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Liste RdR des shops de RC

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Tridimensionnel a dit:
Ouais ben évite de faire des suppositions sur mes intentions stp, j’ai juste pas compris ton message qui était très confus ^^

Si on ne donne pas les liens de shop c’est en grande partie pck au niveau légal ça ne passerait pas (me semble). Puisque ce serait assimilé à de l’incitation à la consommation. Mais que d’autres sites le fassent, je pense pas que ça implique notre responsabilité.

Bien, bien ... Mes suppositions semblent être validées par ta réponse :
"....Mais que d’autres sites le fassent, je pense pas que ça implique notre responsabilité."

Un peu quand même..De liens en liens se construit le chemin menant vers l'atome.

@Tridi ; je suis désolé de ma 1ère réponse confuse qui ne voulait pas personnellement te faire affront. Car j'aime ce forum. Psychonaut.fr, de part sa charte dont les règles sont pleinement assumées et suivies de près par les gens qui les dictent.
J'ai souvent été remis en cause par ici et même si sur l'instant ça pique je me rends compte que d'autres rubriques existent , foisonnant d'infos sur toutes les drogues et si l'envie me vient d'expérimenter je m'en vais chasser la belette sur la toile (ou en mp .... hypocrite mais rersponsable ;) )

Tridimensionnel a dit:
Non mais tu fais bien de mentionner ce risque.
Un autre truc m’a dérangé, les tests de batch semblent faits par la personne elle-même (par voie naturelle :p). Ça me semble léger pour discerner la fiabilité d’un shop.

Ouais c'est kiki qui a testé les trois produits di mierda. Si ça te semble léger pour discerner la fiabilité d'un site, pour ma part c'est du lourd niveau arnaque. A 43 piges j'ai un test du marquis intégré dans le pif, c'est peut-être scientifiquement inexplicable mais allez faire gouter un costière de Nimes à un vigneron de Gigondas, il vous vous dira la même en patois fada!!
Pour ceux qui douteraient allez passer commande sur..... (hypocrite mais intègre)

edit 11/06/2020 : "In vino veritas"? J'espère que non... Un peu niais quand je poste en étant murgé. Scusi ;)
Première commande de ch*****ud.nl bien reçue.

Je redescends doucement d'une mini dose de leur 2-FDCK et franchement pour l'instant j'apprécie, la qualité semble bonne là comme ça, l'effet disso light est là, c'est clean et se différencie peu de la DCK 10mg à ce dosage (env 45mg). La musique bien augmentée même certains morceaux électro meilleurs qu'avec d'autres dissos je trouve.

Souci, je n'ai ni test in vitro à portée ni goûté moi-même de 2-FDCK au par avant, donc pas de moyen de comparaison.

Sur les trois prods achetés seule la 3-MMC pourrait être évaluée de la sorte, et je ne compte absolument pas l'approcher à moins d'un mètre sans contexte festif (déjà qu'en stoquer chez moi est en soi une transgression à mes limites, toujours repoussées avec cette vicieuse). Donc je la testerais surement dans... heu, longtemps^^"
j'osais pas le dire mais le site tres connue en 8 qui est afficher sur ton lien comme légit ne l'est pas pour tout les produits!

je ne suis plus dans les rc mais comme je me suis interresser dernièrement à ce cite, celui en 8.

Je suis désolé d'écrire à nouveau en anglais.

I compliled the list of European shops on my own. I started this website to discriminate scammers that steal your money against real shops that DO ship. 

Of course, things turned out to be more complicated, than I would have expected. To give an example: I even listed two shops both as "trustworthy" and as "better avoid" - at the same time - because I don't know what to really think of them.

Shop number 8 from Southern Europe has never let me down and offers the probably best batch of a-PCyP available anywhere. They are rather expensive and I haven't tested all their products of course. To me, they still are one of the better shops around. 

If you order with them and do not like their products, you probably won't order from them again. But if you sent them money and received nothing in return, if you have fallen for a scammer, I would says this was worse.

The shop descriptions should help to learn about a shop, to get to know the shops. For now, I just mentioned the first things that came to my mind. There is definitely room for improvement there, I agree.

[quote = "Morning Glory" pid = '610093' dateline = '1590427390']

Hi, thanks for the presentation! It's already clearer.

May I ask:

Do you test the compounds of vendors chemically to assess their quality, or do you use only reviews to know if the substance is what it's meant to be?

And as Tridimentionnel asked in french before, why facilitate people to access codes for a site you desaprouve and who's suspected to scam customers more and more? (no judgment here, I'm just trying to understand)

Anyway, congrats for your work! ^^
[/ quote]

Dear Morning Glory,

I am sorry to write again in English.

  • I do not have the products tested at any lab or th e likes.
  • I stopped reading reviews y ears ago. I stick to describing substances I either know or such I could compare to one of its analogues or parent / mother-substances.
    Testing Research Chemicals does not nearly work as well as testing established drugs. Also, we do not know anything about Reserach Chemicals and their side-effects. If you read Harm Reduction folders or websites published by professionals, they all warn against taking Research Chemicals. Because no one knows about their long-term side-effects. They are considered so toxic, that "real" drugs are being tested for their purity. If these contain cheap Research Chemicals, warnings are being published (!!!) to not to take this "real" drug. So If I decide to go with Research Chemicals, what difference would it make? x-CMC is neurotoxic, BTCP is so deadly that animal tests with lab rats had been stopped and the substance had never been tested on Human beings until this year when RC shops started selling it.Would it make you happy, if you knew that the poison you ordered was delivered correctly? I assume that a third of substances are not clean or mislabelled. Shops keep selling products under established names for many years, altough the substance might be a new one, a different one from batch to batch, multiple times a year. Maybe try this simple math test: Count how many substances have been around for already 8 or more years. Now see page 177 of this document: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/12078/20192630_TD0319332ENN_PDF.pdf It clearly states that about 50 new substances are discovered in RC shops every year in Europe alone. The substance you hold in your hands now could be a unique substance that will never ever be produced a second time. I promise I will get in touch with social workers and professionals in the field of NPS and will hopefully be able to publish an interview or an article on this matter by the end of the year. I am curious how this works myself. PS: Testing would have been a good idea, I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! Last, not least: Thank you for your kind words :-)

Regarding t ** c: 

  • I saw a problem (people looking for invitation codes) and I solved it. I didn't think that this would be advertisement for the shop that time. I wanted to de-mystify this invitation-only thing, I saw forum members selling invite codes, it was ridicolous. I hope that if you google for such an invitation code, my page might make it into the top 10 on Google someday. My intention was to help. I didn't think further. I am new to WordPress and was wondering if I could build such a form, that's it.

  • If I had seen anyone providing proof for having gottten scammed by them, I would delete the page. Proof would be: Invoice, Payment accepted, but order was never shipped. If you order via track & trace, no one will scam you. If you had any proof, please send me links, I'll have a look at it.

[quote = "PSYCHOCRACK" pid = '609458' dateline = '1588237568']
Just give me some directions? Could lead me to come across a site called "non-scam" [/ quote]


here is!

if you want to check the reliability of a site you have to trustpilot, if there is 4 or 5 star it does not mean anything must peel the comments which come from false client "sometimes"

false customers who completely decend the shop while it is reliable or the reverse!

test with sxxxxy a head shop result comments to shit while for me the shop is super reliable ........

if not there is your dick and your knife, re-editing having reduced to nothing these tread on the subject

safe or scam having disappeared!
[/ quote]

  • Many shops promise their customers a 10 Euros voucher for a positive review. 
  • Many customers immediately write a review, even before their order has arrived.
  • 50% of my personal reviews have been flagged by shop owners and been later deleted by TrustPilot, I tried with two different accounts / IPs / web browsers ...
Morning Glory a dit:

Hi, thanks for the presentation! It's already clearer.

May I ask:

Do you test the compounds of vendors chemically to assess their quality, or do you use only reviews to know if the substance is what it's meant to be?

And as Tridimentionnel asked in french before, why facilitate people to access codes for a site you desaprouve and who's suspected to scam customers more and more? (no jugement here, I'm just trying to understand)

Anyway, congrats for your work!^^

Dear Morning Glory,

I am sorry to write again in English.

I do not have the products tested at any lab or th e likes.

I stopped reading reviews y ears ago. I stick to describing substances I either know or such I could compare to one of its analogues or parent / mother-substances.
Testing Research Chemicals does not nearly work as well as testing established drugs. Also, we do not know anything about Reserach Chemicals and their side-effects. If you read Harm Reduction folders or websites published by professionals, they all warn against taking Research Chemicals. Because no one knows about their long-term side-effects. They are considered so toxic, that "real" drugs are being tested for their purity. If these contain cheap Research Chemicals, warnings are being published (!!!) to not to take this "real" drug. So If I decide to go with Research Chemicals, what difference would it make? x-CMC is neurotoxic, BTCP is so deadly that animal tests with lab rats had been stopped and the substance had never been tested on Human beings until this year when RC shops started selling it.Would it make you happy, if you knew that the poison you ordered was delivered correctly? I assume that a third of substances are not clean or mislabelled. Shops keep selling products under established names for many years, altough the substance might be a new one, a different one from batch to batch, multiple times a year. Maybe try this simple math test: Count how many substances have been around for already 8 or more years. Now see page 177 of this document: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/12078/20192630_TD0319332ENN_PDF.pdf It clearly states that about 50 new substances are discovered in RC shops every year in Europe alone. The substance you hold in your hands now could be a unique substance that will never ever be produced a second time. I promise I will get in touch with social workers and professionals in the field of NPS and will hopefully be able to publish an interview or an article on this matter by the end of the year. I am curious how this works myself. PS: Testing would have been a good idea, I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I will remember your post and will have substances tested that seem weird to me. So far, all substances met my expectations, there was only one procuct so far, that probably was not what it should have been. I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! Last, not least: Thank you for your kind words :-) thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! Last, not least: Thank you for your kind words :-) thank you for this great idea! --- I placed an order of 4F-MPH with Dutch web shop cry ******** s and they most porbably sold me PV4 for 4F-MPH. Next time, I receive a quesionable substance, I will let it have tested, thank you for this great idea! Last, not least: Thank you for your kind words :-)

Regarding t ** c:

I saw a problem (people looking for invitation codes) and I solved it. I didn't think that this would be advertisement for the shop that time. I wanted to de-mystify this invitation-only thing, I saw forum members selling invite codes, it was ridicolous. I hope that if you google for such an invitation code, my page might make it into the top 10 on Google someday. My intention was to help. I didn't think further. I am new to WordPress and was wondering if I could build such a form, that's it.

If I had seen anyone providing proof for having gottten scammed by them, I would delete the page. Proof would be: Invoice, Payment accepted, but order was never shipped. If you order via track & trace, no one will scam you. If you had any proof, please send me links, I'll have a look at it.
Morning Glory a dit:

Hi, thanks for the presentation! It's already clearer.

May I ask:

Do you test the compounds of vendors chemically to assess their quality, or do you use only reviews to know if the substance is what it's meant to be?

And as Tridimentionnel asked in french before, why facilitate people to access codes for a site you desaprouve and who's suspected to scam customers more and more? (no jugement here, I'm just trying to understand)

Anyway, congrats for your work!^^

Dear Morning Glory,

I am sorry to write again in English.

I do not have the products tested at any lab or the likes.

I stopped reading reviews y ears ago. I stick to describing substances I either know or such I could compare to one of its analogues or parent / mother-substances.

If you read Harm Reduction folders or websites published by professionals, they all warn against taking Research Chemicals. Because no one knows about their long-term side-effects. They are considered so toxic, that "real" drugs are being tested for their purity. If these contain cheap Research Chemicals, warnings are being issued (!!!) to not to take this "real" drug.

So If I decide to go with Research Chemicals, what difference would it make? x-CMC is neurotoxic, BTCP is so deadly that animal tests with lab rats had been stopped and the substance had never been tested on Human beings until this year when RC shops started selling it.Would it make you happy, if you knew that the poison you ordered was delivered correctly?

I assume that a third of substances are not clean or mislabelled. Shops keep selling products under established names for many years, altough the substance might be a new one, a different one from batch to batch, multiple times a year. Maybe try this simple math test: Count how many substances have been around for already 8 or more years. Now see page 177 of this document: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/12078/20192630_TD0319332ENN_PDF.pdf It clearly states that about 50 new substances are discovered in RC shops every year in Europe alone. The substance you hold in your hands now could be a unique substance that will never ever be produced a second time. I promise I will get in touch with social workers and professionals in the field of NPS and will hopefully be able to publish an interview or an article on this matter by the end of the year. I am curious how this works myself.

Testing would have been a good idea, I will remember your post and in the future will have substances tested that seem weird to me.

Thank you for your feedback and for your kind words :-)

Cookies a dit:
Effectivement, j'avais pas check le site, c'est plus que limite comme site et l'information et trèspeu qualitative, je me permet d'edit.

Bonjour Cookies,

Je suis désolé d'écrire à nouveau en anglais.

I do graphics, words, photos, content managing and programming - mostly on my own - and it is exhausting.

Regarding the oh so low quality: Have a look at the latest shop review, it describes the Polish RC Scene, how it has evolved and how they were being copied by the Brits and later by the Dutch.

I have already prepared investigative articles as well, I spent days with researching and spent money to get ahold of official documents. The companies involved started almost crying when I confronted them with my findings. I will publish these texts, but I need to rewrite them.

Please be assured that my goal is not to publish a hundred shop reviews, but to look behind the curtains of this business, as far as they let me in. Problem here is, most of them stick together, they are like the Mafia actually, their own police minster said they were acting like tough criminals and involved in crimes like money laundering. Which - according to my investigation - is indeed true.

I will publish these articles, but I need to rethink them, most research chemical vendors and wholesalers are small crooks and swindelers, and some are really dumb, but often friendly. They don't even think of themselves as criminals, and their money carousel is so well done, they work for the company, but the company has no people working for them. Somewhere the money disappears. They won't tell me their names under any condition. Of course they won't tell me who really owns them, could be moneymakers from China or Brits. It's difficult, I won't solve the puzzle, but give impressions without hurting their feelings.

PS: The only reason why the page is already online - altough I am still working on Layout improvments and need to finish the Canadian Shop List - is because I decided to go with Wordpress As A Service and this service is super fast, but lacks many basic features. To give you an example: I write CSS but as long as the shop is "in private modus", I cannot test my work, the internal preview simply irgnores my CSS code, I cannot work blindly, so I made the constrution site public, I had no other choice.

If a French online forum and a Facebook group already found the link it shows me that I am filling a void. There has never been anything similar to RC***ne.

I would be happy If you would like to share your ideas on how to improve the quality of the website. Contact me or post here (better contact me, actually), for the next four months I am booked, however, if you had an idea that sounds fun, I will try my best to put that fun online ;-)

Hey, i'm so sorry for the quality thing, I was exhausted this day, i checked the website a bit too fast and it was harsh. i should not have said that.

I don't want to spit on your work, far from this. The thing is, we can't allow to publish website that facilitate acces to rcshop, in france. Either legally, as we could get shut down for this. Also, this forum used to have problem with people asking acces to all kind of RCshop all the time.

About the quality thing, what i meant, is that the information is to be taken with trust just about how you feel with the drugs, and as you said, what you recieve may not be what you get.

Here we emphasize that it is not possible to identify a substance simply by self testing it. We try to encourage at least the use of test kits, or at best to go through a laboratory.

However, even if a site like yours can't appear on the forum, I would like to help you improve your protocols and give you a hand with some things if you wish. Right now I'm pretty busy, but I think it might be of interest to some people here aswell.
Good morning,

No offense taken! I just wanted to clarify that, yes, I did start with the list and the reviews and the warnings, but that I'll be damned if I was too lazy to work on more elaborate articles in the near future ;-)

I am open for critique, ideas and grateful for every helping hand. Looking forward to hearing from you, dear psychonaut folks!

Have a happy day :))
Morning Glory a dit:
Première commande de ch*****ud.nl bien reçue.

Je redescends doucement d'une mini dose de leur 2-FDCK et franchement pour l'instant j'apprécie, la qualité semble bonne là comme ça, l'effet disso light est là, c'est clean et se différencie peu de la DCK 10mg à ce dosage (env 45mg). La musique bien augmentée même certains morceaux électro meilleurs qu'avec d'autres dissos je trouve.

Souci, je n'ai ni test in vitro à portée ni goûté moi-même de 2-FDCK au par avant, donc pas de moyen de comparaison.

Sur les trois prods achetés seule la 3-MMC pourrait être évaluée de la sorte, et je ne compte absolument pas l'approcher à moins d'un mètre sans contexte festif (déjà qu'en stoquer chez moi est en soi une transgression à mes limites, toujours repoussées avec cette vicieuse). Donc je la testerais surement dans... heu, longtemps^^"

Leur etizolam en poudre semble pas mal, il correspond à l'idée que je m'en faisais, entre l'alpra et le clona, avec quelques petites composantes me rappellant le gbl, et un effet dopaminergique probable comme moins downer et plus lucide que l'alpra et clona, et les cinq sens provoquant caractéréstiquement un plaisir très légèrement augmenté. C'est assez doux, sans pour autant avoir la chaleur envelloppante des poppys.
Par contre à 1.5-2mg c'est étonnament très léger, mais je commence à avoir une bonne tolérance aux diazepines et ma dilu volu a été un peu approximative, potentiellement un peu plus diluée que prévu donc je ne crierais pas aux produits de coupe ou à la mauvaise qualité en l'état, c'est juste que j'en sais rien.
Good morning,

No offense taken! I just wanted to clarify that, yes, I did start with the list and the reviews and the warnings, but that I'll be damned if I was too lazy to work on more elaborate articles in the near future ;-)

I am open for critique, ideas and grateful for every helping hand. Looking forward to hearing from you, dear psychonaut folks!

Have a happy day :))

If you want, i can help you set up some identification tests protocol with reagent testing, it's not the most accurate way to test a substance, but it's better than nothing and fairly cheap ;)
Cookies a dit:
If you want, i can help you set up some identification tests protocol with reagent testing, it's not the most accurate way to test a substance, but it's better than nothing and fairly cheap ;)

I will read about the accuracy of testing kits, but I will only seek the lab in case a substance seems not to be as expected. I should have done that already, but I feel a bit uncomfortable going to the drug treatment center having something tested, to be honest.

The only time I ever had had a pill tested was for a friend at a music festival, but I was so dizzy that I ate the thing on the way out, that must have been 2005 or so ;-)

By the way, the US DEA could not identify 94 substances they had seized last year please see page 3 here: https://ndews.umd.edu/sites/ndews.umd.edu/files/DEA-Emerging-Threat-Report-2019-Annual.pdf

To my best knowledge, these modern analogues are so exotic that a simple home testing kit gets confused at best ;-)

I have a backlog of about 7 or so articles which still need to be written, and I have not performed any tests on these ones, but I bookmarked this page and will get back to you.

PS: It's really a shame that I do not speak French, you forum seems way more friendly and beautiful (I especially like the graphic on top of the page) than other forums who just want to make money and that by any means. In case you wanted to switch from your French web host to an offshore host or to the USA: A forum called dbg knows no rules and makes about 5,000 USD each month... Just an idea ;-D

^_^ But how can forum about illegal substances on clearweb can make money? No advertiser would sponsor it?

Bon il se pourraiiit que j'aie testé la 3 de ch*****ud.nl sans teuf, at home, épic fail >.< Je suis pas montée dans les doses, inutile avec un tel s&s mais jusqu'à 60mg dans le pif ou en plug franchement elle me semble bonne! J'aurais dû la faire tester en labo avec l'ocy mais j'ai complètement oublié^^" Beaucoup trop sur ma planète lointaine scusez, la prochaine fois sera la bonne.

Par contre leur 4f-mph que je viens de recevoir, wtf, il m'a fait un effet chelou, j'étais encore moins sociable que d'hab, encore plus dans ma bulle et pas de meilleure concentration ni même de peps, en fait j'ai... piqué du nez!! Mais même pas d'une façon agréable je me suis juste sentie fatiguée, endormie, je sais pas si c'est moi qui y réagis mal ou si y a un problème avec le batch mais... beurk. Si j'avais su j'en aurais moins commandé^^"
GingerPotato1 a dit:
Je vais ajouté mes expérience aussi dans ce cas

Alors : re*****ms.com Ok récemment commander chez eux produit testé (reagent test) tout est positif
           re****co.to Pareil tout est ok produit bien testé possitif au attente (le vendeur a offert des "free sample")

GingerPotato1 a dit:
Je vais ajouté mes expérience aussi dans ce cas

Alors : re*****ms.com Ok récemment commander chez eux produit testé (reagent test) tout est positif
           re****co.to Pareil tout est ok produit bien testé possitif au attente (le vendeur a offert des "free sample")
Je confirme car je pense savoir de quel RC shop il s'agit,perso j'ai commandé pour la première fois en utilisant par dessus tout leur flat rate a 4,99€ sans aucune assurance sur le produit sélectionné en cas de défaut de livraison et sans le moindre traçage postal du pli, et mon enveloppe brune, sans aucune référence à la société, m'est arrivée des pays bas en 7 jours chrono avec le 14juillet et un weekend inclus ? par bateau et air postal,le facteur a reçu des consignes pour dropper l'enveloppe dans la fente et d'éviter tout contact humain de toute façon.Jai pour une première transaction que j'imaginais presque vouée a l'échec,ou très lente, reçu ma commande de 2grs de 3mmc et 250mg de 3meoxopce qui puait véritablement le réglisse synthé a plein nez même avant d'ouvrir l'enveloppe, sérieux ? Et je suis pour l'instant très heureux des cristaux de 3mmc reçus,très fine qualité je suppose vu les deux belles journées que je viens de passer avec seulement 0,7gr.Pour conclure mon premier post je [ne fais pas l'apologie de substances sur le forum ;-) -xyzt_].
Auriez-vous d'éventuels retours sur re******s.com par rapport à leur ALD ?
moi a dit:
Par contre leur 4f-mph que je viens de recevoir, wtf, il m'a fait un effet chelou, j'étais encore moins sociable que d'hab, encore plus dans ma bulle et pas de meilleure concentration ni même de peps, en fait j'ai... piqué du nez!! Mais même pas d'une façon agréable je me suis juste sentie fatiguée, endormie, je sais pas si c'est moi qui y réagis mal ou si y a un problème avec le batch mais... beurk. Si j'avais su j'en aurais moins commandé^^"
Je sous dosais en fait. Je pensais que 10-15mg seraient très (trop) stimulants pour un usage fonctionnel mais là, non à ce dosage j'obtiens les effets escomptés, stimulation vraiment douce et clean, antidep.
Du coup je me pose quand même la question de la pureté mais c'est peut être aussi juste moi qui aie surestimé la puissance du prod.
Je le ferais tester anyway.
Morning Glory a dit:
moi a dit:
Par contre leur 4f-mph que je viens de recevoir, wtf, il m'a fait un effet chelou, j'étais encore moins sociable que d'hab, encore plus dans ma bulle et pas de meilleure concentration ni même de peps, en fait j'ai... piqué du nez!! Mais même pas d'une façon agréable je me suis juste sentie fatiguée, endormie, je sais pas si c'est moi qui y réagis mal ou si y a un problème avec le batch mais... beurk. Si j'avais su j'en aurais moins commandé^^"
Je sous dosais en fait. Je pensais que 10-15mg seraient très (trop) stimulants pour un usage fonctionnel mais là, non à ce dosage j'obtiens les effets escomptés, stimulation vraiment douce et clean, antidep.
Du coup je me pose quand même la question de la pureté mais c'est peut être aussi juste moi qui aie surestimé la puissance du prod.
Je le ferais tester anyway.

J'ai eu des batchs hyperactifs , sans mauvais jeux de mots , et d'autres beaucoup moins .... , 

Il y a pas deux isomères en fin de synthèse , pour cette molécule , contrairement au peps (dextro/levo-amph) , mais 4 ....  et seul un est réellement actif , le thréo .. ;) 

Je pense que ça doit être du à une différence du taux d'isomères, d'un batch à l'autre .... , et ensuite , au sérieux du shop ....

Des nouvelles de Gr...............eu.com

Achat de :

- 1P-LSD : aucun soucis j'en ai eu pour mon argent

- DPT : très déçu, déjà en recevant le paquet j'ai remarqué que la poudre formée des petits cailloux tel des grumeaux comme si le produit avait été stocké dans un endroit humide. Premier essai à 150mg et 100mg Harmaline HCL et juste un petit effet extrêmement léger. J'ai réessayé 1 mois plus tard avec les 350mg restant et en mettant aussi la dose sur l'Harmaline. 2 heures plus tard très déçu j'ai pris 200µ de 1P-LSD et là Ok je suis partie très très loin.

Ce DPT devait être périmé ou avait été très mal stocké... Je ne sais pas trop... Mais l'Harmaline ne peu pas être en cause, je l'ai déjà utilisé et elle fait le taf en plus à 350mg de DPT seul j'aurais déjà du ressentir des effet appréciables.

Je réessayerai avec eux, car c’était peut être une fin de stock, mais on était très loin de la qualité de mes trois précédents achats de cette substance sur ce site.
[quote = "Morning Glory" pid = '611180' dateline = '1595088220']
^ _ ^ But how can forum about illegal substances on clearweb can make money? No advertiser would sponsor it?
[/ quote]


Good question!

Actually, I never in my life did anything for money.

I have millions of views on YouTube, payout would be around 1,000 - 2,000 USD, but I always opted out of advertising everywhere. I do not want to see any ads myself, so of course I will not display ads anywhere.

Regarding RC-Sc-- e, the most comprehensive, completely free, only independent and only reliable - because only honest website of its kind on the whole internet:  

I actually do receive emails from visitors who wan t donate and from shops who would like to advertise. 

I cannot have shop s advertising. 

We are almost four months old now and will probably make 18,000 page impressions this month. I receive hundreds of emails every month, visitors are asking or complaining about shops and I try to help as good as I can. Some want to say thank you, and in the future I will allow visitors to make donations of 2 USD. 

If someone wants to talk to me for hours (I was recently asked for advice even by a huge company who have been in the industry for more than 10 years already) I will in the future ask for a donation of maybe 100 USD per hours. That is our internal calculation for a working hour of mine at work. Maybe, I will ask rather for 50, I do not know yet, but I will take donations since the costs really are a burden for me.


The substances are  not illegal. Maybe in France, but I have the OKAY by WordPress.com to describe this research chemicals subculture as long as I do not sell anything. Also, I may not display Google Ads, because of their family friendly guideline, which I do understand. If I had more money, I would sure find some ad network that would pay out a couple of Euros each months, but WordPress.com becomes pretty expensive If you want to be able to edit templates or programm something.

Other journalists do stories about heroin addicts, the mafia, or even the Catholic church. The things are all real, I am just portraying one of them. Often times I would be criticizing things but it should also become a homage to these unusual scene. 

I need to do this now, I don't know if you are aware of planned EU laws and the planned Dutch blanket ban, but the party might soon be over.

Meanwhile, I do not need to introduce myself anymore and the last 2 shops I asked if they would support us in any way even offered products for free (!), which I am super thankful for. 

A registered company would usually be happy that someone wants to portrait them. We do outstanding photos and reviews, I try to tell a story that goes beyond a useless shop review like you can find - no offense - in any forum.

While creating the page, I was afraid I could not afford it. Webspace, Plugins, Adobe Cloud, and paying for orders was too much, to be honest. If I would not do so well with Google and Facebook, I could not afford a store review every month. Some shops still ignore me or want in some way influence what I will be writing about, talking to such is useless. But some seem to like us.  

At the moment, however, it looks like donations could pay for one year of web hosting. I am slightly optimistic.


Kind regards!