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Natural resources and mother Earth

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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I think god is a sadist and hes takeing the piss .
The suplys of all the fuels we can use at the moment is limited , the only know chance we have is fusion . 1 kilo of hydrogen would deliver the same energy as 11000 tons of coal . At the moment German scientists say that the first eficient fusion power station wont come before 2050 . I bet the fuckers will still still sell the power it makes extremely expensive and the people in africa wont get any .

Personaly i`m not a fan of wave power or wind power as i think those types of powerstations / wind mills just fuck the area around them up and look real shit .

In one way satan bush was realistic , he said we wont save energy because that could mean we could loose our strategic advantage so we will wait and hope science makes some advances and we can solve the problem that way !!!! But he was a dickhead.........
agreed, we need fusion. a meltdown is impossible and all you get out of it is helium. wind/solar energy are complete environmental scams.. wind energy takes up an absolute shittonne of space, destroying tons of habitat to produce an utter fraction of the percentage of any other method of energy production, not including even making the materials. solar panels take tons of energy to create from scratch from mining out of the ground to manufacture and it's debatable just how much energy you actually get back out of them in comparison

Also about laziness, I don't think that's related to technology at all. Most humans have always taken the path of least resistance. In the dark ages 99% of people just lived in the delusion spun by their local shaman/pulpit and never walked more than a few miles from home. if anything it's the other way around.. We have more knowledge, we can communicate around the world in an instant.. we can share information that breaks through religious and political propaganda. now we have less excuses to be lazy. i don't know any lazy people. most people i know work really, really frickin hard at what they do
Jack Herrer's - The Emperor Wears No Clothes....

The solution?
st.bot.32 a dit:
agreed, we need fusion. a meltdown is impossible and all you get out of it is helium. wind/solar energy are complete environmental scams.. wind energy takes up an absolute shittonne of space, destroying tons of habitat to produce an utter fraction of the percentage of any other method of energy production, not including even making the materials. solar panels take tons of energy to create from scratch from mining out of the ground to manufacture and it's debatable just how much energy you actually get back out of them in comparison

This is foolish. "We need fusion, and solar is stupid"

Fusion isn't going to take place on earth, the amount of energy to initiate collisions is large enough, but the amount of energy to keep it going is way larger. Where the fuck are you going to get all this hydrogen from anyways? Are you going to start mining the milky way? Or the sun?

Solar energy is the only efficient way to get energy. ALL OF THE ENERGY ON EARTH IS FROM THE FUCKING SUN. It may not come from silicon, but solar energy is far more practical than any other devised plan to create energy for an escalatingly large economy. It may come from solar-water heaters/boilers or it may come from Metal-complexes, or we may just end up continually using ethanol - but definitely not from corn.

Fusion is a myth by any practical purpose, it violates the law of thermodynamics without a constant acceleration.
If we can find a much more efficient way of collecting solar energy, it would be ideal. Right now, we don't. Perhaps someday.

Modern fusion designs don't use hydrogen. Some use deuterium, some designs use lithium which occurs in enough abundance on the planet to power everyone's homes for quite likely several millenia
Jesus your talking out of your arse . Solar energy is the best bet we`ve got at the moment , all the other forms of alternative energy are crud . A little wind mill like one sees on Australian farms to suply water from wells or power a few batterys is good but on a big scale its not worth it in the long term . Farming to grow products to make ethanol is one of the bigest problems we have . It takes away food and the opertunity to grow it from us and from animals . Its one of the big reasons for deforestation . The amazons are disapearing to grow soya for animal feed and to make ethanol .

One of my best friends is a profesional alternative energy consultant . He buys and sells shares in green energy firms all over the world , talks to people and works for people like Al Gore . He raises money all round the world and finds people to invest in green companys . I get mails from him nearly every day about the newest developements in things about alternative / green energy and the climate . If i were to post it all here there would have to be a whole section for it . He cant aford to be wrong about what he says and he cant aford to suply false information or talk about pipe dreams . His existance depends on his real knowledge , experience and honesty . Every single thing i`ve said about the climate and alternative energy over the last few years here has come from him . Very many of the threads i start and the info in them comes from him . He has never talked shit , never given false info and every thing he has said will happen in the future on those subjects has happened . So i have no reason to doubt anything he says and if it comes to an argument about the subject you havent got a chance . Nothing . If you put a few hundred thousand or millions of dollars on the table he would talk to you . Please dont come with opinions that you cant back with facts , and up till now thats what youve done .

If there was no chance of fusion with a sensible energy input and output there would not be being so much time , energy and money invested in it . At the moment there is a fusion reactor being built in Europe and it will cost 5 billion euros . There was a documentry about it and the problems on TV here today .

No offence ment but i cant listen to anyone who reads some propoganda somewhere and thinks its fact . We are in the shit and the world is in the shit . The best bet we have at the moment is solar power but that cant provide the mass of power we need all the time and in single bursts and the technology for storing that power isnt well enough developed and reliable to rely on . Storys about a few hundred square kilometers of solar panels in ,libya being enough to suply all of humanitys energy needs are TOTAL bullshit .

Again sorry but i have had enough of people talking the talk .
we already have fusion. the issue is the neutrons destroy the lining of the reactor after 2 or so weeks. the only known solution is to fuse He3 which isnt easy to get (unless you live on the moon)
What do the fusion reactors that work now run on ? OK they only run for a few seconds but they are being improved all the time . Thats why the estimate for a working fusion reactor that produces more energy than one has to put in to it are for at least 2050 . BUT . whateverv the problems with fusion reactors its our best bet and the only realistic way to try to go at the moment . Non of the other ways of generating energy are efficient enough or have the resources to go for more than a few decades . Its not just coal , oil and gas thats running out even uranium is .
That link explains all the things that have been talked about on this site about fusion . Its exactly what my friend has told me and he hasnt read it . Its exactly what was reported on the documentry report i saw today on TV where they talked to scientists who are involved in research now .
You say I'm talking out of my arse god, but I'm researching the shit. I'm the one going to school for this shit - to basically be like your friend.

I'm going to be the one supplying your friend with the fronts of photovoltaic technology.

If I am proven wrong, and someone comes up with a sustainable fusion reactor I will laugh my ass off because why the fuck didn't someone come up with it sooner.

Hey by the way where do you think that He3 is coming from on the moon?? The sun's UV-Gamma rays... I.E. Solar energy.

The energy levels needed for fusion to exist are insane. If you use electrostatic energy, like the "Pinch" example, you will need possibly a few entire coal burning plant to power it...

But fuck, hey if the fusion reactor, which would require intense amounts of energy to be sustained, and for startup were powered by backup of P.V. FINE. That works GREAT.
Just realize the only incoming energy to Earth is E.M. waves from the Sun.
"where do you think that He3 is coming from on the moon?? The sun's UV-Gamma rays"

no, solar winds.

there is no such thing as UV-gamma rays, they are 2 different things

i could be wrong about the lengh of time fusion has been sustained. its hard to find an answer on the net
If you read all the wiki article it explains what can be used and how it can be heated . It also talks about the eficiency statistics and the sources of fuel plus the amounts available and the length of time we could use them = at least 150 billion years .

Another direction in fusion . Before anyone makes anymore stupid comments because they didnt read the wiki article please read all of this and watch the video :-

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/04/ ... 2167.shtml

I`m not saying its right or that its an answer but its good to read / watch .

Mr.Smith i can remember reading about fusion reactors working for longer to but i think they werent the type that are mainly being experimented with now . I also think i remember that it was a long time ago .
GOD a dit:
Pol pot thought the same . Industrialisation isnt evil its the way some people use new advances . Evolution is change . We cant hide in our history or a false romantic view of it . Get a shovel and dig a whole field or three and then complain about tractors . If you asked many people who were forced to work on farms in drudgery they would have said industrialisation freed them . It alowed people to earn more money and to do more of the things they wanted . It payed for their education and stoped many people from starving . In the end its the abuse of power thats the problem .

This argument assumes that the world we have created is the right path. Technology and industrilzation removes certain hardships, and allows us to perpetuate a world out of step with the natural world. It is by no means necessarry to our survival, but to the survival of our particular paradigm.

I am reminded of a spiel by a man who works with one of the Ayahuasca tribes in south america- he brought some of the elders to a conference in the states. When they got off the plane they looked around at the sprawling urban scene and one said (paraphrasing poorly) "At home- the men hunt, cut wood, and clear land- and we will continue to do this even when there is no need. The women cook, farm, and tend the children. They are the ones that stop us when we continue out of control. So tell me- what is the matter with your women here?"
There is a gem of truth here- in many indigenous societies it is men that are destructive, and women who are nurturing and keep the men in check (where was it?- somewhere in Africa where the women stopped a brutal war by simply withholding sex).

The third rail in environmentalism is population. It has become unsustainable- and yet no one ever speaks of it :? Don't remember who said it but: "growth for the sake of growth is the logic of a cancer cell"
Any one seen, The 11th Hour?

Its on TV now, Very interesting from what I have heard. Reckons our problem is on a cultural level :D

This is Very interesting, Im glued.

Any one got views on it?