Miracle Fruit: The Psychedelic Berry That (Legally) Rewires

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mysticwarrior
  • Date de début Date de début
I wonder if this would work for eating San Pedro cactus :) Turn the bitter cactus into a sweet candy!
GOD a dit:
"What a brave new worldish idea...I don't want to reduce my spectrum of taste... do you??"

Exactly .

Food tastes what it tastes like . Maybe to some people some raw vegetables dont taste nice but vegan / vegetarian cooking can taste amazing .

I wonder how long it will be before the alcohol industry discovers it and starts putting it in alcopops for kiddys . Uptill now alcohol wasnt such a problem with kids because it tastes so shity .

lol that would be criminal. addicted because of the good taste of alcohol. that's the worst thing i can imagine. :mrgreen: :roll:
Look what industry has done with "flavor enhancers" and look at the shit thats being pepped up so it can be eaten that the industry now sells .
GOD a dit:
I see no point . I see big possible dangers . You have a sense of taste for good reasons .

Yeah, and you have all the other senses for good reasons. Imagine what would happen if someone found out that some plants could make you see things differently for a couple of hours, like...blue turns to purple and green turns to red, things bend and "breathe" or you see fractals and strange patterns everywhere and your friend's face might turn all weird and scary, or everything just starts looking really interesting and playful, even things that are not necessarily safe... Big possible dangers. No good.

Meduzz a dit:
What a brave new worldish idea...
I don't want to reduce my spectrum of taste... do you??

It could be an interesting experience, so yes.

Cannabis makes everything taste better, and I see no people on this forum complaining about the possible risks associated with that. Then again, I haven't tried this "miraculin" yet.
The first part of your argument is silly . Nobody is going to put psychedelics in things to make them more palatable . Psychedelics and other things have risks and possible abuse potential . We know that and should be trying to teach safe use . People know when they take psychedelics . Would people know if a substance contains this plant / extract ? , and they be able to make a free choice if they diddnt .

"Cannabis makes everything taste better"

No it doesnt . Mescalin snot tastes like mescalin snot . Mushrooms taste like mushrooms . And on cannabis for some people they taste even worse .
mysticwarrior a dit:
user_1919 a dit:
Cannabis makes everything taste better

No, Cannabis makes good food taste even better! :D

I've already been quited for 2 month. But when i smoked cannabis, i did not had hungry anymore. When i thought about food, i almost had to puke for these thoughts.

I had too, but also the opposite like really wanting to eat somethin really tasty :D :weedman: and eat a lot of that .... :D
GOD a dit:
People know when they take psychedelics . Would people know if a substance contains this plant / extract ? , and they be able to make a free choice if they diddnt .

Why wouldn't they know? At least here (in Europe) every product has to have a list of ingredients printed somewhere on the package. However, I think this miraculin won't become a popular sweetener, at least not in the near future, as scientists still don't know exactly how it works. I think it would be better as a recreational substance, not as a replacement for sugar or synthetic sweeteners (not that I think synthetic sweeteners should be used at all).

About alcopops and other such scary things: even if booze companies tried that, I don't think they'd succeed: too much health risks, and of course the thing about children. The Joe Camel campaign that targeted kids was ended after all the controversy, I think "booze that tastes like candy" would too.
This fruit would be something for webshops and smartshops like azarius. I am sure a lot of people would like to try it, and some would even use it to swallow bitter psychedelics.
Interesting, this is all new to me.

Still, I want long-term, hard solid, scientific research done on any long-term effects, as mentioned before, I would hate to have my spectrum of taste inhibited by something as stupid as wanting to reverse my taste for shits'n'giggles (or even if I was using it for something beneficial, like allowing me to manage eating grandmas Christmas meatloaf without barfing :D )
"a pint of Guinness comes to resemble chocolate milkshake.""

"The "in the know" chefs and bartenders in the US and Japan can't get enough of these little red berries. Bartenders and chefs are making exotic concoctions that dazzle not only the taste buds, but the sensations of smell and sight, by using ingredients that before were impossible ..."

"Guided to tables brimming with what would otherwise be winced at ."

"6 Miracle Berries - £14.95".............JFC !!!!!!!!

"10 Seeds - £12.97".......... JFC !!!!!!!
GOD a dit:
"6 Miracle Berries - £14.95".............JFC !!!!!!!!

"10 Seeds - £12.97".......... JFC !!!!!!!

:lol: uhu that's what i thought too.
I think that in a few years it will become a hype and it will become cheaper.
But lets hope nobody dies because of eating it or the bored people in grey suits will try to ban it '-_-

i wonder what marijuana would taste like in combination with such a berry :D
I wonder if the berrys one can buy have had the seeds taken out ????
w00t! besides Miraculin (miracle fruit) there's also substance called Curculin (Curculigo latifolia), which apparently does the same except it has a sweet taste of its own :D
I just thought about how sex would taste like...

I gonna get myself some of those berries soon and experiment with it. Just the idea of making things taste completely different is funny...

Mix some of the berries in your appetizers and then serve haggis or something else and let your guests be confused by the weirdness of the taste...

great party gag
Tiax a dit:


We sell Miracle Fruit Tablets www.ninjaberry.nl and I can tell you that they are 100% natural. My girlfriend eats them everyday. Normally in the morning when she eats her yoghurt with strawberries and a little lime juice. No sugar needed. Or when I go out and drink. I take 1 or 2 tablets during drinking and 1 before I go to bed. Almost every time NO Hangover.

If you have more questions please send us an email at [email protected]

Lorenzo Alberga
Ninja Berry