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LSD Market Conditions?

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druglessdouglas a dit:
crack and heroin and meth minus the acid here too. sooo much heroin it easier to find than weed. im really missing acid now, it sucks :cry:

so much heroin its easier to find than weed? i hear ya man cept round here its meth, i could find a bag of tweak waaaay easier than a sack of weed regardless of quality, not to mention much easier than a bottle of booze before i came of age
Etherbunny a dit:
Anyone know what the market is like in Texas, I'll be doing some work their for a few months next year and dont know anything about the state lol.
Definitely visit Austin if you have the chance. UT is there, the music scene is great, lots of friendly people about, cid was approx $7 for singles, and easily available during my last visit about one year ago.

The Austin Bat Bridge is a must-see during the warm months - about 2 million little Mexican Free-tail bats all exit the bridge every evening at dusk, and fly eastward in lines. Incredible sight. Location is one mile directly south of the TX capitol on Congress Street.
I will be making a 'trip' 2 austin 4 sure then.
Austin is like a slice of California that somehow teleported itself to the middle of Texas. 8)
In ct Amerika i get it for around 8usd when i buy anything over 10 hits. Pretty clean too. Vermont is MUCH better. Bigger better blotters for around the same prices. Its like mecca for deadheads and phriends around here. Such good shit, it makes me wonder if we actually are getting real cid, or just orange sunshine.(im pretty sure we are though, done quite a bit in my few 17 years around here) My friends usually get really good liquid in NY for 10 a hit. Then again we have a lot of contacts. P.S. Im new here, and i must say, i really like what you've done with the place ;).
A year back, i found someone who did sell acid for 2,50 euro 200ug maya's. But i live in the wrong part of Holland, and it seems that no one seems to know how to get some anymore :S Which is sad, because it's was such a beautiful experience.... I hope i will one day find some again.
adrianhaffner a dit:
that's fucking rediculous! that's like almost $3.50 for 200 ug per hit??? how did you discover how many ug???

Well the guy who did sell it to me, said it, i can't proof it of course, but believe me, there where pretty strong. If i took a half a blotter, i was tripping just as hard as a blotter with 100ug, which i ones had.
mysticwarrior a dit:
A year back, i found someone who did sell acid for 2,50 euro 200ug maya's. But i live in the wrong part of Holland, and it seems that no one seems to know how to get some anymore :S Which is sad, because it's was such a beautiful experience.... I hope i will one day find some again.

After i wrote this, the guy contacted me again, and linked me to someone else. I think i have to pay a little more, but who cares :P
Yeh ! And then take two whole ones .
Damn, this guy don't seem to have 200ug blotters only 100ug blotters for 6euro. But who cares, i still can get some acid, that's the most important thing.

How much is usually one drop?
1 drop ?
adrianhaffner a dit:
yeah GOD, how much is enough to kill yourself?!?!?!!!!?!?!1??1?!1111

Lethal Dose is obtained in from anywhere between 200ug to 1mg per Kg body weight. There is only one known incident of overdose belonging to a man from Kentucky who injected roughly 325g LSD.