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LSD and death metal

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion polska224
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Hey guys, actually I've found out over the years that there are many metal musicians who enjoy doing psychedelics, especially the ones who like to push the boundaries of metal music. For one thing, I would suggest that you try listening to an album by the Norwegian band, Dødheimsgard - the album is called "666 International", and it's a great mindfuck. Let's call it psychedelic black metal. LSD has been known to have a direct influence on that album through its members using it during both recording and producing sessions.

Those on here who spoke against metal, indeed don't know much about it. There are as many psychedelic metal bands nowadays, as there are psychedelic artists in every genre of music out there.

There is a website called avantgarde-metal.com, and it focusses on experimental and avant-garde metal. I bet some of you can find some cool bands to listen to on there, while being in the higher realms of consciousness.

Also, for those who like it flowing and groovy, try listening to Ved Buens Ende's "Written in Waters" when you're high. Once again, psychedelic metal.
spice a dit:
What we have established is that you don't understand psychedelics, or what they do.

So because someone enjoys listening to one type of music while visiting the otherwordly realms of psychedelia, this means he doesn't understand psychedelics or what they do? Considering that all music is music, regardless of the genre it presents itself as, your idea sounds absurd to say the least. It's the first time of my life that I hear such a narrow-minded definition of the psychedelic experience. You sound like some puritanical parents who, to convince their child to never have sex, would tell him that if he ever wants to have sex, then it means he doesn't understand anything about life. There is no more a link between understanding psychedelics and not listening to metal, than there is one between understanding life and avoiding eroticism. You certainly follow a strange sort of logic. I think this topic could have turned into a very interesting one, if people like you stopped misjudging what they clearly have no idea about.
So any psychonaut woud like to share their experience of metal music? :)

Album suggestions would be cool too!

A band like Velvet Cacoon (especially their album "Genevieve") openly compose their music under the influence of DXM. This is kind of ambient metal, with songs floating like tides on the ocean. Comes highly recommended, it's not aggressive at all for the ones who find metal too intense while being *out there*...
Can you listen to anything but Nothing Lasts...But Nothing Is Lost by Shpongle when you are on the way to your peak? (when peaking I usually turn off any music).
You certainly follow a strange sort of logic. I think this topic could have turned into a very interesting one, if people like you stopped misjudging what they clearly have no idea about.

Yes let's make it interesting!

I like it when the boundries between the genres dissolve

Here are some of my favourite metal related (tripping music)

D-beat!!! :mrgreen:

while tripping and driving around
a friend and i were jamming lamb of god and a cop pulled up next to us, i watched his face melt and drip to the pavement.

metal is awsome love it. not all of it though.

i would say overall

the 4 best bands IMO to listen to while under the influenced of ANYTHING:
Pink Floyd
The Doors
The Black Angels
The music you enjoy listening, you will like while under the effects of LSD. The "Viking metal genre" I enjoy quite bit while in that state of mind. The mixture of the guitar, bagpipes and folk instruments becomes quite intensly epic. The simplisity of black metal and its repition create an awesome atmoshphere. A lot of the Finnish black metal (Sargeist, Horna, Satanic Warmaster and Goatmoon) seems to create this. I have spent many times sitting in my dorm room in this black metal trance/psuedo meditative state and well its pretty awesome to say the least. If your around friends who don't enjoy extreme metal then you might as well switch to some Grateful Dead or something. Remember there is no such thing as a bad trip, its all in your head :D

Love Survives Death metal,

death metal sounds horrible, .,

datura plants seems very evil angry dark and dangerous,. the fresh leaves smell like a goatdevil.
death metal sounds like devil,

some people are yin, and other's are yang , without the opposites , there is no balance.
and you spiral from the northpole to the southpole you move like a spiral at the outside of the torus,
and than you go in or out at the top or down to the center of the torus,
just put a magnet under a sheet with iron powder on top of the sheet, and you see the 2dimensional image
the cross section of the Spiral-Torus,
I, want hippie music, PEACE FLOWERPOWER MUSIC<<
I like Zabadak <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Zabadak" is the name of a hit song by the musical group Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich,
www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/dave_dee_do ... badak.html
I, myself, believe that this is a kind of prayer to (and/or message from) the Great Universal Spirit (as they understood Him/Her); a kind of Love that truly cannot be expressed in ordinary human language. And by listening to this song, I cannot help but be powerfully lifted to the level of Spirit.
Dunno if I would enjoy extreme metal on LSD, never had the chance to try it (I only did LSD once). But some black metal sounds awesome on shrooms, as well as MDMA, DXM and weed...Oh well good music sounds awesome with or without drugs anyway.

It's a pity that these two worlds, metal and psychedelics, don't meet much (doom metal being an exception). When it comes to mind-expansion, bands like Gojira, Morbid Angel, Samael, Burzum or Enslaved can be as effective as any psytrance or 60's rock.
Sure, and you may have seen this rather terrible but funny trailer for the upcoming "superband" Sektemtum :


The problem in my opinion is that within black metal circles drugs are usually seen, by their supporters and detractors alike, as something destructive and destructive only. You know 'do drugs for satan' VS 'drugs are for trendies'. But there are exceptions, obviously (thank God I might almost say).

death metal makes no sense to me...
it is anger, what other sense do you get from it?

why is everyone so attracted to anger and repression?
Because there are such feelings in us and it's not good to do like it's not the case. We have to face our dark feelings and Extreme Music express it the right way.
it is anger, what other sense do you get from it?

Grandeur, beauty, fear, ecstasy...I don't listen to a lot of death metal anymore, and have never been too keen on the more gore-oriented bands (although some of them are definititely a good laugh, and can 'groove' pretty hard!), but some stuff within the genre will never leave me.

why is everyone so attracted to anger and repression?

Welcome to Western culture mate...


Anger is a sane and normal emotion, unlike hate. Just because the music is aggressive doesn't mean it's gonna make you want to murder babies :roll: .
Spektr is a very dopy Ambient/Black Metal band.. You shoud try it.
polska224 a dit:
First of all, can we establish that opinion DOES NOT EQUAL FACT? Please? Just because you dont like death metal doesnt make it a good style of music.

Yeah, I was alone, which I do normally because I prefer tripping (in small doses) alone. Theres no pressure, I am in complete control of my surroundings (ie no one is there to change the music), and I can just sit there and read/think/sketch.

And the thing about death metal when I trip is definitely its speed and intensity. Double bass pedals blasting, tremolo picking, some good death growls, and fast time changes...its all very complex, I like dissecting it. (Tiax, if you like drumming, I recommend Dimmu Borgir, pretty much anything off Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia....Nicholas Barker is godly) And the thing about my mind being damaged by death metal? I am offended that people think that just because I listen to death metal, Im an arsonist and jack off to rotten.com. Im actually a semi-decent person.

YES YES YES YES. Dude you are so right and thank you for sticking up for the music. I know that this is an old thread, but I could not help myself from posting and telling some of the users here how ridiculously ignorant they here.

Some one said that "this music will incite you to violence" and all I have to say to that is you are an idiot. That line of logic is in the same vein of "video games causing violence" and "rap music leading to increased criminal activity." All of those claims have been proven to be ENTIRELY AND UTTERLY FALLACIOUS. You are only showing how foolish and underinformed you are. Either that or you showing how quick you are to join in group think just accept what the socially conservative, puritanical fools would have you believe. Which seems counter intuitive to someone who takes psychedelics.

Death metal, while indeed covering violent, dark, and unpleasant themes also covers political, social, economic, cosmological, and philosophical. There are hundreds and hundreds of examples for each of the aforementioned topics and simple Google search would show that. Songs like Beyond Creation "Earthborn Evolution", Death's "Spiritual Healing", "Decrepit Birth's "....And Time Begins", and Derelict's "Olympic" illustrate this fact.

So quit pushing the bullshit, false narrative if you believ that death metal incites people to violence. Get your facts straight.
polska224 a dit:

And the thing about death metal when I trip is definitely its speed and intensity. Double bass pedals blasting, tremolo picking, some good death growls, and fast time changes...its all very complex

when i was between age 12 and 16 i listened to (death) metal a lot. When i got older i started to get into other genre,s of music.
When i got into psychedelics i did not listen to a lot of metal any more.
The funny thing is for me metal doesn,t do it on psychedelics. It,s the growling the intentsity and the speed. I think it,s to hectic. I can not relax when i am listening to metal. Those double bass drums are like a hearth attack, that grunting and screaming sounds like someone is having a bad time.
The thing with metal is that i can hear the complexity and i can hear the intent. I can understand why people like it. But i miss is soul. I think it,s a little bit stiff if you get what i mean. You can bang your head to it or pogo dance, but it,s not real funky.
I dont like to listen to music during a trip, but i like death metal

this is the only death metal band that i like, after i passed the scream prejudices
Death metall is a surefire way to end up on a bad trip, depressing, aggressive violent music.
Im actually surprised to find that even psychedelic usage cant help some people escape their narrowmindness and this actually becomes very obvious in this thread imo...Anyways ive actually never done LSD but have recently had a pretty massive trip on DOM at 10 mg and was listening to some very dark themed music throughout the experience.This included some dark psy(cosmo,fungus funk and some more i cant remember),some psychedelic black metal(arizmenda,ravencult etc) and lots and lots of brutal death metal(Defeated sanity,disentomb,>ulcerate< and more).I obviously cant even begin to describe some of the visuals this type of music gave me but i can guarantee that if one can look past the growling and somewhat ''scary'' atmosphere(not scary for me actually(at least not much) cause i listen to that shit all the time and have listened to it many times while stooooned) u are in for one hell of time with extremely dynamic visuals that could get ''scary'' at points(dismembered body parts scattered,bloody fingers sticking out of a females anus in a never ending cycle,demonic faces and other very grotesque imagery)which actually was perfectly knited with the music.Besides the grotesqueu shit there were rocky landscapes with thunders striking down completely synched with the double bass ,skulls with some awesome shapes ''painted on them''on them manifested with every guttural vocal and many many more dynamic stuff like that, even kaleidoscopic imagery and fractals that would move with the music and change colors and shit.Pretty badass if u ask me.This really showed what darkness and ''badassery''my mind is capable of creating.Ive also played the best guitar ive ever played during this trip.Btw i tottaly reccomend ulcerate even to those who dont like metal cause they are TRIPPY as fuck especialy with headphones on.