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my colonized cakes.

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heyguys, i just wanted to ask if it is normal for the cake to take almost a week to start colonizing.. i just noticed that the cake is JUST starting.. i have no idea what the temp is at.. i put 4 jars in the dark in a cooler area, and i put 4 others in a shoe box under a 60W light for a bit of heat.
In my first try's of making cakes, they took more or less a week to start colonizing. Well, at least from what I saw. Maybe they took less, since I putted the spores form the syringe in, more or less, the middle of the cake.

I don't know, but... if they are colonizing thats a good sign. I think its ok. Maybe they are taking longer because of the temperature.

Wish you good luck and fat mushrooms.
Nothing to be worried, about. There fine.
Temp has to be 23°C or higher. And light kills mycelium. So be sure no light enters your shoe box. Get yourself a thermometer, they are cheap and very useful.
"light kills mycelium"

No it doesnt .
I will tell U a story. When I start growing shrooms every try become success!
10-15 cakes rolling one after another! Good times. Then I felt on my skin and psyche superb situations with cops, judge also. Some conditional period of time come out of that encounter. Thanx to Gods, cause prison was very near.10months of jail for 2 years of conditional discharge.

After finishing my punishment I start to produce more cakes or eventually shrooms. And what? 1,5 years nothing!! Cake starts whitening after 4-6 days but after 30 days sweet smell starts to come out of jar. Fermentation? Molds?, Not enough spores?, Tick substrate?, To much water?, Not enough water?, Bacteria?, and so on...

What I am telling, do not worry NOW! This is beginning. 10 days or 30days or even 2 days is normal. Depends bout strain and conditions round jars.

But after 1,5 years of unsuccessful out comings one of the jars become lovely white, like cotton, with shroomy smell. And what happens? Success! At last I done it! But listen how all that started and ended: 3 jars, each one with other strain, after 5-10 days fluffs emerge. Two jars starts to smell badly, like ones mentioned before. But one is holding. I have found interesting spot for jar! On top of kitchens "cupboard" or how can I call that? Kitchens elements. On top of them hot air flow from ovens, also hot or warm air float in upper part of room. Like heater similar to any lamp. But my cake grow time has been something like 2 months!!! Then, after 2months I have picked out shroom like odor white stuff and place it on water sucking and storing granules for trees&plants&flowers. I can't find nowhere even a tiny bit of vermit or perlit!?!?!? Then I have covered layer of cake with one other layer of granules. Shrooms come out after 5-8 days. PERFECTLY. Little story and some tips what to do and what to anticipate from shroom growing if something gone wrong or just late.

so what do you think the best way to fruit would be? should i just use the cakes, or should i use the lightly blend, then spread over a large area method?
just trying to figure out what would get me the largest flushes.

One more thing, i was wondering about the whole "dunking" process. do i just boil some water, let it cool down, then just place the cakes into the water over night? or would that drown them? (if thats possible)

sorry for asking so many questions, but its like that saying goes, "he who asks is an idiot for 5 min, but he who doesnt ask is an idiot for life."
If my kids dont do well enough in school i put them in the fridge , dunk them in ice cold water and waterboard them . The little fuckers now respect me as much as i did them . Greed is the reason why the planet is dying . Fast food methods have produced fat useless lazy ameriicans . Learn patience and respect .
Maybe it would help if some of you find out about profesional mushroom growers strategys for growing mushrooms as safely and efficiently as possible . They dont wterboard their myceleum or put it in fridges or in anyway torture it .

If we had had real trips and while on them thought about respect , respect for other life forms and about the personal karma of doing bad things because of greed we would probably do much better . The way i am talking about will get you more mushrooms , easyer and better for your soul in the longrun . Fast food teks / greed is what has brought the human race to the brink of disaster . So only bigots talk about soulless exploitation of mushrooms while whining about the climate problems .
Not at all HeartCore . I am not talking about doing things on an industrial scale . I`m talking about getting the same or more from the same amount of myceleum that you and the others are growing without terror methods . About not fucking our karma . I am also talking about doing it the way i mean means its easyer and you dont have to do it so often . We can dry surplus mushrooms for later cant we . And fast food teks are teks where people drill holes in myceleum , waterboard them or put them in fridges because they are using strange teks in the first place . Would you do that to your kids or Maxi ??? And putting Cubensis myceleum in the fridge to emulate fall is a bit strange . They dont need it . How many Cubensis grow naturaly in autum ? How do the ones that dont grow then flower and why do they produce more mushrooms ?

"But I guess hundreds of long time growers on shroomery.org and mycoptopia.net are just misguided and should have talked to you first?

Yes . If you look at those sites they are full of endless blah , blah , blah and people talking about the problems that they are having......... because they are playing post offices . Why not give my ideas a try and then tell me what you think ?

I`m glad to see that you have droped the fucktard aproach and have gone back to your explaining strategy . Thanx .
I`m not holding my breath i`m laughing .

Twist what i say , argue pointlessly about things i didnt say and give childish snoty answers . You have never tried it my way , you dont know what my way is . You dont answer my questions , even the simplest one about what a person can do against contamination thats about as effective as sterilisation because you cant .

Slaves work harder if you whip them .

"What you are saying is that entheogenic communities are full of endless blabla while the fact of the matter is..."

Again twisting what i say because you have no sensible replys to what i realöy said . I said that mushroom sites are full of people talking blah , blah , blah ...... and your proving it now .
Dunking cakes overnight helps, doesn't even have to be cold but if you want real success, throw away your little jars and go bulk. Use colonized grains mixed with composted horse manure, worm castings or straw. Do it in big bins, you'll get big flushes of big mushrooms.
Why do it the hard way and have more risk opf contamination when you can do it easyer ? And why do people spend so much time growing P.Cubensis when P.Cyanescens is much easyer to grow , and is much stronger , and is not associated with nausea and stomach problems , and is next to imune to contamination problems and you dont have to do any sterile work ( allthough if you do your chances are better ) ??????
i have one more question, what is the smell suposed to be like coming from the cakes? they have a fair amount of mylcyeum in the jars (sorry my spelling is horrible) and some of them almost smell like a weird cheese type thing?
Myceleum doesnt smell like cheese , that sounds very much like contamination . Myceleum smells fresh , just like fresh mushrooms . Dont open your smelly jars , watch them and if they are contaminated spray them with some anti sepztic / bacterial , seal them with tape and drop them in a dustbin as far away from your grow area as possible . Cleaning them = spreading zillions of spores . And re-sterilising them often doesnt work . You wont save money by trying to save them . In the long run it will cost you more . Throwing them away is cheeper .
ok, well luckly i have 8 jars, and only about 3 of them smell. but all the jars seem to be the same colour.. all pure white.. should i wait it out a little, see what happens? (ill have 2 seperate containers for the ones that smell and the ones that dont)