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LSA extraction

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
  • Date de début Date de début
What sort of alcohol have you used ? It doesnt sound like something i would want to use .

The extraction seems to have worked but part of the residue could be the aditives to the alcohol you used . You shouldnt be eating it .
I used denatured alcohol made by Onyx. As I've already said : i phoned the technical director of the company. Told me everything in their alcohol is volatil. Had a confirmation about that on another scientific forum.

Anyway, I've eaten a third of what i got. It should be equal to a 8 grams trip.

Result : strictly no effects apart the fact i'm pissed off.

So i don't know, maybe the additives reacted with LSA. I'll try Pariah's vodka method soon and let you know
it usualy contains pyridine,methyl violet (if colored) and castor oil.
So here's the extraction SWIM wants to complete:

1. wash with cold water/detergent (if necessary)

2. Ground morning glory seeds to a fine dust

3. (polar) Soak ground seeds in naptha (zippo lighter fluid, etc.)

4. Filter seeds and throw out liquid

5. Dry seeds

6. Repeat steps 3-5 a few times

7. (non polar) Soak seeds in high proof alcohol (everclear, etc.)

8. Filter seeds and keep liquid

9. Dry seeds

10. Repeat steps 7-9 a few times

11. Put liquid in a large flat pan/tray and let dry in a cool & dark place

12. Once dry, scrape up remaining gummy, yellow residue

Then SWIM plans on holding the residue lump in his/her/its ( :) ) mouth and let the goodness be absorbed by the mucus membranes in the mouth. Once SWIM cannot stand the taste anymore, SWIM will gulp down a glass of grapefruit juice.

But there are just a few problems/questions:

-About how long should the naptha/alcohol bath be?
-What alternatives are there to everclear?
-What alternatives are there to everclear for persons under the age of 21?
-Is the alcohol bath required?*
-Is there a easier and more effective extraction method?
-Is extraction required for best results?

*SWIM hears that there are two substances within the morning glory seeds that cause nausea, fish eye vision, etc. and the only way to remove these substances is with some high proof alcohol like ethanol.

All comments & suggestions appreciated!
I don't know. I never used a extraction method for LSA . I am not a chemist.

I always use HBWR not MG. I tried MG a couple off time,s with little success.
A friend of mine simple mashed up seeds sucked on them some time and it, then spit it out.

Myself I use a water filtration. I mash them up, put the powder in water for more then 10 hours.
Filter it using a coffee filter. Drink the water. Shake and tremble while drinking the water.

You need a good amount of water for it to work. I think 2 big cups will do the trick.

Maybe your method for extraction is better. Let me know how it worked out.
that's the method i think i will try sometime this summer. not having to consume the seeds sounds like the way to go. maybe start with 7-8 seeds as I'm a moderately experienced tripper

have you ever gotten nausea from HBWR?
Mumu, i will probably end up using your method of simply soaking in water. Have you ever developed nausea from MG?

st.bot, I've never used HBWR so i wouldnt know... lol are you even asking me?

Whose method are you referencing: mine or mumu's?
Yes I have been nauseas little bit. One time I puked, other times I didn't but felt a little sick. But most of my trips with HBWR and MG i had no problems
The feeling of LSA is a bit intoxicating. Some people like it others don't.
I was with Oknayd, and he didn't like it at all. He keep looking at me like, what do you like about this. He was not feeling so well. I on the other hand had a great time.

What I think is so sweet of HBWR is that the next day I usually feel very peaceful.
I remember the first time I took HBWR. The trip was very light but nice. The next day was full of light, but not in a manic way. Just very silent and peaceful. I was amazed about this.
ya sorry evered, i was refering to magickmumu's method
I think this is a dead post but lsa, along with lsd are acids, they are fairly soluble in water, even cold water. The bad taste of the seeds is fairly insoluble... until its hot water, then they both come out.

Just wash your powedered seeds about 4 times with cold water. should taste and feel fine !
Pariah a dit:
plant a fair number of them in spring (assuming you've got access to soil / a garden)?

This is slightly off topic but I actually did this in a few pots on my window sill, and I'm curious how to pollinate them. They are inside and cannot be moved outside without serious damage to the plant. Is there anyway I can convince the existing plant to seed or should I just replant new seeds outside?
I suppose you could pollinate them yourself, why not !
i dont understand how a cold water extraction works.. i always thought that you needed heat to extract.. when i think of the process, cold just doesnt make sence to me.
Amides are very soluble in water, they do not require heat, besides too high of a heat could harm the substance...

Just need to grind it well I guess !
Yesterday i retrieved the mg seeds from a vine... Today i bought petroleum ether. It says 60-80* C wondering if I've taken the right chemical. And I just couldn't arranged the required percentage of alcohol Can I use like any alcohol having 40-50 % alcohol instead(desi sharab),will this be okay to do so.And please tell me about evaporation procedure, like in what environment it should b left for evaporation. I don't have lab so I cant arrange vacuum. I request you to reply asap. As my step one is on the move already.
I'm going to try this after I harvest enough seeds.
I think LSD is strange and great i had my most uncounscious trip with it (i took 3500ug from the cleanest amsterdam LSD ever) i was in an other world i barely remember what happened in real i understood the universe, but you have drugs such as 2CE or DOI, DOC that can bring you way more visual hallucination. You say that 500 to 800ug is a 8 hours trip but dude LSD-25 and either his cousin PRO-LAD, ALD-52, ETH-LAD and 1P-LSD are active at 25ug, a medium trip is 70ug and strong trip is 100 to 150ug for 12h triping balls depend on the person, but i dont think the dealer who sell you 800ug LSD dose is selling you LSD, because 800ug would still be for a regular consumer a massive dose that would make him trip for more than 24h. 25i-NBOM is active and sold from 800ug to 1500ug generally and is not from lysergic family but from 2CX family and so it have nothing in comon with LSD. Lsd is mostly sold liquid in small dropper or in blotter form, the blotter and drops contains in average 70ug to 150ug max. If its its pills you have strong chance that your lsd is 2CE mixed with a bit DOB. If you want to detect false LSD you just have to use a black lamp LSD and family analogue will react and become flashing blue. You can find lsd in crystal but its very dangerous to hold as 1mg = 1000ug wich is consider to be 10 doses (strong) of LSD. And 2000ug of LSD is extremely dangerous to anyone who is not hardcore tripper as its like taking 20 strong trip of LSD it can be harmefull and bring you to hospital, may cause you psychose and you may hurt yourself but it will not be wastefull as lsd dont have High potency limit so more you take more you get high and you can rich K-All. And when you make your own acid there is no way to calculate the amount of LSD as it need 60% purity to become crystal and so potency can be 40% diffrent from a crystal to an other and only testing with mass spectrometre will tell you the purity wich is not a comon chemist tools :p. So be carefull and remember dark light show you instantly what is lsd or not