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One step closer

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Elfe Mécanique
I was always nervous to tell my parents about my use of mushrooms. But about 2 months ago I felt confident enough, so I told them everything. They were very accepting, and even interested. They asked me a lot, also about DMT, ayahuasca and MDMA. I know my mom tried MM somewhere in Thailand, but she wasn't that exited. My dad has always tried to stay away from drugs.

A few days ago my father asked me for a bag of dried mushrooms. He is going to trip for the first time this week, while listening to Bach, his favourite music. How special is that?

That sounds really special :D I hope he will enjoy the trip ;)
Glad for you! :D
A fan of Bach will REALY enjoy listening to it on mushrooms! :D
Very special indeed. And very different from my dad.

My dad told me he did used LSD back in the 70's. He always told me to don't do drugs, but two or tree years ago I found out he smokes ganja sometimes.
Mara , what about a sitter ? Maybe Caduceus ?
Mara , what about a sitter ? Maybe Caduceus ?
I talked with him a couple of days ago. The house he is in is an excellent place to trip, and he has it all for himself now. He has been enjoying his holiday for a week and looking forward to three more. He's an artist (a troubadour, currently composing an elaborate play) and has a respectable and responsible position in the local government. He practiced meditation for many years and became interested in taking mushrooms after reading about altered states and shamanism, and learning that his daughter is exploring these realms. I think he will have an excellent trip all by himself. :)
Yes thank you CM.

I think he will have a very good trip. We are there for him if he needs us. I must admit I'm a bit nervous, but I think that is because it's my dad.
That is so cool! I hope your father has a good trip. I think families, when all realitivly mature should have experiences on mushrooms together. It brings everyone closer and it is just such a beautiful experience in the first place. If you can get over the awkwardness that society feeds us(about doing 'drugs' with your parents), then the experience with your parents/brother/sister is one of the most beautiful things ever.

Mara, I think it's time for an update! :D
Ah yes, an update.

My father was really impressed. Against my expectations he enjoyed eating the mushrooms. He described feelings of being sucked down by the earth. Then a massive beast appeared, digging him out of the earth, and he became one with the beast. After that it was all cosmic unity, death and rebirth, other dimensions, insights, ancient maya-patterns and love.

He got a few insights about his physical health (he has high blood pressure) , two days later he went to an alternative doctor and she told him exactly the same things he was told in his trip, in exactly the same sentences.

The next day I got his voicemail which he send me on the moment he thought he was coming down from the trip. He was almost in tears and he was very grateful, he sounded very soft and sensitive. He told me later that after turning off his phone, the second part of the trip began, so he wasn't 'back' at all. As a musician, he enjoyed listening to music the most. He suddenly understood everything Bach and Mozart created.

I visited him a few days ago, and he is still thinking about everything. He was even angry when I mentioned the word 'drugs'. "Mushrooms aren't drugs!" he said, "it's a sacred creation of nature".

And with that I will end this update.

:heart: & :idea:
Amazing. Sounds like a very good mushroom experience to me.
I visited him a few days ago, and he is still thinking about everything. He was even angry when I mentioned the word 'drugs'. "Mushrooms aren't drugs!" he said, "it's a sacred creation of nature".

I am very happy your father has woken up to these extraordinary substances and also has respect for them. Sounds like he had a classical mystical experience that will change his life forever.

What a very lucky man . Sounds like a clasical mushroom experience . What a pity that other parents havent had the same privalidge . If politicians and church memebers had experiences like that the world would soon heal itself .
Sounds very beautiful! Good to see some more responsible use of psychedelics. Have a nice time.
Hate to be nosy, but if your dad plans to listen to some music while using the shrooms make him listen to some of Shpongle's albums. Its relaxing ambient music.

I wish i could have a trip with my parents somewhere in life... but i don't think they will ever be open to that.

But very nice to read! I'm glad your dad liked the experience and even became angry when you mentioned the word drugs ;)
Thank you all for your nice replies.

@toogoodforyou: My father knows Shpongle, because I'm a big fan of them. I agree with you when you say it's good trip-music. My father likes the music, but it's a bit too freaky for him. I think Bach was an exellent choise because it's his favorite music.

Above all I'm proud of my father. Not many parents have the courage to try psychedelics, ask their children for a bag of mushrooms and be so open to them about their experience.

^^ Mine do :D
yeah rub it in our faces....

I once told my 'rents about my experiences in a K-hole. They stared at me like 'Son, do you need help?'. I actually hoped I maybe could help them to enlight their transfer to death since I know they fear.

The weirdest thing is that they never seemed to have any problem with me cultivating weed in the garden, having plants in my rooms or blotters powders on my table. They knew what it was.

Neither they were really shocked when I told them what I had all used.

But they can't believe the effects on the psyche and I don't dare to tell them exactly since they're way too materialistic to accept and understand that.

They also have seen me a few times while I tripped balls, which is one of the reasons why they hardly can believe it since I looked pretty normal to them. They live with the assumption that one should be acting 10 times as weird as when drunk.