Pa. Judges Jailing Kids For Cash! (All Must Read)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
  • Date de début Date de début
Mycophile a dit:
Since the US is privatizing their prisons, the number of prisoners has gone up dramatically.

It's not that difficult to see a relationship between those 2. This article is just a little proof of what lots of people are thinking already...

Pretty harsh though...

Oh, my state, ALL the prisons, except two (and there are probably near 100 PRISONS IN MY STATE) are privatized, but get this;

They are run by the local Sheriffs, who has a private corporation that does the implementation, and gets the money.

I heard both accused judges pled guilty. I haven't looked for an article or anything about it yet.

I hope they get raped in the ass in Prison and get AIDS.