I have never heard of a real LD50 of LSD, Here are some articles I found in a brief search.
http://www.everything2.net/node/1344087 and http://humboldtherald.wordpress.com/200 ... se-of-lsd/
I have heard of the first story's, Damn I bet the hospital had people from all over the place in watchig these people
Respitory arrest and aspiration but all 8 of them left within 48 hours! I wonder if this was the LSD opening thier minds to all sorts and the shock and aw stopping the heart, Did it restart its self?? would it??? I've heard of people doing thumb prints but 2 lines of 80-90% pure LSD up your hooter, DAMN! 
http://www.everything2.net/node/1344087 and http://humboldtherald.wordpress.com/200 ... se-of-lsd/
I have heard of the first story's, Damn I bet the hospital had people from all over the place in watchig these people