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Wow !! Random , what an AMAZING picture .

" But this one looks a "little" bigger than 20cm, or am I wrong"

Yes and no . They are one cacti in the sense that they are clones of eachother , but i dont think that any one of them is 20 cm across . When i said that one can be about 20 cms across i ment one individual Peyote head . That foto is of the bigest one/s i have ever seen in a pot , but i`ve seen fotos of very much bigger patches than that taken in the wild .

For me San Pedro is more energetic and Peyote more hallucinogenic and more of a body trip .

For me a Mescalin / San Pedro / Peyote trip is very strong , i could not possibly cut the grass or go skiing . I might talk to the grass though . Mostly i spent my time lying around , and if i was inclined to movement it was a bit like a stagering around and sometimes having to hold on to things . For me , i would call a dose where i could do everyday things and only get a bit of sharpened vision and a few traces of colour a tonic and not a ( full blown ) trip .
GOD a dit:
For me a Mescalin / San Pedro / Peyote trip is very strong , i could not possibly cut the grass or go skiing . I might talk to the grass though . Mostly i spent my time lying around , and if i was inclined to movement it was a bit like a stagering around and sometimes having to hold on to things . For me , i would call a dose where i could do everyday things and only get a bit of sharpened vision and a few traces of colour a tonic and not a ( full blown ) trip .
It's hard not to pace yourself with san pedro. The sheer large quantity you need to trip makes governing your dosage possible, you you can consume an amount that is controllable in social situations. I almost always make a brew, a big pot of "tea". It's almost impossible for me to drink too much, so every half-hour I drink another cup, until I reach a point where I say "no more!" and the rise is gradual. Summer and good weather mean I don't have to stay inside.

With peyote, if you eat only two or three buttons, it is a very controllable experience. You get the best of both worlds: colors, thoughts, and you don't lose the ability to talk to people. It's almost not worth talking about the peyote trip in practical terms, there is so little of it available to the average non-Native (American Indian) entheologist. we are lucky to have lots of san pedro, though. And they grow fast and easy.
daytripper a dit:
goran, those cacti look real healthy! they are 26-27 years ?
can you please tell me what is the lifespan of a peyote ? (the age it has when it dies naturally)
they are all of the same sub-species, are they born from the same mother ?
nice picture, man!

Why I have not answer your post (daytripper got it by PM). Because I have not seen your post. God and you my friend reply in same time and I have receive only one notif. :wink:
Beautiful cacti Goran.Hrsak :D Can't wait for mine to get that big
random a dit:
*edit: added the picture. Well, I never had a peyote in front of me in my life. But this one looks a "little" bigger than 20cm, or am I wrong?

Random you are soo wrong bout your picture of cacti! :wink: This Peyote's cacti must be over 25cm wide! But I see that you doesn't know much bout Peyote. Please explain to me how can you tell that this is only one cacti!! :wink: Man there must be minimum 25 pieces! This is perfect pattern for old Peyote which is growed his roots to the enormous size (tyramine, tyrosine, extreme mutation without crested figure and grow hormones are maybe involved here, but this is only my observation cause I have seen loads of Peyote's at biggest cacti grower in our country but such monster root never. But this kind of size yes on documentary movie and wild pictures. Can happen only in nature! 8) :cry: )

user_1919 a dit:
Beautiful cacti Goran.Hrsak :D Can't wait for mine to get that big

You will be in middle age crisis :lol: if you will wait so long.
Try to acquire some tyrosine and tyramine with L-dopa or just dopamine. If you have someone in hospital-vetenerian(he have PCP and Ketamine also), he could help you with dopamine. It's nothing special if someone means to use it as drug! Only thing which can happen is cardiac arrest or bursting of arteries in brain and kidneys. So do not mess with that! :twisted: But with tyrosine and dopamine or L-dopa (lower response in way of getting dopamine out of L-dopa) Peyote can be chemically boosted with such properties that one small cacti 4-5 years old can be 50 times more potent than he normally is!! :shock: 8) Little preparation before shooting mix into cacti (I could post how this works)
Yeah I have heard of that Goran. But I prefer to keep my peyote 100% natural, the way it comes out of nature. I may try it in the future when I have more cacti and they are all older. But for the time being, i'm just going to let them grow naturally, plus they aren't old enough for eating yet, still have a long time. (only about 1.5cm)
I have tried the taste of fresh Pexote , San Pedro and Torch and didnt fancy eating enough for a trip and having to chew it first so i always made a tea . Sometimes with fresh ones and sometimes with dry ones and that was bad enough . I`v also boiled the teas down and then let them dry untill i had a sort of dark brown tar and then swallowed that from a warm spoon wich was also prety shity .
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
Peyote can be chemically boosted with such properties that one small cacti 4-5 years old can be 50 times more potent than he normally is!! :shock: 8) Little preparation before shooting mix into cacti (I could post how this works)
Scary. Does that boost the natural chemical composition, or does that add something different to the cactus?
I'm no expert, but I think the peyote actually converts the dopamine into mescaline. Pretty amazing if you actually think of it. Who needs to synthesis mescaline when the peyote will do it for you :D Goran, I would actually like to know more about this if you have time to post. Does all the dopamine get used up? Where do you inject it? How old must you cacti be, or how big? If the effect any different than just eating normal peyote?(other than the obvious potency change). Also how would you dose properly without getting to much?

Thanks, PEACE
It was discovered by Rosenberg, McLaughlon and Paul in 1966 at the university of Michigan . Dopamin , Tyramin and Dopa ( Dioxyphenylalanin ) get converted to mescalin in the cactus . Dopamin works better and faster than the others . Tyrosin gets changed by the plant to Tyramin and Dopa . These then get changed into Dopamin , wich then gets changed to Nor-Mescalin and that then gets changed into Mescalin . The plants get 1 - 2 ccl Dopamin injected into the root and the same amount into the green head part just above the root 4 weeks before harvesting . Free base Dopamin is mixed with 0,05 N Hydochloric acid . The needle must be pushed into the middle of the plant and slowly injected . The needle should be left in the plant for a few minutes . Its best not to water the plant for 1 - 2 weeks before injecting . If you cant get Dopamin you can inject a mixture of Tyramin and Dopa 6 weeks before harvesting the plant . The same can be done with San Pedro and Torch . The plants should be injected in a spiral patern every 7.5 - 10 cms . You can also inject the cacti every 6 - 8 weeks before the last injection 4 weeks before harvesting .

With Donana cacti you can raise the levels of Macromerin and Nor-Macromerin by injecting Tyramin or DL-Norepinepherin every 45 days and / or with an injection 20 - 25 days before harvest .

The effects will be the same but stronger than untreated cacti and to dose it you have to be very carefull .
Thanks GOD.

I will place link from other thread on this forum. Here is explanation how mescaline is produced by Peyote and Pedro-Torch, etc. cacti. But also here you USER_1919 have way, naturally way to increase mescaline in Peyote. Six months-including winter time, late fall and early spring in this experimental way how to make European Peyote just like Mexican one. 8) :)

:idea: http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... t=&lang=en 8)