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My beautiful psychedelic paintings

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brewmaster
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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Well they're not really psychedelic and "beautiful" could be argued as well; but here's a link where you can see a few of my big ass paintings. Take a look and let me know what you think.

wow those are great

i really like 66, 1 and 14

i got some blacklight spraycans lying around here.. wanna drop by and make me something nice? :p
Thanks. I'd love to stop by and make a mess.

I took better photos of these before they were sold, but they're all in slide form. I had to take these with my digi cam which doesn't work so well when the painting is hanging in some dude's dimly lit appartment. I tried.

more on the way.
Woaw! Very well done mate! :shock:

I'd like to order "Atrophy" and "James and Red Molly" please, thanks ;). They're amazing 8) .
Brewmaster a dit:
Well they're not really psychedelic and "beautiful" could be argued as well

Hell yeah their psychedelic!
Shit man, this is really good stuff :shock:
I really like your paintings. My preferred is 'slipping' (41)
:thumbsup: my favorite, too.
Yeah it's really nice, but I also like Like clockwork and James and Red Molly very very much.

Like clockwork reminds me of god's firewall on 800 mics of acid :mrgreen:
Yeah, Alex Grey's got nothin' on me.

(just kidding)
Nothing small, just bold psychedelic statements - I really like that!

My absolute favorite is #1

Yeah, Alex Grey's got nothin' on me.
Like I said: bold! ;)
How long do they take to make and how much do you charge? As far as favorites.....don't make me choose just 1 ;)
Autonamatonamatons <- unfinished means it's gonna be even better? :? :?: :shock:
How do they look when tripping? ;)
Kcar: for you? whatever you can donate. Or maybe lunch at Applebee's. But honestly....I think I sold Clockwork for $1,500. Style was $850. James and red Molly went for $500. I've kept "Slipping" , it's in my bedroom. "Octavio" and "Untitled" were sort of gifts to my little brother to decorate his new house but they're still for sale. $300 for either one, simply cause they're old. Octavio is on a large unstretched piece of canvas, Untitled is painted on wood. Some of them I can bang out in a few days, other ones like autonamatonamatons take weeks because I do stupid shit like use colored pencils and get all uptight about it. Clockwork took the longest.

Silv: "Autonamatonamatons" isn't just getting better, it's getting 6x bigger. Right now it's close to 3 feet by 4 feet and by adding one panel on top of the first and then making it 3 wide; it'll be close to 9' x 8'. I'm working on #3 now.

Faust: again "Autonamatonamatons" is my favorite while tripping. With the shadows under the little purple pods, they start to float around and REALLY come off the paper. I watched that thing for a good hour on my last trip :D
there is Van Gogh crazy has cut his ear... :D
Nice. I'm assuming this is a hobby or is it your day job?

Every time I look at them they amaze me.
Are these all oil on canvas paintings (except for untitled, and what about style)? Oil does take a while to dry or am i wrong (because you said you can bang em out in a couple of days).. How's painting wet on wet with oil anyway.. I don't really know what to think of that..

I think I like Autonamatonamatons best, (maybe because of the name :p) I can imagine it looks cool when trippin'..
They all look great anyway, but it's a shame some aren't hung up a bit tighter (sorry, i can't think of another way of saying this :p).. I mean the ones hanging a bit loose..

There's a big void above my sofa and i want to put a nice painting there.. I'm thinking of making one myself, but I don't really know where to start and what to use..

Keep up the good work!
I love coming by here and seeing that this thread's been bumped. It makes me happy.

Kcar: It's more than a hobby, it's an obsession. It's what I do day and night; even when I'm supposed to be working my actual "day job".

Soulcatcher: The crappy hanging jobs are due to the fact that most of them (clockwork, atrophy, auto, J&RM) are oil pastel/ paint stick on paper and they've been abused by the people who own them now. Octavio is on UNstretched canvas. Style and Slipping are both oil on canvas. I did a lot of these large works on paper when I was still in school so it was more of an issue with money, not being able to afford to build a 9 foot canvas. Now that I have money and a studio, pretty much everything I do is oil paint on canvas. Yes, oil can take days to months to fully dry, depending on color and amount of turpentine and lynseed oil used, but using oil is the ONLY way to go. Just thinking about acryllic paint makes me a little sick to my stomach.

One of these days I'll put some more recent shit on there.