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One step closer

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mara
  • Date de début Date de début
toogoodforyou a dit:
Sounds very beautiful! Good to see some more responsible use of psychedelics. Have a nice time.
Hate to be nosy, but if your dad plans to listen to some music while using the shrooms make him listen to some of Shpongle's albums. Its relaxing ambient music.


I would prefer Bach.
I downloaded the Sphongle albums but I was a bit disappointed.
It's okay but I would not listen to it while tripping.
I could recommend Androcell, Abakus and Entheogenic if you're into psychedelic chillout.

http://mangoa.goa-trance.hu/ try the spiritual travelling sets. My favorite is the second one.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
hahaa, we listened to them yesterday drifting on a piece of paper.

I thought we listened to the travelling sets while enjoying our herbcookies?
Probably short term memory problems from eating to many cookies .........
We listened to it on both occasions.
Mara a dit:
I was always nervous to tell my parents about my use of mushrooms. But about 2 months ago I felt confident enough, so I told them everything. They were very accepting, and even interested. They asked me a lot, also about DMT, ayahuasca and MDMA. I know my mom tried MM somewhere in Thailand, but she wasn't that exited. My dad has always tried to stay away from drugs.

A few days ago my father asked me for a bag of dried mushrooms. He is going to trip for the first time this week, while listening to Bach, his favourite music. How special is that?


I really really REALLY tried to tell my dad about me taking shrooms the day after my first trip, but I couldn't. His response would be a 50/50 between negative and positive.

By the way how old are you?

You should also trip-sit your dad... although he won't need it, since he's going to be listening to bach :D
IJC, I'm 21 years old.

My father had a very good trip. He did not want me to be a sitter. He wanted to do this alone, so he did not have to pay attention to something else other then his own universe. I knew he could do this, so I trusted him, and everything turned out well.

Bach and Mozart were the highlights of his trip.

My appoach to telling my parents was to tell them about shamanism first, and how the society creates a bad image. And then I slowly started talking about my own use of psychedelics, and the insights I get from them. But I realise I'm lucky with my two 'rents when I read other stories on this forum. It's awful that not everyone can be honest in their family...
Good stuff Mara, I'll eventually tell them about my experiences, although... I'm probably not going to do them much more after I attempt Ayahuasca. I think that will be my end-all...