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Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer, New Test Reveals

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion viljo
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Don't forget the Scythians, reported some thousands years ago (by Herodotus, namely) to do hot boxes in their felt tents by throwing buds on red-hot rocks.
just believe anything you read or hear and you will be alright! i can guarantee you! :shock:
i'm not a spécialist , but my question is dna domage can be caused by marijuana ? the smoke cause domage it's sure , because the burnt produced monoxide carbone , goudrons etc....but what about vaporising , eating space cake ? i know the medicinal use is by oral liquid thc , or , as the consummers prefers , vaporise . what toxicity that can really have ? i don't know !but as fortuna imperatrix mondi , it's too cheap to smoke joint of marocco with parafine and a lot of good things in the same way.....