Miracle Fruit: The Psychedelic Berry That (Legally) Rewires

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ninjaberry a dit:
Tiax a dit:


We sell Miracle Fruit Tablets www.ninjaberry.nl and I can tell you that they are 100% natural. My girlfriend eats them everyday. Normally in the morning when she eats her yoghurt with strawberries and a little lime juice. No sugar needed. Or when I go out and drink. I take 1 or 2 tablets during drinking and 1 before I go to bed. Almost every time NO Hangover.

If you have more questions please send us an email at [email protected]

Lorenzo Alberga
Ninja Berry

all nice & fine, but the PM spam was unnecessary.
Please make that the last adverts that you make here and please dont PM adverts to people . If people want to talk about a subject thats OK but there should be no direct adverts acording to the site rules .
I would like to know how its supposed to prevent or lessen hangovers ?
GOD a dit:
I would like to know how its supposed to prevent or lessen hangovers ?

The berry contains an active glycoprotein molecule, with some trailing carbohydrate chains, called miraculin. + The berry/tablet contains lots of vitamin C and some K.
But I don't know why you don't get an hangover. This is what the brochure says from the manufacturer where we order our product: If mysterious fruit is consumed before alcohol, it can also turn the sour drinks into smooth taste, at the same time reducing the effect of the consumed amount of alcohol. It also reduces the feeling of a hangover and you feel energetic the next day. Check out
It start with the alcohol at 0:58 min into the movie.
I have to say it really works. I had friends try it and they all came back with positive feedback. Only one still had a headache.
But if you want to try we can sent you a free sample.
Just sent us an email.

I think that if it stops the alcohol damage that comes from drinking it might be good , as long as people dont use it to drink more . But if it doesnt stop the damage and only limits the hangover i dont think its a good thing to do .
well i tried it on some things, for instance pure chocolate makes it delicious sugary and sour food loses its prickely touch ^^

BUT i ate calmus and it still tasted like %&8!.

well i haven't tried it completely with all kinds of stuff, but my conclusion so far is that it just makes something a bit sweeter, so forget any stuff like" OMG this cacti is going to taste like a candy bar" or " ayahuasca is going to taste like a chocolate milkshake".

i'm going for 2 tablets and then eat a peyote or 2 and hopefully is will taste like a cucumber
I got the 10 tablets I ordered, and will let you know once I've tested one ;)
Well, i also did try these tablets, but it really sucks. I can't imagine that it would change the taste of any psychedelic. Maybe the miracle fruit it self works a little bit stronger, but i already did loose my hope for that. It just make some food a little bit sweeter, but that's it. It does not change the taste of food completely. :s
hmmm, mabye if i give them to my wife she will blow me for often lmao, she alwasy complains its too salty, not if it taste like chocolate! hehe

But on a serious note im not sure it would be worth the time trying to find the right ones, b/c adoma obviously got them from somewhere else then whetinitiate, i would be nice to try, but probly not for the price
WhetInitiate a dit:
I love these! :shock: For those who have not tried them yet: This is something
you have to experience for yourself!
This is where I get mine from: [Taste for yourself!] http://www.buy-miracle-fruit.com/buy-miracle-fruit.html
[/url] :P[/code]

I think this sounds like spam....

Alias55A a dit:
But on a serious note im not sure it would be worth the time trying to find the right ones, b/c adoma obviously got them from somewhere else then whetinitiate, i would be nice to try, but probly not for the price.

I had some pills, maybe that's the reason why it did not work so well. But i don't want to waste my money on something like that. If i would get some for free, i surely would have tried them.
ya if some free bee's of it came my way im sure i would give it a shot, but im not gonna risk money i dont have on something im not sure is worth the expectation, although if more response and feedback come from this and makes something of itself, possibly a more reliable source will come of it