agree???

And also marihuana gave some bad feelings when I did it every day but when I did it a little less there was no problem. I guess you feel it yourself when you do to much and then you take it slower. Still i have the feeling that dutch weed isn't natural anymore guess it kicks in to hard that why I often take a jamaican, thai or hash.
First of all, I voted "yes", I had nightmarish experiences - but I wouldn't want to miss them. Not that I like having horrible experiences, but the horrorful trips were the most impressive and meaningful trips in retrospect.

I voted for psilocybin because I had three nightmarish experiences on psilocybin in my life (but psilocybin is my psychedelic drug of choice, so I guess it could have been any other psychedelic drug).

The first one taught me that psychedelics are not party drugs and that I don't ever want to try to abuse them again as such. The second one (which turned into the most beautiful moment of my life once the peak was over!) taught me, well, I can't describe it, but it turned me into a real psychonaut, it made me see, so to speak. The third one taught me not to ever underestimate psychedelics ever again (this was psilocybin in combination with 5g Syrian Rue)

I am very sensitive to psychedelics, I am kind of a fragile psyche, so to speak - but still I continue to use psychedelics in high doses. My normal dose of shrooms (cubensis from a grow box) is 6-7g at least. I recently got myself an accurate digital scale and tested my eyballing. My usual eyballed dose of shrooms was between 6.8 and 7.5g. I'm going to trip tonight and I'm going for ~7g. I know it will not be an easy trip - it doesn't have to be easy. For me, tripping is often to be faced with unpleasant things, and then either fight back, or just let go (sometimes mental fighting works well, sometimes not). Either way it almost always ends in a very pleasant experience that I feel made me a lot stronger and happier.

I don't like the "reality" I go to while peaking. Feels like a place ive been to before I was born if that makes sense. Everything's so familiar but at the same time very ominous as I feel like Ill never return to my world again.
Hehe, I know that feeling. I think I have overcome the fear of that place. It's not a bad place once you start to feel at home ;)
I voted no because I don't consider any of my trips bad because I've learned that good and bad is just a human concept and does not exist in reality
However, the most unpleasant of my experiences was my first salvia trip so I'll describe it.

I was sitting in my apartment alone on my couch and I pulled myself 3 two liter gravities of 15x. Each subsequent gravity was harder to pull as I was starting to feel more and more disoriented, but somehow I managed. I was sitting on the couch with my hands on my face, somehow they melted to my face, I questioned whether this actually happened and convinced myself that it didn't, so I took my hands off my face. Then I melted into my couch. For some reason I started questioning whether this was actuallly happening so I decided to get up. I should also mention that at this point I was extremely sweaty. So when I got up, the sweatiness on my back made me feel like I was tearing a part of myself (my body) out of myself (the couch). I could see strings of flesh coming from my arms into the couch, there was no blood just a sort of wet stretchy skin. Now when I was getting up the real trip started. The whole world peeled off starting from the corner of my left eye and made a sort of arching motion and folded into a face. While it was folding into the face I saw many many images from my past and future, however there were so many that I couldn't make them out, it was like a fast information download, but I've already had a few instances when I actually experienced those images in my life, and when it happens I can immediately remember that I saw them on that salvia trip, which is always unpleasant because it takes me back to that salvia trip and I start thinking that I might be in the trip at that moment and am about to wake up to a different reality. I saw all these images for only a few seconds, then the world folded into a face. It wasn't a normal face, it was bald, had like 6 eyes and 2 mouths, one of which was on the side. I became an eyebrow in that face, whenever I tried to move it would be that eyebrow moving. I completely forgot where and what I was before. I thought that that's how reality always was and always will be, nothing but a giant alien face with me as its eyebrow. I came back to reality after a few minutes and it turned out that I walked all the way to my kitchen and was staring at my fridge.
I still enjoyed having that experience with me, It taught me that I was a part of something much larger and more powerful than me, I just wish I could have the trip without the sensory mindfuck and unpleasantness, but I guess then it wouldn't be salvia - and that's why I hate it.