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Hey Buff ! Where`s the intergalactic jelly octafish sex monster with the 8 dicks gone ????
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
I know and have seen lots of cacti in face to face and picture looks. Turtle have some chance bout cacti size! 8) But that is very rare thing even in Chiwawa desert. Place with biggest cacti repertory on Earth. Such cacti size is difficult, maybe impossible to find (or make by grafting.)
Goran, it was a light trip, but a good trip. Not a mind-blowing, visionary trip. Me and three others picked a very large peyote in south Texas, Sonora desert. We cut it up, boiled it, drank it. We camped out for the night and tripped. That's too hard to understand?

I have had peyote many times since. Two buttons is a good experience. You do not trip on two buttons? Maybe you have only weak peyote where you are...:?

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
One other thing bothers me! When you count all yours psydelic drugs which you tried some shit say broke out. You place long post, that means you make effort to write it down. You wanna hear yours shit says? Here:
I have experienced Syrian rue, and was OK with it until it made me very sick once. Even now, I am learning to take it in small doses again, so I can stand it enough to try it with chacruna. One of these days, I think I will understand the right combination.

Yes, that's right, shit! Keep saying shit, maybe you make shit.

Too bad it bothers you, but there you have it. I used to make Syrian rue tea, and was ok with it. It gave me a drunk feeling. One time I drank too much, and it made me vomit octopus tentacles. I gave up Syrian rue for quite a few years. Now, I am learning to drink it again so it will work with my ana-huasca formulas. That is too hard for you to understand? I try hard to write it down, which is why you can read my stories. If I write like some of you, no one would be able to read.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What have made you feel OK? Never before tried DMT?!
Unfortunately, never experienced DMT. It is something I'm working on. I've had many psychedelic experiences, maybe more than you and your friend daytripper. But DMT has always eluded me. That's too hard to understand?

San pedro is very good. Mushrooms have always been very good. I used to smoke weed, but quit for several years. Salvia divinorum, sometimes. It agree with me, but I don't have the desire to smoke it all the time.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
, then you use some Pegan!? which was OK :roll: What can be good in Pegan? Have you XP nice trip? :lol: Now some Viridis you will mix with Pegan?? :roll: I see that you have done your homework bout psydelic drugs. But if someone look at your writing little closer, more focused, he will see some shit-says!
I've got no idea what you are talking about. :?: :?: :?: Maybe you should try hard to make sense. Are you talking about ana-huasca, that is ayahuasca without banisteriopsis, but some other MAOI. You speak like one who reads a lot of internet shit. LOL!

One thing I notice is you fine fellows know a lot about what you read on the internet. But, I don't get the impression you really have a lot of experience with the subjects you talk about. At least when I am telling you about my experiences, they are what happened to me, not some anonymous stranger on erowid.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
I have seen fights, battles, private wars, world wars. But this is mind-knowledge-bookreaders-netsniffers Earth blitzkriegs against the World.
Sounds more like your problem Bud, not mine.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
It is not so important what you have used till now, or what you are going to use in way "see me I eat that you doesn't know shit".
You see, I have a different point of view of all this. I have been using entheogens for many years, perhaps longer than you have been alive. Yet, you seem jealous of my experience. Too bad. It is not my experience that is the problem here, but your lack of it. Nobody is forcing you to read my experiences, nobody has a gun to your head. What is your experience? You have not said! This is a forum for sharing personal experiences, and that is exactly what I have done. What have you shared with us? Nothing, except to say how wrong you think I am! What a joke.

Listen Prince Charming, don't pretend to tell me what my experiences were. That's why I am writing them down here, for others who may never have had the experience. Again, it's great that you and daytripper like to read a lot of books about peyote and Syrian rue, but unless you have actually tried them yourself, you are not really an expert. It has been many years now, and like I said before, I'm sorry I didn't take a digital picture for you :wink: It was in the 1970s, when you probably were just a twinkle in your daddy's eye.

daytripper a dit:
so, a peyote can grow to the size of a small mellon. you still have to prove me that a 20cm will weight 2.0 Kg fresh (with 0.6% mescaline content, which is already more than the average that erowid claim - 0.4%).
Listen to the Little Prince ordering me around. I have to prove to you? Since when? You go ahead and read your erowid. But I trust my memories even more. I think you guys are way too dependent on the internet, and not enough on real life.

When I was eating normal sized peyote, I could eat two and trip. I have done it many times. With company. When I say trip, I don't mean uncontrollable hallucinations, I mean I can go skiing, or go to art museum and have a good time.
I have nothing to say on this forum , but i`m sick to death of you spitting fire so i`m going to tell you my honest opinion .

"I have tripped on as few as two of the smaller buttons, the normal silver dollar sized ones." - "Two buttons is a good experience. "

Some people have placebo experiences , we know that from personal experience and are honest enough to admit it . Remember its set and setting that can do that . Just because we live in Europe doesnt mean that we havent had real peyote or mescalin . In our experience , and from any information that anyone can find from reliable sources 2 buttons would not make a person trip . It might have a slight drug efect but it doesnt contain enough mescalin for a trip .

"Maybe you should try hard to make sense. "

And maybe you should fuck off . Goran is not an English speaking person , he does his best and thats good enough for the rest of us . If you dont understand it ASK him what he ment and he will explain . Dont come with your superior bullshit again , What you said could be seen as racism and we dont acept that .

When he talks about P.Harmala hes thinking the same as other people here . Why are you taking it and why are you having problems with it ? It alone is not psychedelic and doesnt make you high . Look it up in google and see that its a common cure for digestive problems and has been used for that for thousands of years from north Africa through to Pakistan . They take it in ten gramm doses . I`ve done it loads of times in 10 to 20 gramm doses and never had any problems from it or any drug effect . The people who do get a drug effect or have problems have them because of their psychology . Remember , placebo , set and setting .

"Sounds more like your problem Bud, not mine. "

What an arogant ignorant statement . Do you know where he lives ? Hes seen real wars , real bombs and had them all around him for many years .

I`ve been taking drugs for 36 years and Goran is not an inexperienced child he has a lot of experience with many drugs . How do you know what experience any of us here has ? You obviously dont because you have not read through the threads .

Read this and think about it . You are new here and its obvious you feel hurt . You came here and insulted people and are very agressive , calm down and stop being so agressive or FUCK OFF back where you came from . Nobody here is after your blood , nobody wants to hurt you and if you calm down and try to express yourself in a way that people here can acept you will be acepted . No body here holds grudges so you shouldnt either . Just get on with sharing your experiences and stop trying to pay people back .

As i said we would like to acept you so please calm down and try to explain what you mean a little better or fuck off .
GOD a dit:
I have nothing to say on this forum
For somebody with nothing to say (and I'm glad you beat me to that observation) you certainly are long winded.

I have something to say, and I said it, and have been saying it, despite a distinct culture of snobbery and ignorance from people who have only read about wild peyote, but have never seen it for themselves.

I have lived what I have lived, I came here to tell you people about it, no one believes me because you are all so caught up in playing violin to each other's choir you can't for one minute think outside of your own limited world of knowledge. Your loss, not mine. Go ahead and play "experts" because you read a web site once that told you how to think and what to say.

I'm one of the lucky ones, I guess, while you and your friends can only imagine what it must be like to know wild peyote. Sorry 'bout that!
for someone with such experience with psychedelics, you seem quite narrow-minded. do you even know where Goran hails from ? if you only can see your reflection in a mirror, too bad, buddy, i guess you have learned nothing, and don't expect that we will take your advices just because you say you have done this and that. perhaps it is true, perhaps it is not.
you come here without any knowledge of what and who we are, and say we have no experience with psychedelics ? perhaps with your feeling of american cowboy, you should stay at your ranch and feed your cows. so many time cleaning cow shit that you only can speak of it.

Go ahead and play "experts" because you read a web site once that told you how to think and what to say.

if you don't care what we have to say, why are you still on this thread ? do you want us to say that all you say is true ? and why you call me "little prince" ? you are nothing but a bragger and uninteresting person. and you could eat all the wild peyote in the world, that you would never be more than a hardhead. if you can't respect us, namely Goran, you will never gain our trust. for a person that speaks about unity, you seem quite separatist.
here, in this forum, there are no heroes. if you really like heroes, and want to be one, perhaps you should read captain america or batman comic books, if you have patience to read such a complicated book until the end. there's no need of cowboys, and, again, for someone with such marvellous experiences like you, you sound like a mcdonalds-eating, oprah-watcher, cadillac-rider, book-allergic, fat fuck which thinks the world starts in manhattan and ends in california.
daytripper a dit:
for someone with such experience with psychedelics, you seem quite narrow-minded. do you even know where Goran hails from ?
Actually, it is you who is quite narrow minded. So narrow minded, in fact, you called me a liar without knowing anything about me. Why don't you try listening to others for a change, maybe you'll learn something you never knew you never knew.

daytripper a dit:
if you don't care what we have to say, why are you still on this thread ?
Exactly what I'm wondering about you. Maybe you need the attention? Maybe you think of yourself as the resident "expert"? Maybe your mother spoiled you into thinking you were the most important person on the planet, and you grew up with a pushy attitude?

daytripper a dit:
fat fuck which thinks the world starts in manhattan and ends in california.
Well, actually, the world starts in San Diego and ends in Bangor, Maine. Anyway, I can always tell when a person is on the losing end of an argument when they have to resort to the "f" bomb in their speech. The more he uses the "f" word, the more surely he has nothing worthwhile to say.

I can tell you one thing for sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you never picked wild peyote in Portugal.
Deep trouble , FUCK OFF . Your a realy sad bastard , a social criple . Again you prove your mental illness , you cant admit when you are wrong , you cant apologise to Goran or anyone else you keep insulting and now you show it again with your fucking stupid "f" word bullshit . What the fuck have you got against a word , its a word , it has as much value as any other word . It is firmly based in most European languages , and your own , and comes from the times the romans were around . Are you lieing again and saying you have never said it , you have never thought it , you have never heard it and you have never read it ? What do you do turn your mind off before someone says it . You think you can disqualify someone because of the words they use , AGAIN , just like you tried to disqualify Goran because you didnt understand something he said . You are the weak person here , you are the sick person . You keep twisting what people say in your confusion and hysteria . You said in another thread that your favorit web site is back on line , so why dont you fuck off back down the hole you came from and stop poluting this site and go back there ? You are one of the reasons why America and Americans have such a terrible reputation throughout the rest of the world , you are a big headed , big mouthed , ignorant , atention seeking , insular , whining , moaning , sniveling shit . You have learned nothing from life or from the Psychedelics that you claim to have used . Have you ever traveled , seen the world , it doesnt sound like it it sounds like you are just another wanker whos watched to much hollywood America is the master race shit and believeed it . You are not happy here and at least three other people are not happy having to listen to your fucking shit so do yourself and us a favor and FUCK OFF .
what i find most funny on deepturd is the fact that he always avoids our questions with the same arguments. he never answers anything, and claims that we are the ones who avoid his shallow questions. he turns everything around, like we have been telling his obvious logical errors. i am not the one seeking attention, deepturd. i am not the old man talking about his memories and trying to impress everyone with those streched truths..."look at me, i once was picking wild peyote". if that was the biggest acheivement in your life, since you only talk about that, i'm sorry for you. what good has peyote done to you, if you are obviously a sad and scared character who needs everybody's clapping, so you can inflate your ego and feel real good with yourself. perhaps you like to feel like jim morrison in his movie ?
but let's not forget the most important thing: to get back to the place you came from, we need to treat you good or bad ?
goran, those cacti look real healthy! they are 26-27 years ?
can you please tell me what is the lifespan of a peyote ? (the age it has when it dies naturally)
they are all of the same sub-species, are they born from the same mother ?
nice picture, man!
Nice pictures . They make me feel hungry .
GOD a dit:
Nice pictures . They make me feel hungry .

No, No man. I also at begging want to eat them. I try couple of times but this is not it. Now I am doing some experiment with them and waiting right time for initiations. At ending of this summer. If you live in EU, come to the Adriatic sea for vocation and we together can travel into initiation. 8) :D
GOD a dit:
Deep trouble , FUCK OFF .
You are a real ignoramous.

Can you tell us what your experience is with peyote? None. Just as I thought. Many words, but nothing to say. Of course. In your own words, "I have nothing to add to this forum." You said it!
The Thread is about the Peyote.

Stop the fighting.

Here is something that should end the discussion:

DeepTurtle said:
When I say trip, I don't mean uncontrollable hallucinations, I mean I can go skiing, or go to art museum and have a good time

His notion of tripping is obviously different from you guys.

And DeepTurtle, take this advice:
you come here without any knowledge of what and who we are, and say we have no experience with psychedelics ?

And if you not too lasy to read threads and posts, do it. Because you seem a bit lasy :p You don't even read Gorans post (completely).

Cause this are cacti "only 26-27 year old", so absorb the picture. Cacti are grown from seed, no grafting or chemical help, and look their size.

If this answers to your question.

Chill out mates, there was a misunderstanding of the word Trip here.


*edit: added the picture. Well, I never had a peyote in front of me in my life. But this one looks a "little" bigger than 20cm, or am I wrong?
Mescaline, there's nothing, ABSOLUTELY nothing that makes a human so tender and natural as an ego death on mescaline. I have never believed this to be possible.

It's like the ultimate tenderness, freshness, warmness, satisfaction, enlightment and astonishing you'll ever have. Just because it all takes place in this world.

As much as respect I have for shrooms and how I much love ingestion, it comes in no way close to a full ego death on mescaline. This can be merely understood by those who have had an heroic dose of cacti in their system.

It's very hard to ingest this dose or obtain enough cacti, I had 80 centimers of a thick San Pedro blended in 2.5 liter water. CEV's lasted up to 4 days. I lied down and meditated. The CEV's were ULTRA intense. See my avatar.

When I looked at the grass, tree's, and heard the birds singing I got up and hysterically screamed due to the enormous happiness of their existance. A remarkable effect of this drug is the extreme empathy felt for all small things; a stone, a flower, an insect.

I even walked slowly on the ground when I got up since I was afraid to hurt it with my fooths and weight. Humans and animals don't exist, we're just organisms. Only our distanted behaviour caused this specific determination.

I place this plant above an ego death on shrooms and acid, it's impossible to think about an up and down on mescaline, and there's no sign of pressure or need for a deep breath. Not a nano sign of nausea.
Nice colony you have growing there amid the phalaenopsis, random. Are they yours?

I've never experienced 4 days of CEVs, although I've spoken with people who credit san pedro as more intense than is usually believed. For myself, san pedro is a gradual climax, and a gradual descent. Only once did it seem like I was approaching sub cognita psychedelia. It might be because it makes me active, in an external, yang kind of way. I can rake the lawn, or do gardening outside, or hike or ski or go places and interact. Unlike cannabis, the last thing I want to do is stay inside.

I don't believe mescaline is the measure of a cactus. San pedro is very physical, but peyote is definitely the more visual experience. Two buttons is enough to trigger visual effects like bright colors, and diamond-colored twinklings in the snow, or trails. San pedro makes me think a continuous stream of analysis, while peyote gives me the ability to see the world in a new way.
Yeah, I always dance too when I'm on San Pedro. Feeling featherlight and 'loaded', my muscles expand escessively. Though the climax comes on very slowly, it can take as much as 4 tot 6 hours before it's all in my blood and brain. Only when I lay down this whole perception of this world comes into view. Seriously, San pedro satisfy my appetite and thirsty throat too for a very long time. There must be a high nurition value in it, is that true, Turtle? The CEV's remained for a long time, but only when I went to sleep I noticed that there were still mildly running. This did not interrupted my sleep, on the contrary.

San pedro makes me think a continuous stream of analysis

The meanness in the world and superficial Western lifestyle often occured in my thoughts. Judging on your differences, I'm curious about trying Peyote. But it takes so long to grow a big one. And buying it, is hardly possible, and costs a lot.

It's by the way not mescaline alone that produces the trip, mescaline is the main active substance, and there are many other psychoactives in every different cactus that alter the trip up to some degree.
Brugmansia a dit:
Yeah, I always dance too when I'm on San Pedro. Feeling featherlight and 'loaded', my muscles expand escessively. Though the climax comes on very slowly, it can take as much as 4 tot 6 hours before it's all in my blood and brain. Only when I lay down this whole perception of this world comes into view. Seriously, San pedro satisfy my appetite and thirsty throat too for a very long time. There must be a high nurition value in it, is that true, Turtle?
You know, a couple things come to mind about that. Pedro used to taste horrible to me, but now I actually enjoy the taste. It must be an acquired taste. Another time I heard some guy on the radio say he eats only cactus, and since he went on an all cactus diet his whole life became healthier. When I lived with a Mexican family, they taught me how to harvest and eat prickly pear leaves in the spring. I think there must be something to what you say about the cactus's nutritional value. It's the food of the gods!

Brugmansia a dit:
The meanness in the world and superficial Western lifestyle often occured in my thoughts. Judging on your differences, I'm curious about trying Peyote. But it takes so long to grow a big one. And buying it, is hardly possible, and costs a lot.
Yeah, too bad about peyote. I'm kind of disgusted with American values now. I used to think America was so great, but now I see we sacrificed spiritual wealth for material wealth. and so much junk, plastic crap that doesn't last.

There was a time when I could easily buy buttons. I took care of this guy's house, he was a Rasta, and he had jars full of buttons, bags full of mushrooms, and his junk car and his clothes were stuffed full of ganja and spliff roaches. He had a 50 gallon drum of maple syrup that I drank all winter, even made maple syrup beer. I lived on apples that whole winter, and something I thought was some kind of health drink, but I learned later it was baby formula :-)

Anyway, it was much easier to get peyote back then. Now it is almost impossible. Growing peyote isn't the same as growing cannabis or salvia. But san pedro grows so fast, it is by default the only psychedelic cactus available. Yet, san pedro is a good herb, I think, and not inferior. I just get a different vibe from it, more external and physical than "cognitive". For me, anyway, maybe not for others. I've heard people say they really trip hard on san pedro. It takes a lot of pedro to trip, guess you'd have to make a meal out of it.

Brugmansia a dit:
It's by the way not mescaline alone that produces the trip, mescaline is the main active substance, and there are many other psychoactives in every different cactus that alter the trip up to some degree.
I totally agree Brug, this talk about milligrams of mescaline misses the point of a power plant. If mescaline is all you care about, then just take mescaline. I kind of like the whole ritual of preparation and cooking, and drinking it. San pedro takes a lot of preparation, I think, but it's a healthy life style. I'm not so sure about eating raw mescaline.