Volgende psychonauten meeting op een bewolkte dag in de Efteling?
Even weer over D.M.Turner en ketamine, ik kwam net de volgende tekst tegen:
The sad circumstances regarding his demise, however, have cast a foreboding shadow over some of his more intrepid adventures, and unfortunately have turned a hero's story into a cautionary tale. On or about December 31, 1996, Turner prepared for another voyage, presumably to celebrate the coming of the new year. Sadly, it was to be his last. Shortly thereafter he was found dead, drowned in his bathtub, with a vial of ketamine nearby. It seems likely that he either slid beneath the waterline while under its effects, or slipped, fell, and hit his head upon arising afterwards, leaving himself unconscious to drown in several inches of water. In light of Turner's glowing praise for ketamine in this book, how exactly is the reader supposed to view the fact that it seems to have played at least a supporting role in his passing? My own favorite interpretation is from an anonymous friend's recollection of Turner in the Summer 1997 issue of The Resonance Project:
"Mr. Turner was in the process of revising his Essential Psychedelic Guide, but as the changes may never come to light, it should be stated that his opinion of ketamine had changed considerably. He was sensitive to safety issues, and was increasingly troubled by what he called the 'psychedelic heroin' properties of ketamine. He confided in friends that DMT, which he considered his most helpful ally, had a difficult time counteracting the addictive and increasingly life-negative effects of this drug. DMT conveyed to him that ketamine was a sort of 'Frankenstein molecule' that didn't obey the shamanic rules, and he was given several warnings to drop it from his program. Ultimately, his failure to completely do so led to his untimely passing."
Whether or not one entirely agrees with the preceding quote, I believe that it offers the most useful perspective from which to learn from the great loss that the psychedelic community suffered on New Year's Eve 1997. If nothing else, I hope that Turner's death inspires us all to be just a little more careful when surfing the cosmic jetstream. Indeed, if only he had a sitter nearby on his final voyage, he might still be among the living. Also, I would hope that this tragedy might teach us to more fully listen to our personal intuition's guidance as regards these powerful tools, using it as a balance by which to gauge the veracity of what the materials themselves may tell us in one of their capricious moods. During the thirty-four years he spent in his incarnation as D.M. Turner, he touched innumerable lives with his warmth, wisdom, honesty, courage, and kindness. And thankfully, he has left us with a rich and impressive legacy. Enjoy...
I finished reading the Lazy Man's Guide To Enlightenment today! I'm so lazy, it took me weeks! But I got a mushroom trip coming up tomorrow, so felt like preparing myself a bit.
O ja, Nederlands...