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LSD coming back?

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Is LSD fairly easy to get in your area?

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  • No.

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  • Comes and goes.

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As soon as you know the right people (or are willing to ask a bit around in parties), acid is *reallly* easy to find in my area... Guess I'm lucky...
I live in M-town the murder capital of america and cant find any, i guess the gangstas dont like it. But it'll probly find me whe i go to college.

By the way this is a really great site.
I have access to a rather large supply & have had one for a while but didn't know it was back around till new years. I have noticed difference in the liquid then I have had in the past but this is also the first time i have had LSD imported from Europe. This stuff was rather mellow for the dosage given. Good pure shit I just don't know what the Dilution was in water in a ppm ratio. I wasn't disapointed. Was rather visual but it lacked the philosophical mind fuck i love not that I didnt get the mind fuck it just waste in waves for what I call phasing in & out of a reality trip. was nice & smooth ride through out even the peak.
i looked for it 5 years and never found any except at a phish concert once... then all of a sudden about 2 months ago a friend of a friend said he had a pretty constant supply so i was stoookkeeeedd

one downside though is that its expensive (i know the guy is ripping me off) - but that's supply and demand i guess

the first kind i got were "windowpanes" (clear gel tabs that were seperated into hits so i just broke em off... tasted slightly sweet in the mouth) - needed to take about 8 hits though for sweet visuals so i considered it pretty weak.

the stuff he now has is different;
its pretty weak stuff still (i've only ever tried 2 different kinds though)- its not perforated either so you have to cut it- it seems that a flashcard of Alex Grey artwork was soaked in liquid LSD and he sells about 1/6 of the flashcard as 50 hits.

right now im paying like $750 for 100 hits (riiiipppp off) but once again what sucks is i need to take about 6 hits for pretty good visuals

anyway, i want some like old school acid :) - you know, where 1 is strong, 2 is crazy, and 3+ is ego death lol

i would take 2 hehe, ego death may be toooo intense for me at thheee moment hehe
^that's really expensive. Over here I usually pay about 2 euro's a hit (if you buy just a few) and less if you buy more. And you only need one or two for a great trip. How lucky am I?
im going to come visit you in amsterdam then forkbender hehe - im actually planning to come out there sometime this year to meet a good friend of mine who's a bartender there. he told me he can grab me some shrooms but im gonna see if he knows about where to get LSD too - ahhh amsterdam, sweet sweet amsterdam - my dog is a keeshond btw lol
I live in Holland, in a city, named "Zwolle" but i recently had moved here, and i still not have a clue about, where to find some LSD. My friends don't like psychedelics, so they never would have some LSD. I know enough people where i can buy nasty drugs, like speed, ghb, coke etc, but i will rather die, then use these substances. I`m only intrested in psychedelics.

right now im paying like $750 for 100 hits (riiiipppp off) but once again what sucks is i need to take about 6 hits for pretty good visuals.

Wow, that's almost a month loan. Just for 100 hits :( But what do you pay for 6 hits?

Over here I usually pay about 2 euro's a hit (if you buy just a few) and less if you buy more. And you only need one or two for a great trip. How lucky am I?

Your really lucky! :) I did not know it was that cheap. I always have thought that it would cost something like 10 euros for a hit. If it is in Holland that cheap, i certainly need to find some. That's better than paying 10 to 15 euros for some magic mushrooms in a smartshop. Al tough i have never experimented with lsd, i`m looking forward to give it a try.

So ACID, find ME :D

Forkbender a dit:
^that's really expensive. Over here I usually pay about 2 euro's a hit (if you buy just a few) and less if you buy more. And you only need one or two for a great trip. How lucky am I?

Not as lucky as I am :P
The 14 times I used LSD I have never paid any money for it :mrgreen:
Ok one of the times I traded mushrooms for some drops... :roll:
Well Space-is-the-place, now you may explained to me, how the fuck are you doing this? :P Do you have such a nice face, that people will give you spontaneously some LSD?

If this the reason, then i`m going to search for a doctor who is willing to change my face. :P And then i also understand why a lot of people are willing to change their faces and body. Because this would be really a GOOD reason to do so :D
I've bin searching atleast 2 years before i would get my hands on some acid. And now its really easy to get some, and mostly where the lsd is there is more..

And it really depends on where you look for acid, and not to stereotype or something but your chances are far more higher at a goa partys.

But once you got lsd in mind, it will sooner or later come in your way.
I guess my problem is that right now, i`m living to isolated. It would be nice to know just someone nearby, where i can go, to get some. But of course, you have to go to party's etc, to get in touch with people who selling or using this stuff. And i think that's not something i`m gonna do, since I'm getting to claustrophobic from these party's. So the lsd really has to find me :)
Shit I've been looking for a good 4-5 years and I haven't encountered any in my area (California, USA) though apparently it's around. All my friends and connects are into non-psychedelic drugs such as coke, alcohol, etc. Guess I gotta keep on trying!
I gotta pay 35 euros to get 1 friggen hit up here in scandia land!!
tho it's easy to find
LiquidL a dit:
Shit I've been looking for a good 4-5 years and I haven't encountered any in my area (California, USA) though apparently it's around. All my friends and connects are into non-psychedelic drugs such as coke, alcohol, etc. Guess I gotta keep on trying!
Man if you can't find any in California @ all times there is a problem considering your in the state where most the really killer strong Pure LSD 25 is still made in good old Northern Cali. Where they are greedy & only make the supply for California only. Come on dude If you can't find acid in Cali you weren't meant to have it. I never been out west but thats were 90% of my LSD connects are. Very few ship. Most you have to be there..............( AZ ) Friends from this area tell me the next batch will be a few grams probably around 5 - 10 grams & a friend already quoted me @ 25 pieces of Art work for $4,000 running 150 -200 mics. But thats Arizona prices. I think it equals out to $1.60 USD per dose I don't normally buy blotters but these are made by a friend of mine who seems to call me up every 3 month seeing if i can buy a minimal shot of $4,000 @ a time & I never seem to have the cash When the call comes in.
Dantediv86 a dit:
I gotta pay 35 euros to get 1 friggen hit up here in scandia land!!
tho it's easy to find
Man thats painful. There is a reason there is a lot in your area. It's called no one can afford to get off nice by eating a lot at once so it just sits around. I would learn how to grow mushrooms before I paid $35 Euro for a dose of acid considering the Euro Stronger then the USD right now. Not to mention thats way to expensive anyway. Major Rip off I don't care how many mics it is for that price it thats to expensive. What ever happen to Supply & Demand? The More You Have The Cheaper It Is, The Less You Have The More Expensive?
"grow mushrooms"
:D it's what i'm doing
man southern ontario is fuckin dry for lsd i want to try it badly actually as its been said before there is some you just have to have the connections im actually really excited because at my buddies place the other day there was a guy from london who said he could hook us up, now i dont want to get my hopes up just to get crushed as they have before but just remember folks where theres a will theres a way
ImTrippingStupid a dit:
LiquidL a dit:
Shit I've been looking for a good 4-5 years and I haven't encountered any in my area (California, USA) though apparently it's around. All my friends and connects are into non-psychedelic drugs such as coke, alcohol, etc. Guess I gotta keep on trying!
Man if you can't find any in California @ all times there is a problem considering your in the state where most the really killer strong Pure LSD 25 is still made in good old Northern Cali. Where they are greedy & only make the supply for California only. Come on dude If you can't find acid in Cali you weren't meant to have it. I never been out west but thats were 90% of my LSD connects are. Very few ship. Most you have to be there..............( AZ ) Friends from this area tell me the next batch will be a few grams probably around 5 - 10 grams & a friend already quoted me @ 25 pieces of Art work for $4,000 running 150 -200 mics. But thats Arizona prices. I think it equals out to $1.60 USD per dose I don't normally buy blotters but these are made by a friend of mine who seems to call me up every 3 month seeing if i can buy a minimal shot of $4,000 @ a time & I never seem to have the cash When the call comes in.

Grr I hate irony, she's such a bitch! :P
Check your inbox for a pm.
Yeah, every time I've gotten excited in the past year it's gotten dashed too. But I hear it is floating around these parts. I even ran into it at a party a year ago, there were 1/2 tabs floating around (meh!). I just don't have connections I guess. This area is coke, MDMA and speed, speed, speed..
st.bot.32 a dit:
This area is coke, MDMA and speed, speed, speed..

ohhhhhh yeah man its unreal like when its easier to get methamphetamine than lsd than youve got a fucked up society haha i mean which would you rather do "feel insanely good" and then be all sketched out for the rest of your life or go on a wonderful journey through your mind and soul exploring new mindsets and unending beauty haha i think if everyone could just have an acid trip once in their life i think the world would be a much more beautiful place! midn you i havent done acid yet so i cant truly say what the trip is like but if i have to edit this post in 5 years time after ive actually done acid to correct it than i guessi wil but thats kind of a big commitment i doubt ill remember this post in 5 years ill probably still be on the forums tho! i love this place! i learn so much from you wizened old psychonautic hippies haha well i shouldnt discriminate there are a lot of different kinds of people on this forum hahahaha what the fuck am i talking about? im sorry guys i have to be honest with you im right stoned haha i have this huge grin on my face but i wish i had a glass of water instead haha now i have both suckas man i have this sweet visualization for windows media player i downloaded its called g-force its so trippy i just kinda wish i could make winamp work cause milkdrop was INSANE it had such a good resolution man you know who i love? the grateful dead "if my words did glow, with the cold of sunshine. And my tunes were played on a harp unstrung would you hear my voice come through the music? Would you hold it near, as it were your own?" haha so fucking good i wish garcia was still alive there've been too many deaths in the hippy community when you think about it i mean hendrix, joplin, garcia, john lennon its kind of sad but maybe they're all up there on the great commune in the sky looking down on us all and looking out for us fellow individuals its nice to picture but to be honest i dont really think thats what happens i mean itd be too perfect whoa man sorry for typing so long ill let you guys get back to what you were doing before you wasted 5 minutes reading a totally pointless post haha peace