Quoi de neuf ?

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Overdose thc and horrortrip please read.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Christiaan26
  • Date de début Date de début
Hark a dit:
yeah i remember smokeing either it was rezzin or some roaches and i had to throw up... I was realy young then. As I grew up I seen that some smokers would smoke alot where I didnt have to smoke that much and was as high as them. The only thing I cant figure out is why when i'm drunk i wanna get drunker.

Everyone has a different tolerance level. Body weight and physiology have an affect on how drugs and compounds make you feel.

I'm not sure if drunker is what you want or if it's alcohol's natural tendency to get you drunker. People are in an exceptionally good mood about 2 to 4 drinks in, then lose that after 5 or 6. They spend the next many drinks trying to get back to that euphoria that they experienced some time before. However, there is that inescapable problem ... you can't reach the euphoria of 3 drinks by having 2 dozen.

Other than that, you may be referring to a need to forget. People often want to forget something that has gone very wrong, something that they either did themselves and was excruciatingly embarrassing or something that was forced upon them. Either way, people don't like bad memories . .. thus, you have the Homer Simpson Syndrome.
mmm i think i was still tryen to be drunk. When I was younger I just seemed to drink till i droped witch made for good sleeping. But now I drink slower and usely stay at a average drunk. But when I am outa beer and have been drinking say a 6 pack I feel the need for more...i guess untill i passout or i get tired of drinking but I dont drink like that anymore... the come down off of beer is so sobering.