So here's the extraction SWIM wants to complete:
1. wash with cold water/detergent (if necessary)
2. Ground morning glory seeds to a fine dust
3. (polar) Soak ground seeds in naptha (zippo lighter fluid, etc.)
4. Filter seeds and
throw out liquid
5. Dry seeds
6. Repeat steps 3-5 a few times
7. (non polar) Soak seeds in high proof alcohol (everclear, etc.)
8. Filter seeds and
keep liquid
9. Dry seeds
10. Repeat steps 7-9 a few times
11. Put liquid in a large flat pan/tray and let dry in a cool & dark place
12. Once dry, scrape up remaining gummy, yellow residue
Then SWIM plans on holding the residue lump in his/her/its (

) mouth and let the goodness be absorbed by the mucus membranes in the mouth. Once SWIM cannot stand the taste anymore, SWIM will gulp down a glass of grapefruit juice.
But there are just a few problems/questions:
-About how long should the naptha/alcohol bath be?
-What alternatives are there to everclear?
-What alternatives are there to everclear for persons under the age of 21?
-Is the alcohol bath required?*
-Is there a easier and more effective extraction method?
-Is extraction required for best results?
*SWIM hears that there are two substances within the morning glory seeds that cause nausea, fish eye vision, etc. and the only way to remove these substances is with some high proof alcohol like ethanol.
All comments & suggestions appreciated!