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Natural resources and mother Earth

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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Mr.Smith a dit:
"where do you think that He3 is coming from on the moon?? The sun's UV-Gamma rays"

no, solar winds.

there is no such thing as UV-gamma rays, they are 2 different things

i could be wrong about the lengh of time fusion has been sustained. its hard to find an answer on the net

What the fuck do you think solar winds are? Winds in space? air just floating around? Solar winds are electromagnetic waves i.e. uv-gamma the "-" meaning "to"... UV to gamma rays. including xrays in between.

Come on guys.

You're talking about fusion like its a simple subject and it will JUST happen one day, and you;re basing your findings off a WIKI article.
Mr.Smith a dit:
yeh, im watching it right now Stiki

how do you stop humans being greedy ignorant parasites?

its a rhetorical question

i find it hard not to rant in this thread

In my opinion,

The average person is in a state of Pyschosis. We should maybe use psychedelics, guided by experienced people to bring every one back to the true reality of our purpose on and connection to the earth.

Give every one the ability to feel love and passion about them selves, others, the earth and the role they are supposed to play on it. Give them tools, Seeds, Land and take away the TV, The Global Corporate Bullshit and all the bollox the goes with it.

We should learn to survive for our selves again in the ways of farming and independent renewable energy production and slow down if not stop completely our Industrial Evolution. Im not saying for ever but defintly untill we are in control of every aspect regarding humans and the earth.
lucky_lab_rat a dit:
This argument assumes that the world we have created is the right path. Technology and industrilzation removes certain hardships, and allows us to perpetuate a world out of step with the natural world. It is by no means necessarry to our survival, but to the survival of our particular paradigm.

I am reminded of a spiel by a man who works with one of the Ayahuasca tribes in south america- he brought some of the elders to a conference in the states. When they got off the plane they looked around at the sprawling urban scene and one said (paraphrasing poorly) "At home- the men hunt, cut wood, and clear land- and we will continue to do this even when there is no need. The women cook, farm, and tend the children. They are the ones that stop us when we continue out of control. So tell me- what is the matter with your women here?"
There is a gem of truth here- in many indigenous societies it is men that are destructive, and women who are nurturing and keep the men in check (where was it?- somewhere in Africa where the women stopped a brutal war by simply withholding sex).

The third rail in environmentalism is population. It has become unsustainable- and yet no one ever speaks of it :? Don't remember who said it but: "growth for the sake of growth is the logic of a cancer cell"


"It is by no means necessarry to our survival, but to the survival of our particular paradigm".....Yes, but who sets the parameters of the paradigm?

How is it done?

You want some real psychonaut questions, there are a couple.


"They (women) are the ones that stop us when we continue out of control. So tell me- what is the matter with your women here?

They are enamored of technology. They have lost their authority, and their grounding in reality, when they were severed from the earth by mass technological applications. Much of their menial work has been alleviated by advancement in household machinery and electronics, and they have lost sight of the fact that we men don't really know what we're doing.

When the traditional roles in a culture are altered, things get weird.

(most) Women want to transcend their traditional roles, and to be able to do whatever they want, be it smoke, vote, marry other women, or what-have-you....nothing wrong with smoking, voting, or marrying other women.....but
a lot of women today like guns, and are pro-war and pro-industry actually are functioning as men on a mental level. These 'envious' women, the ones who emulate men because they want the percieved freedom that these men have,
are examples of a straying from the roots of traditional roles in Western culture.....tradition is usually bad, if it is held to long enough...

As an example of what is wrong with a lot of women in todays world, turn on FOX news and watch these women that work on this channel.....listen to some of their stream-of-thought as they talk on-air.

Greedy, masculine (with cleavage and skirts, though) viper-like Republican bitches with I.Q. scores in single digits.....



Anyway, I think what I am saying is that we have lost a lot of our compass as a tribe (in the sense of the Ayahuasca men) when the roles begin to shapeshift.

" and women who are nurturing and keep the men in check (where was it?- somewhere in Africa where the women stopped a brutal war by simply withholding sex). "

Actually, it was Lysistrata-

Lysistrata (Attic Greek: ??????
"What the fuck do you think solar winds are? Winds in space? air just floating around? Solar winds are electromagnetic waves i.e. uv-gamma the "-" meaning "to"... UV to gamma rays. including xrays in between."

no they are not. jesus jesus do some reading before you post. go and get yourself an education
Mr.Smith a dit:
"What the fuck do you think solar winds are? Winds in space? air just floating around? Solar winds are electromagnetic waves i.e. uv-gamma the "-" meaning "to"... UV to gamma rays. including xrays in between."

no they are not. jesus jesus do some reading before you post. go and get yourself an education

Sorry its charged particles my bad - e-, H+, not E.M.

Where the fuck were we going with this. Basically just don't talk about fusion power when I highly doubt you've gone anything past highschool and get all your information from wikipedia. aka fuck off
"Basically just don't talk about fusion power when I highly doubt you've gone anything past highschool and get all your information from wikipedia. aka fuck off"

i would have been finishing high school about the time you were born. ive earned a couple of degrees since then.

it would be fun if you carried on making a fool of yourself though. it can get quiet here sometimes, we all like a laugh, cruel though it may be.

i look forward to reading more of your...posts
lucky_lab_rat a dit:
"It is by no means necessarry to our survival, but to the survival of our particular paradigm".....

spice a dit:
Yes, but who sets the parameters of the paradigm?

How is it done?

You want some real psychonaut questions, there are a couple.

I would argue the paradigm is set by the larger community- on many levels. ie: there is one in your immediate community, your town, your state, your region, your country, your continent,...spiralling outwards. Wheels within wheels so to speak.

As to how- overly simple answer, we create our own reality to some extent, which is then overshadowed by the group reality. The 100th monkey concept so to speak. It is the energy we put out into the universe that creates the illusion that we, as a group, somehow call reality.
psychonautitical sidenote: have you ever thought about how the truths we learn from psychedelics are viewed by others as hallucinations/illusions/... ? Because they are not part of the collective paradigm then they must somehow be false?

Sorry- hope this made sense to some degree- verrryyyy looooong night last night :wink:

BTW- very nice post Spice - I will try and reread it and add or clean up my reply when my heads a little more clear :whistle: