This is interesting:
When I first saw the post, I thought the question was more about this (from erowid):
SSRIs (like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Desyrel) or MAOIs (like Nardil, Parnate, Marplan, Eldepryl, Aurorex, Manerix) are fairly consistently reported to noticeably reduce the effects of LSD. MAOIs seem to cause a greater reduction in the effects of LSD than SSRIs.
rather than asking if it was ok or not.
The funniest thing in the whole thread it this:
No one who takes anti depressants or has mental problems should take drugs .
Doesn't that sound a little contradictory?
I'm so surprised that all of you people, with such suspicion and open mindedness about the government and law, are able to accept the over diagnosis of "mental problems" and especially the over medication of people with "mental problems".
I always had laughed when an old prozac commercial came on. It showed a woman getting frustrated because of a bad wheel on a shopping cart. Doesn't everyone get aggravated over those things? They were trying to say everyone who does needed meds.
I wouldn't advocate it on a general basis, but I am sure there are many people who have been diagnoses with "mental problems" and medicated who would be much better off not taking the "medicine" and taking LSD periodically. Probably more people than are actually helped by the medication.
I know some people need it and are helped because of a real physiological problem, but I think that's much rarer than the rate of medication.
I think now the medications are used not for physiological problems, but to try to help with psychological (edit) problems that are not physiologic and medication will only cover up the problem.
I would have thought most people here would be much more Jungian than...I don't even know what they call it now...but it seems like the philosophy is "medicate all mental problems."
Even family doctors with little training in psychology are prescribing this stuff after one visit. That's insane (unless it's a life or death emergency.)
There have also been studies that say that prozac doesn't even work recently. And others that show that teenagers become suicidal on these meds that have not been tested for safety on their age group in clinical trials.
Man......I think I need to take a chill pill.....sorry for all the ranting, but this stuff just drives me crazy.