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My beautiful psychedelic paintings

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brewmaster
  • Date de début Date de début
Unfortunately, right now my time is being taken up by projects that I really don't have my heart in. I'm doing one mural of a man and woman on a horse in front of a waterfall for a Mexican restaurant. This one is huge, like 2 stories tall, it's the whole side of the building. Then another one at a local hospital in the childrens ward. This one is taking forever because I hate going to paint happy little fish and dolphins while listening to all these poor children scream their lungs out.

I did meet with a fellow this past weekend who really likes MY work. He said he's going to be opening a club and is thinking of having me do the whole fucking inside of the place. This is like a dream to me and I've got my fingers crossed, hoping that this gig works out.
wow! u have amazing talent
when i first clicked on it i was like no way this could really be yours they are too good but from your prev posts i can tell your no bulllshitter.
Again very nice!
Thanks buddy.

Naw, I'm no bull-shitter. This is what I have to show for my 6 years of college....a crappy job and a bunch o' purty pictures. :D
dude if u made prints that i could afford u know like poster size i would love to get 1 . If you decide to do it send me a pm since your in the us of a the shipping would not be bad.
Same here I couldn't afford a canvas but a poster I could I think ;)
Well Brew, it seems to me that you wont be short of work for some time :P
I hope you get to do the club.. you'll always have more joy in doing what you like and put your own style in rather than painting some silly fishes :p

I think there are probably more people interested in a posterprint of some of the paintings.. I have no idea how much effort it will be and how much it would cost..

Good luck with the fish anyway..