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LSD and death metal

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion polska224
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I dropped ~100 ?g once with a metal band, several members of which were childhood friends of mine. They rehearsed and I laid on the floor tripping out. Although they're definitely not a death metal band, they draw influence from the genre (Chains ov Dissent is their name, look them up on youtube if you're curious)
Either way, the entire trip I had this notion that I was in hell (go figure), but I was completely at peace with the idea, and I even felt as though Satan had my back, and I felt oddly comfortable. Perhaps it was simply the low dose, but the trip was entirely pleasant, even though the music wasn't exactly my taste. I, however, am appreciative of almost all music (besides you-know-what), so that may have helped.
yea FUCK (you-know-what) RAP
Fuck death metal. You're all retarded, figure it out.
fuck you lol

calling everyone retarted
always being critical of others opinions why not embrace your brothers Ijesuschrist??
For all you rap sucks people please give MF Doom a chance. One of the best mc and producers imho. Funny thing he got al lot of instrumantal tracks named after psycdelic herbs wich are really nice while tripping. Interesting topic btw nice to read and thanks for the links. But not the katie perry one;-)
when did any of you get involved in death metal?

I'm guessing it was between the ages of 15 and 19, the ages where trying to fit in are "most important" in our society, but when you couldn't - fuck them! I don't need them. I'm going to listen to my fucking death metal and be cool in my own realm.

fuck it! fuck it!

prove me wrong... which I know you will, no one is going to agree with what I just said. :roll:
prolly because its a load of biassed dribble
ask Dimebag Darrell why death metal isn't good......oh wait, that's right, one of their worshipful fans unloaded on him in concert.

you can lead a horse to water.......

but you can't make him THINK

what are you trying to tell us?
spice a dit:
ask Dimebag Darrell why death metal isn't good......oh wait, that's right, one of their worshipful fans unloaded on him in concert.

you can lead a horse to water.......

but you can't make him THINK


Yeah I don't quite understand what the point of the horse analogy is...Rather, I don't understand the analogy. Is the horse the death metal fan? The water the concert? The thinking the act of NOT shooting Dimebag?
EndlessEntity a dit:
prolly because its a load of biassed dribble

Lol... good rebuttle.

Really, I've heard the arguements to listen to death metal and they are fantasy. It's anger built up that has never been physically manifested, only sits mentally idlely, waiting for a moment that will never come to unleash it and "prove" one's self...

Or you just think satan is real and think it's such a good counter culture to worship the opposite of christian's savior.

Either is hilarious... and if you have another reason outside these, I'm going to claim fabrication.
so basically what your saying

is that your opinion is the right one. that if you can't listen to deathmetal without being angry then no one can.
that the only reason someone would listen to death metal is if they had build up anger. thats a Load of bullshit
and btw it wasn't a rebuttle im not trying to insult you like you are everyone else. what i was trying to point out is that your not the divine answer, your opinion is not fact and you need to get over yourself.

you've heard arguments to listen to death metal and they are fantasy? NO those are REAL peoples opinions that you reject and judge because its different from your own.

yea i think satans real. he comes to my poker games with the giant flying spaghetti monster and sidhartha gutama.

your going to claim fabrication? so your calling me a liar if i claim to listen to death metal for any other reason than the ones you stated. lol climb down off your throne and come down here with the rest of us. plz.
Why is this argument still going on?

To each their own. I don't particularly like deathmetal during a trip, but so long as they're not trying to play it with me while I'm tripping it doesn't matter much to me...
I listen to death metal... wink. :)
endlessentity i love the black angels. austin psych scene is huge i also love the sword while tripping. death metal never really got me goin but all this northwest black metal coming out is so transcendent.
i saw the sword live in austin a couple years ago :)
don't know about lucy, but i had just the most amazing experience listening to behemoth while on mushrooms. the power. the perfection. I hold the torch ov Heraclites so I can shake the earth and move the suns!

but black >>>> death
i love metal man. people say anger is evil. but anger is very constructive. you can create from anger. hate is what will lead you down the dark side. lol
OMG! LSD and death metal :twisted: you can become a psychopath :finga: