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LSA extraction

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Hello again) been a long time since I was here... Well, I've got some interesting news.
A week ago I ate 13 grs of Morning Glory and....tripped even harder than from 2 hits of acid! Great visuals, patterns, thoughts,,wow. My friends experienced the same.
I had grinded the seeds in a coffee mill and put them in the capsules along with Jurubeba (both capsules and jurubeba can be found at azarius),and this considerably reduced the nausea.
However, some new side effects appeared.(((Muscle cramps and a headache were a great minus. I attribute them to toxins found in the seeds' shell. The trip itself was awesome anyways, equalling 3 hits of acid I'd say.
One important detail- I had not seen these LSD-like "fractal patterns" while on morning glory( I hope you know what I'm talking bout-everything you look at seems to be covered with patterns ;) ), before i tried LSD. Now they tend to appear both after LSA and Yopo. Remarkable, huh?
All in all, LSA is worth extracting, I suppose. But something tells be than muscle cramps MAY be somehow connected with LSA itself, not with ergotoxins...Thus, you won't get rid of the cramps by extracting pure LSA. Or am I wrong?Any info on this subject would be highly appreciated :roll:
Originally posted by papadedrogas:
Anyone ever tried this? You could obtain a carbon filter from either a fish tank filter or a britta filter. This link (http://www.extension.umn.edu/distributi ... D5939.html)sorta talks about all the harsh chemicals it can yank out, but I can't find anything anywhere about LSAs. I know that some people use them in Mescaline extractions.

I have an LSA-alcohol solution, it has a layer of black seed chunks at the bottom, a layer of white seed fiber above that, a layer of discoloured golden-brown alcohol above that and a very small layer of dark yellow oil on top of that. Has anyone ever used active carbon to filter an LSA extraction? I'm about to I'll let you know how it goes.
There is no need to use activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is used to get junk out of something you want to use.
Now, you want to get something you can use out of junk...

It's only a matter of decanting, (buchner-)filtrating for the chunks. (or a coffee filter, may take some more time :p )
Use a separation funnel to get rid of the oil layer.

If you don't have one, you can use a ziplock bag for this, it's somewhere around on the net i think...

Then let the alcohol evaporate (not all of it, just to make it more pure.)

If you want powder you need HCl or other acid to make salts.
Check the net...

Good luck :wink:
I've got something like 10 oz of ipomeas seeds and well, i'm planning to extract lsa from it soon.

But how can i conserve it ?
I know lsa is chemically very cose to lsd. I also know that lsd is quite sensitive to light and oxygen.

And can i put it in the freezer ? thanks
Why conserve it ? Why not just make it when you want to try it ? That would give you time to concentrate on the experience and to glide into it .
because of a money matter : if i extract the whole 16 oz i have, it will cost me less in terms of solvent.
Plus the extraction takes 1 week to be done.

Let me imagine the scene :
One of my friend is at home:
"what's that funny yellow stuff in your fridge ?"
"Oh that's just acid"...
Thats alot of seeds, I doubt you'll ever get through that many - my advice is: plant a fair number of them in spring (assuming you've got access to soil / a garden), and either extract a few doses at a time or at the very least, keep a reserve stash of seeds - store extracts somewhere cool and dry out of the light (sealed container in fridge). I've not stored in a freezer before, but thats not to say it doesn't work.

I can understand the bother of extracting everytime, but it saves the storage problem.

Have you tried LSA's before? or will this be a first time?
I think i can say i've done LSA around 40 times. However it will be my fisrt attempt to extract LSA.
I do have 16 oz of seeds, but I've forget to add some friends are involved too.

Pariah, you seems to have experienced the fridge storage method. How long can you conserve lsa ? Do effects lower with time ?
If you didnt extract the seeds did you eat them ? If you do an extraction your going to get a mixed extraction so why not just use water in the first place ?
Wow, it seems you really are a fan of LSAs :-P

I suggest the fridge, because in the past I would store at room temperature, and I did notice over time (a couple of months between each trip), that the experience was more of a bodily feeling, than the visuals and distortions I got from the fresh stuff. This may just be me subjectively affecting the result, but it may make sense if one of the amides is losing activity (the "more psychedelic" ones), while others aren't.

Freezing has a downside of the process of freeze/thaw on "delicate" compounds.
Honey Honey Honey !!!

Everyone forgets about honey :)

And cool dark place yes, it will preserve for years.

I love LSA too !
GOD a dit:
If you didnt extract the seeds did you eat them ? If you do an extraction your going to get a mixed extraction so why not just use water in the first place ?

with water ? You mean eating the seeds with water ? That's what i've been doing in the past years. When I think about douches -the kind who play football and think Transformers is a film of finest quality- well douches who build up a whole pride about drinking loads of alcohol, i wish they know how badly gross drinking ipomeas seeds is.
However, i've never puked or sharted my pants with LSA, i may be lucky.
Recently i've introduced a friend to the magical seeds. He puked his bowels out, then he said "never, never again". 2 weeks later, he gave it another shot, then he puked, then "never, never again".
So we decided to extract the LSA from the seeds.

Pariah a dit:
I suggest the fridge, because in the past I would store at room temperature, and I did notice over time (a couple of months between each trip), that the experience was more of a bodily feeling, than the visuals and distortions I got from the fresh stuff. This may just be me subjectively affecting the result, but it may make sense if one of the amides is losing activity (the "more psychedelic" ones), while others aren't.

Freezing has a downside of the process of freeze/thaw on "delicate" compounds.

I've also noticed drinking infusions of LSA with lemon juice might speed up the effects. But i could be my imagination.
THough i'm quite radical about HBWR. The effects differs from 'regular' ipomeas seeds. With HBWR the trip is more intellectual/philosophical, whereas with ipomeas it's more physical/visual/emotional. Might be like weed.

I've asked on a scientific forum if freezing LSA (-0°C) is a good thing to do. I'll let you know.
No i ment powdering the seeds and making a cold water extract then filtering the mass off and drinking the water . Thats the traditional way of doing it and the main nasty ingredient doesnt come over in the water
Cold water. Are you serious ? How can you achieve to disolve lsa with cold water. Usually it needs to be hot. That's what i did, after having powdered the seeds of course. Then filter, then add some lemon juice, and a hint of sugar. Drink, and be a man son.
But I used to eat the most of powdered seeds i can. So why use an infusion ? Because it quicken up the effects. :mrgreen:
Thats the traditional way of doing it and the main nasty ingredient doesnt come over in the water . Eating the powder that contains the main nasty ingredient is probably why you didnt feel optimal .
hello everybody.
I'm currently trying to extract LSA from Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds. I followed these steps :

1 : grind 50 grams of MG seeds.
2 : put them in a non-polar solvant : i've choosed naphta aka fluid for lighters.
3 : wait for 3 days
4 : kick out the naphta, keep the seeds
5 : add alcohol (ethanol 95%)
6 : wait for three days
7 : pour alcohol into a plate :
8 : wait until it's evaporated.

What i got is a brown gum (i was expecting a yellow stuff), wading into a oily liquid.
What is this liquid ?
I've got two hypothesis about that :
-It's naphta residue. Indeed, I didn't wash my seeds with water between step 4 and step 5.
-It's alcohol residue. I don't know how is the law abroad, but here in France you cannot sell alcohol(95%) just like that : you have to add stuff into it which will prevent drunkards from drinking it : we call this denatured alcohol. However I phoned the technical director of the company which sells the alcohol : he told me all the things they add to the ethanol are volatil.

So really i don't know what to do. Did I do the thing in the proper way ? Or is it just a waste of ipoema seeds ? [/list]
don't worry, its what your looking for *, I get a brown gum, and it works a treat, although I extract HBWR.

I assume you let the naptha evaporate till the seeds were bone dry - crushing the seeds further at this point can help with evaporation and extraction.

I'm concerned about your use of denatured alcohol, its not really good practice, especially when there are better alternatives, you can use a drying agent on vodka, or be patient with evaporation and use 40% vodka on its own.

The drying agent thing is less complicated than you might think - browse through the LSA threads, and you'll find one on drying, as well as plenty of other useful info.

*[Edit]: Typo
I think the answer to my question is there : http://nepenthes.lycaeum.org/Extraction/naptha.html

the majority of the lighter fluid evaporated in the first five hours, now at twenty hours there is a gummy/oily residue in the bottom of the pan that is not evaporating... I believe that this is a fraction of less volatile hydrocarbons in the mixture, and quite frankly I dont know if it is ever going to evaporate.

Bear in mind that I am verrrry cautious when discussing what you can and should not ingest, but my personal opinion is that this crap would be harmless if ingested orally

next time, i'll wash my seeds before putting them into alcohol.
I think the guy in the quote is making things more complicated than they need to be.

use the glass test - a drop on a clean glass surface - dry with no residue = safe.

I don't think naptha is a problem, infact I think you've succeeded in your extraction, my only real concern is the use of denatured alcohol - did you get a list of "ingredients" of the denatured alcohol? most are "just" 10% methanol, but you said it was 95% ethanol...
the alcohol i used is made up of :

ethanol = 95%
methanol = between 1 and 5%
other chemicals which can be in this list :

  • Acetaldehyde
    Acetone N F
    Almond oil, bitter N F
    Ammonia. aqueous
    Anethole U S P
    Anise oil U S P
    Bay oil (myrcia oil) N F
    Benzaldehyde N F
    Bergamot oil N F
    Bone oil (apples oil)
    Bonc acid U S P
    Brucine alkaloid
    Brucine sulfale N F IX
    n-Butyl alcohol S D A 44
    ten-Butyl alcohol S D A 39. 39-A 39-8. 40,40-A. 40-8
    Camphor U.S.P. S D.A 27, 27-A. 38-8
    Caustic soda, liquid S.D A. 36
    Cedar leaf oil U.S.P. Xlll S.D.A. 38-8
    Chloroform S.D.A. 20
    Chlorothymol N.F. S.D.A. 38-8; 38-F
    Cinchonidine S.D.A. 39-A
    Cinchonidine sulfate N.F. IX S.D.A. 39-A
    Cinnamic aldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) N.F. IX S.D.A. 38-8
    Cinnamon oil (cassia oil) U.S.P. S.D.A. 38-8
    Citronella oil, natural S.D.A. 38-8
    Clove oil U.S.P. S.D.A. 27-A; 38-0
    Coal tar U.S.P. S.D.A. 38-8
    Denatonium benzoate N F. (Bitrex) S.D.A. 1.40-8
    Diethyl phthalate S.D.A. 39-8; 39-C
    Ethvl acetate
    Ethyl ether
    Eucalvotus oil N.F
    Eucalyptol U.S.P.
    Eugeibl U S.P.
    Formaldehyde solution U.S.P. S.D.A. 22; 38-C; 38-D
    Gasoline C D A 18. 19. 20, S D A 28-A
    Glycerol U S P S D A 31-A
    Guaiacol N F S D A 38-8
    Iodine U S P S D A 25 25-A
    Kerosene C.D.A. 18; 19: 20
    Lavender oil U.S.P. S.D A. 27-8; 38-8
    Mercuric iodide, red N.F. S.D.A. 42
    Methyl alcohol S.D.A. 3-A; 30
    Methylene blue N.F. S.D.A. 4
    Menthol U.S.P. S.D.A 37; 38-8; 38-C; 38-D; 38-F
    Methyl isobutyl ketone C D A 18.19,SDA 1 , S D A 23-H
    Methyl normal-butyl ketone C D A 18,19,SDA 1
    Methyl violet (methylrosaniline chloride) S D A 33
    Methyl violet (methylrosaniline chloride) U S P S D A 33
    Mustard oil volatile (allyl isothiocyanate) U S P XI1 S D A
    Nicotine solution
    Peppermint oil U S P
    Phenol U S P
    Phenyl mercuric benzoate
    Phenyl mercunc chlonde N F IX
    Phenyl mercuric nitrate N F
    Phenyl salicylate (salol) N F
    Pine needle oil dwarf N F
    Pine oil N F
    Pine tar N F
    Polysorbate 80 U S P
    Potassium iodide U S P
    Pyridine bases
    Quassia, fluid extract of N F VI1
    Quinine N F
    Quinine bisulfate N F
    Quinine hydrochloride U S P
    Ouinine sulfate U S P
    Resorcin U.S.P.
    Rosemary oil N.F.
    Rubber hydrocarbon solvent
    Salicylic acid U S P
    Shellac (refined)
    Soap, hard N F
    Soap, medicinal soft U S P
    Sodium iodide U S P
    Sodium, metallic
    Sodium salicylate U S P
    Spearmint oil N F
    Spearmint oil terpeneless
    Spike lavender oil, natural
    Storax U S P
    Sucrose octa-acetate
    Thimerosal N F
    Thyme oil N F
    Thymol N F
    Tolu balsam U S P
    Turpentine oil N F
    Wintergreen (Methyl salicylate) U S P

I asked on a scientific forum if those "other chemicals" are volatil. Someone answered me they are, because they are (I'm not a chemist at all) azeotropes, which means you can't separate them from alcohol by distillation.

Hence the use of denatured alcohol must be safe.

50 grams of seeds.
50/2 because i expect to lose 50% in the process
25/3 = 8 grams.
Hence i've chosen to eat a third of the gum i got.

will post in a few hours